
simple math?

https://www.google.com/search?q=gentechnisch+ver%C3%A4nderte+m%C3%BCcken&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-bYou do not have to be a rocket scientist to add up one and one to three, in this weird case. It is easy to see that there is something very wrong and eerie going on with this vector viruses and the genetech industry. These guys are developing a matrix how to sterilize populations.. as a pattern here they take the same individuals of species and gender and render the population infertile. Being happy they succeeded with an especially protected gender chromosome, these gentlemen are about to set mosquito s free, who might exterminate a whole species... over time. Up to now nobody can tell how long these genes and the gene drive remain active and how they spread. 

We also do not know how other species are devastated like amphibiae and reptiliae. By either killing their food or changing their especially protected, maybe just a little bit different protected gender chromosomes. Who knows? Three, as a score here is connected to an alarm sound, sure, but can we stop it. 

https://www.google.com/search?q=gentechnisch+ver%C3%A4nderte+m%C3%BCcken&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-bCan we prevent these gentlemen from doing this, can we stop the release? no. Well now, you know that for sure. And by the way you should have children now, not later, it is really dangerous. They are not telling anybody, because they want to be sure that if they tell to the public this thing must work failsafe. And it must be the nightmare they want it to be. Three, as an alarming score there is too much going on with viruses and gene drives. We havent even understood fully what we are changing, rehearsing..

I wonder already why these gentlemen in their labs do not consider side effects and consequences, as well as collateral damage. These men and women do not have an extraction mechanism of any sort. There is no stop sign of any kind. They let the genie out of the bottle again. Now there is two more dancing close to midnight on the doomsday clock. Here we go.. atomic chemical biologic beautybeasts. 
Fascinating, but not this close to midnight.


panik vom feinsten.. heute: die automobilindustrie..

was zum teufel reitet einen, der der deutschen automobilindustrie den tod prophezeit, weil angeblich die CO2 minderung bei den abgasen nicht hinzubekommen ist? was ist daran so schlimm?

man gründe eine automobilfirma, die sich aus zwei teilen zusammmensetzt. ein teil eine gemeinsame plattform der grossen automobilhersteller bmw, mercedes und volkswagen, der andere teil eine firma, die alte benziner und diesel für den einsatz von HHO-gas umrüstet. was ist daran so schwer? 

HHO-automobile haben ausser etwas wasserdampf keinerlei abgase. es können herkömmliche motoren vewendet werden und die HHO-technik bietet einen erheblichen umfang an möglichen folge innovationen. 

manners. manieren.


linxlist. diary migration 2018..

here is a list with links to articles about latest developments:
“Nah, I’m just a White guy”: “Sky King” and White Male Suicide
Bedingungslose Einwanderung: Ohne Legitimation an den Bürgern vorbei
Schweden driftet nach Rechts
Griechenlands Besatzungshistorie wiederholt sich
Medienbericht: Bundespolizei greift mehr Flüchtlinge in Güterzügen und Lkw auf
Weltweiter Migrationsvertrag: "Ein ganz klares Statement gegen Populismus"
Migration nach Deutschland: Warum wir endlich ein echtes Einwanderungsgesetz brauchen
Debatte um Flüchtlinge: "Wir sollten alle Kraft aufbringen, sie in unsere Gesellschaft zu integrieren"
Ausbeutung von Migranten: Die Tomate, Afrika und wir

linxlist. societies in the future...

https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2010/01/27/rogue-state-israeli-violations-of-u-n-security-council-resolutions/even if you still be right to think about the nonsense in this world as uncountable, you still find some greater nonsense, even at the eu.. have a look at this. everybody knows that battery technology is twentieth century, completely outdated and in parts even dangerous and deadly. just like the tablets and computer hardware industry.
we will see flexible screens, thin like a piece of paper, rollable and storablel in penlike containers. and we will see watergas H2O as HHO-gas. there is no need to not use these technologies.what it would really take is, as the new summit at the un-center in n new york starts over, is more honesty, more enthsuisasm and responsibility for the future generations. in energy politics, in drug politics, except maybe uruguay, canada and southafrica.   what it takes is more love.   sounds crazy, but shows itself to be true everyday. this is not only true for races, cultures, but every neighbours or relatives, as well a s minorities or the weak.
but see for yourself in the list of latest developments and links.
Jedes dritte Kind lebt in Deutschland unter der Armutsgrenze
Rentenpaket: Wer von der Midijob-Reform profitiert
Umfrage: Mehr als fünf Millionen Arbeitnehmer haben innerlich gekündigt
OECD-Wachstumsprognose: Weltwirtschaft hat das Beste vorerst hinter sich
Fusion von Karstadt und Kaufhof: Beschäftigte müssen um ihre Arbeitsplätze und Löhne fürchten
Die Reallöhne steigen inflationsbedingt kaum noch an
Schule und Hirn
Griechenland: Nichts ist normal
Landgrabbing: Bau-Magnat statt Bauern
Idiotäre von rechts bis links
In Dänemark braut sich ein neues Problem für Europa zusammen

don`t forget. lethal autonomous weapon systems ban.
