
ladies affairs. health and care.

hello and welcome,

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5328821/Erica-robot-life-like-soul.htmlhere is an update and a short video concerning ladies' affairs, health and care. it is not a what-you-should-read to understand your wife or partner, as some mentioned. we will come to that later. this is just a compilation of this-is-noticable and worth to pass on. the video down there has to be in here, although it is playing the blame game. these women do obviously blame men again for the influx of strangers and their uninhibited violence. women wanted choice, they decided to form our society the way it is now, some say to a greater extent than men, mentioning their sexual selective role and the outcome, we all see in the mirror and in all men and women around us.  

here are some links first. please watch the video and see the complete linklist.
Why women feel sexier if they wear socks in bed
Evidence robots acquiring racial and class prejudices
Cuckolding can be GOOD for couples: 
Watching your partner with another person can strengthen your relationship
Cholesterin lässt Tumorzellen mehr als hundert Mal schneller wachsen
The Flu Is Far Worse Than We're Being Told: Tens of Thousands Are Dying
Frauen sind offenbar die „schwierigsten“ Familienmitglieder
Birth control pills linked to breast cancer—a risk that has been known for decades
Tracey Cox reveals how to master your foreplay game
Studie: Kita-Kosten wirken sich kaum auf Erwerbstätigkeit von Frauen aus
Women who have children AFTER 30 (but before 34) have the lowest risk of premature birth
Consuming sunflower and fish oils causes liver inflammation that could lead to cancer
Vitamin D is an 'inexpensive solution' to heart drugs find scientists as they reveal the sunshine supplement can repair and prevent the damage caused by diabetes and high blood pressure
Mother, 44, diagnosed with deadly breast cancer claims she has cured herself by using cannabis oil 
The more pleasure you seek, the more unhappy you get. |


what kind of society? and what kind of mentality?

hello and welcome,

to a new issue of our little new series what kind of society? and what kind of mentality?

here we go with an interesting pamphlet I found in my googleplus feed. I thought I pass it on as it is exactly what I feel in this respect, although I am not or was not in the mentioned armed forces. it is the principle of care and trust that is hurt and broken here. trust, because these servicemen and women trust the society they are willing to die for. this is treason and is the worse the more people know it and do not stop it. it is a symptom of how little life is worth today. a society with so little respect to the value of life, in life is doomed to be destroyed by creatures with less respect for love and life and be enslaved and in the end be wiped out. because nobody will defend it anymore.. well, think twice what to do.. you read it you decide..


here is some more..

what kind of future? what kind of society?

what kind of society? and what kind of mentality? balance..