here is an addendum to our ai robot links database..
The $100 million AI Canadian firm reveals record funding as it pledges its software will 'create positive changes for the human race
- Radical 'brain mesh' that could make the Matrix a reality
- Entwicklung von Intelligenz Gemeinschaft macht schlau
- Google goes on a hiring drive in China in an effort to develop artificial intelligence and gain a larger slice of the world'
- Google's Daydream could bring VR to the masses
- INTERVIEW-Wanka will Künstliche Intelligenz aus Elfenbeinturm holen
- Homo deus The convergence of man and machine
- The Reality of Virtual Reality A Philosophical Analysis
- Former Google Employee Engineering His Own A.I. Religion
- Book By Book Fiction Review Machine Learning
- An Artificial Intelligence Just Found 56 New Gravitational Lenses
- The birth of the cyborg brain Groundbreaking implant boosts human memory for the first time
- AI Researcher Warns Skynet Killer-Robots Easier To Achieve Than Self-Driving Cars