
brain research. bigbrain.

hello and welcome.
we have >news concerning "big brain". 
a research project uniting canadian and german researchers
to develop a 3D-model of the brain out of thin layers of brain tissue.

here is a link to..


internet society. what users do.

hello and welcome.
we have >news for the internet community.
blogging is hip! in the internet user community today.

number nine.. is blogging. shortly before ...shopping.
see the list here...


:) .cu.

new technology. bionic eyes.

hello and welcome to .. new technology.
we have a >report about some new device for detecting polarised light
and so cancer tissue due to its specific qualities.
it was inspired by the mantis shrimp eyes.

here is a video to demonstrate the abilities of thisexceptional animal.

ok. cu.

things to come. drone ships.

hello and welcome.
welcome to .. things to come.

after a ccouple of time  
>the drone ships reoccur. in >military and civil realms,


but lets go back to the drone ships. these ships would sail and fare the seas of the world for a long time, if there were not the century old law. a ship, any vessel has to have a human being on board. in order to execute search and rescue. it is reasonable to think that a change would touch more than a paragraph.
ok. cu.