
things to come. changing agriculture.

hello and welcome.
this is important...
we present some information about waste and food...
and information we found at proplanta.de


and here is some additional information... 

Unnötiger Welthunger
Permaculture Plant Index | Temperate Climate Permaculture
Insekten könnten auch unser neues Fleisch werden
Grille Royal - So isst die Zukunft
and here are some videos I picked from youtube...

ideas worth living. permacredits.

hello and welcome.
here is some proposal. a fine idea.
try to find out whats going on there,
read their actual entry in their blog.

here is what we have.



videos. permaculture. basics and example.

hello and welcome to permaculture.
here are two videos with more information...



robotics news. rehab - care - entertain.

hello and welcome. 
here is news from medicine and robotics.
at rp-online there is a series of humanoid robots...


and here is some additional information.

Erfahrungen Der Therapieroboter öffnet Herzen
Ein Therapie-Roboter zum Kuscheln
Mobiler Therapieroboter
Reha-Roboter sollen Patienten auf die Beine bringen
Autismus-Therapie Roboter nimmt Angst vor Menschen
Coco - der Therapieroboter
ok. cu. 


forestgardening. levelgraphics.

hello. here is some 
graphics.. and a link to a very interesting blogpage.



family affairs. monthly linklist september.

click here!

hello and welcome,
ladies and gentlemen, here is latest news....

health and family affairs...

Health & Medicine Lesbians Are Having Better Sex than Straight Women, Study Shows
Onlinehändler Zalando will noch 2014 an die Börse
Burn-out Gesundheitsrisiko Mutterschaft
Studie Menschliches Gehirn kann auf kalorienarme Kost getrimmt werden
Gedanken zum Staatsfeminismus
Der Feind in unserer Mitte Gender Studies können an Universitäten nicht mehr einfach geduldet werden
New Study Reveals Interesting Link Between Men's Height And Divorce
Women with severe mental illness are five times more likely to be raped and three times more at risk of domestic violence
Sorry men, most of you might think you know how to turn a woman on, but less than half of ladies agree
At a sex camp for women

videos. artificial intelligence. basics and examples.

hello here are some videos for more background information
and projects going on.

ok. cu.

new series! new technology.

Scientists Create New Bio-Plastics from Food Waste

just some additional info.
for more. later.
ok. cu.

things to think about. hightech cars.

hello and welcome.
we´ve seen alot of nice cars, but look at this one...

have fun.
ok. cu.

robotics. the male version.

hello and welcome.
>here is a link to an article concerning androids,
artificial intelligence
and machine learning..

update robotics and artificial inteligence soon.