
gardening. go vertical.

hello and welcome.

have a small garden? think you are not getting much out of it? look at this.

ok. cu.

collaboration. mind over matter.

hello and welcome.
I remember this from years ago, but now as the ukraine and syria and maybe all of eastern europe are raged by war it became an important fact. see the results of the princeton mind-matter interaction research.

applying this to the idea that a small group can change the world brings us to the maharishi-effect.
where there is even proof that a small group of people can change the society. some thinker said that it doesn´t take more than 3.8 million people world wide. think about this.

additional information:
Proof that Group Meditation can Change the World
Proof that Group Meditation can Change the World
Maharishi on “The 1% Effect” – How Just a Small Percentage of People Can Change the World - See more at: http://www.tm.org/blog/maharishi/maharishi-on-the-1-effect/#sthash.EY0lxnoT.dpuf
Maharishi on “The 1% Effect” – How Just a Small Percentage of People Can Change the World - See more at: http://www.tm.org/blog/maharishi/maharishi-on-the-1-effect/#sthash.EY0lxnoT.dpuf
Maharishi on “The 1% Effect” – How Just a Small Percentage of People Can Change the World - See more at: http://www.tm.org/blog/maharishi/maharishi-on-the-1-effect/#sthash.EY0lxnoT.dpuf
Maharishi on “The 1% Effect” – How Just a Small Percentage of People Can Change the World - See more at: http://www.tm.org/blog/maharishi/maharishi-on-the-1-effect/#sthash.EY0lxnoT.dpuf
Maharishi on “The 1% Effect” – How Just a Small Percentage of People Can Change the World - See more at: http://www.tm.org/blog/maharishi/maharishi-on-the-1-effect/#sthash.EY0lxnoT.dpuf
Maharishi on “The 1% Effect” – How Just a Small Percentage of People Can Change the World - See more at: http://www.tm.org/blog/maharishi/maharishi-on-the-1-effect/#sthash.EY0lxnoT.dpuf
Maharishi on “The 1% Effect” – How Just a Small Percentage of People Can Change the World - See more at: http://www.tm.org/blog/maharishi/maharishi-on-the-1-effect/#sthash.EY0lxnoT.dpuf

update on morphic field to come soon.

meditate now.
ok. cu.


fukushima. update after unit4 explosion.

hello and welcome.
here is some update about fukushima. please watch carefully as the mainstream-media do not report about this latest incident.

here is some additional information:
Official in Fukushima: “Please Please HELP US!”

and some assesment by kevin d. blanche:

nothing ok but cu.

things to come. grounding ourselves.

hello and welcome.
here is what dr. christy westen had to say about grounding ourselves.
see the results.

ok. cu.

things to come. cooperation with fungi.

hello here is a presentation about the use and importance of mushrooms.

heres is more:

things to come. nuclear waste recycling.

hello and welcome. 
one of the first priorities in future times will be the recycling of nuclear waste.
we'll update you about fukushima soon.

take care. 
ok. cu.


things to come. natural building.

hello and welcome.

here is some other thing to come.
reorientation. natural building.

ok. cu.


things to come. viruses.

here is a short update on virus and diseases.

Erreger aus Saudi-Arabien USA melden ersten Fall von Mers-Coronavirus
Gefährliches Virus Erster Mers-Fall in USA – Patient flog über London
Infektionskrankheit Gefährliches Mers-Virus erreicht die Niederlande
Likely camel-to-human MERS virus has human-to-human transmission risks
Mers-Virus auf dem Vormarsch Gefahr aus der Wüste
Modified measles virus can help destroy cancer cells
Scientists find coronavirus inhibitor blocking MERS and SARS
Sierra Leone Reports 2 Ebola Deaths, 12 Cases
US reports third case of potential MERS virus
Wie gefährlich ist das MERS-Virus wirklich
Wird Kaffee-Ebola freigesetzt, um GMO durchzusetzen
World Health Organization holds emergency meeting on MERS virus
22 U.S. Airports On High Alert By CDC - MERS Virus - CDC Trying To Locate 100 People
Bayern Berliner und Brandenburger Kinder mit Norovirus infiziert
stay safe.
ok. cu. 

things to come. parasites.

this video came up while google was searching for morgellons. mabe it is connected to it.

ok. cu.

morgellons. genesequence of a superbug.

here is the link to a video about it.

here is the gene sequence from silent superbug.



here is the link to a video about it.

ok. cu.