
extended mindmap. earthships settlements. training and teambuilding.

hello and welcome,

to  a new issue of our experimental attempt to rebuild syria and qualify refugees and migrants, thus making them an educated bilingual workforce and gaining livingspace for german families as well. please have a look and send further ideas and contributions.

click on image
click on image to enlarge new mindmap.
cu. soon with an extended list for organization and collaboration with addresses and telephone contacts of state authorities and possible cooperation partners for cooperation and training.

brainstorm . rebuild syria, qualify refugees and migrants.

hello and welcome,
to a new issue of our main topic: future life and societies in the future.

http://parstoday.com/de/news/world-i6895-papst_sich_nicht_an_zerst%C3%B6rung_gew%C3%B6hnen_sondern_geduldig_aufbauentoday I stumbled over an article, which said (in german): 
meaning, not to get used to destruction, but to rebuild patiently. although the text itself is centered around building up dialogue between christians and moslems, it is a nice coincidence that the pope talks about rebuilding, while our project is to rebuild syria and other countries hit by the arab spring.

here is what we have, what we need and what we can offer in a little instant mindmap. the basic idea is to recruit volunteers for a high tech initiative, qualify them on the job, while stepwise setting up training materials and everything else to educate them, set up a little industry around the building of earthships and cooperate with anybody interested in this high tech initiative.

in another blog we will describe in detail, what we intend to do, provide educational videos, a method to select the very members of effective building teams, how to qualify them and how to integrate german authorities, local businesses and german volunteers. how to set up school after school for this puprpose and furthermore how we can create living space for germans in these villages built to train the immigrants for rebuilding syria and other destroyed countries. please feel free to contribute.

read more here:

from a world without hope to a world full of magical beauty.
a world full of magical beauty and state of the art technology.
brainstorm. cooperation and collaboration for syria.