
philosophy alive.

sources report of the extraordinary work of the philosopher William Sims Bainbridge. as the report says he uses platforms like adventure games online to bring some different simulated characters to play and argument. the report also includes the fundamental contributions of mr. bainbridge. indeed a very good summary and as a tool for semi-intelligent systems or future systems with an artificial mind it is as hot as it is new in science, philosophy and last but not least in politics. we could ask the "perfect" republican, the anarchist, the cold warrior, the socio-path. until then we could setup a few "sort of smart" characters to play out  for a dual use smart weapons project, with a huge black budget and experts from all over the world to create an elite health care expert character for big pharma and to morally support doctors and nurses. smart? we could also turn healthcare systems from all over the world into characters and simulate on an average world citizen patient. we could end up with an exciting simulation of ww3, maybe so phantastic that the real one is obsolete.


friendship forest. success story.

hello and welcome,

here is news from the collaboration/cooperation series. it is a wonderful thing to see these two men. see one dig holes and the other carrying waterbuckets. and then listen to their wise words. their simple insights and their providence. and to watch their dedication and their endurance.

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health. summary.

