artificial intelligence news.. antibiotics research with new methods..
just read couple of lines here and then read on following the link.. please understand how important this venture is .. for both ai and research in pharmaceuticals.. by the way.. an algorithm focused the scientists work.. and working on with the ai's approach.. they made new discoveries.
feature update.. climate politics..
climate politics
here is latest news.. click below for m the complete links collection..
- Bezahlte Aktivisten in Berlin: Extinction Rebellen rebellieren für Bares
- Extinction Rebellion is named on official counter-terror police list of extremist organisations alongside Islamist and neo-Nazi groups
- Zu wenig Klimaschutz: Blackrock-Chef schreibt Brandbrief an Topmanager
- Wind farm farce: Government paid energy firms more than £136million to turn their green turbines OFF last year because they were providing TOO MUCH electricity for grid to handle
- Climate warming..Summary of Solutions by Overall Rank | Drawdown
- ClimateScienceNews.com
- Breaking Down The Last Decade Of "Terrible" Climate-Change In 7 Narrative-Busting Charts
- Is our solar system heating up? - Resonance Science Foundation
- Deceptive Green Rhetoric At Davos Will Bring Disaster
- Climate Change Still Ranks As Low Priority In Polls
- Fires and floods: maps of Europe predict scale of climate catastrophe
- We achieved nothing and don't want to continue: Greta Thunberg DISAVOWS school strike for climate change?
feature update.. links.. 5G..
5G.. feature update..
here is latest links about 5G.. click below for the complete collection..
- "Es ist zu spät, um 5G wirklich sicher zu machen"
- USA wollen über eine Milliarde US-Dollar zur Bekämpfung der chinesischen Dominanz in 5G investieren
- Mobilfunk: Wie gesundheitsschädlich ist 5G wirklich? Gesellschaft
- Dr. Katherine Horton:Defeating 5G as a mass DEW Terraforming platform for AI Artificial Intelligence
- 5g Apocalypse Hardware Crime Uncovered
- 5G Globaler Mikrowellenherd «
- 5G rollout postponed in Slovenia.
- Robodoc! China uses 5G-powered androids to monitor residents' body temperatures amid coronavirus outbreak
- China warns France not to discriminate against Huawei on 5G contracts
- >>> 5G: Next Gen Health Dangers (Documentary)
linxbox.. linxmix.. 20/1..
2020-1 linxmix.. here is the latest links in our box..
- Absurdistan: Government-Funded Feminists Suggest Banning Heterosexual Relationships
- Researchers claim solar efficiency breakthrough for flexible 'skin'
- 'British weather-proof' solar panel that generates 20 per cent MORE energy in cloudy weather has been invented by scientists
- Criminals have 'smaller BRAINS': Scientists claim the 'handicap' which can be spotted in early childhood may explain why life-long offenders lie, steal and are violent
- Not magic, science! Researchers develop system to produce electricity out of thin air — RT World News
- Unverpackt-Läden: Inkubatoren für nachhaltige Start-ups
- Zack Walsh - Breakdown or breakthrough? Degrowth and the Great Transition | Brave New Europe
- How smartphone addiction changes your BRAIN: Scans reveal how grey matter of tech addicts physically changes shape and size in a similar way to drug users
- UK ranks 10th in the world when it comes to children 'flourishing', coming ahead of the US, Canada and Germany, UN report says
- Neue Technologie: Forscher erzeugen Strom aus Luftfeuchtigkeit
linxbox.. ai robotics.. 20/1..
ai robotics..
here are the latest news in links.. about artificial intelligence and robotics..
- AI Predicts Coronavirus Could Infect 2.5 Billion And Kill 53 Million.
- Porn may soon feature people who don't exist
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and “Predictive Justice” in Our Courts
- Elon Musk's 'mind-control' company Neuralink is working on a new version of its brain chip that will turn humans into super-smart cyborgs - and it is set to launch later this year
- Elon Musk promises 'awesome' update to Neuralink brain implant | Daily Mail Online
- Britons fear a Terminator-style takeover by AI that 'learns to be bad', says watchdog as it calls for more education about benefits of new technology
- White House no longer wants to rely on Google & IBM to weaponize AI – and it’s ready to spend money to poach top talent
- Robots with flexible arms are now operating on NHS patients and are hailed as a 'leap forward' for offering more keyhole surgeries
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