für covid interessierte...
- The Hidden Enemy - Psychiatry in the Military - YouTube www.youtube.com › watch
- Psychiatry - The Hidden Enemy - YouTube www.youtube.com › watch
- Elderly people being 'poisoned' by medication, say drug experts
- Big Pharma Sinks to the Bottom of U.S. Industry Rankings
- Aus der Welt der Arzneimittelhersteller
- Ancient Remedy That ‘Treats All Diseases’ HIV, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, STDs, Arthritis (Video) | Health
- Weltweites Datenleck bei Patientendaten größer als bisher angenommen
- UK could be hit with a US-style opioid addiction crisis within FIVE YEARS, warn experts as pharmacies are caught handing out addictive painkillers WITHOUT prescriptions
- Cannabis compound could be weapon in fight against superbugs
- The medications that change who we are - BBC Future
- Das Versagen der Pharmariesen im Kampf gegen die Super-Erreger
- Firmenliquidationen verschärfen die Antibiotika-Krise
- Bundesländer verlangen mehr Medikamente „made in Germany“
- Scientists create artificial 'virus' to break walls of resistant bacteria and defeat infection |
- Study “Confirms That The Full Degree of Harm of Antidepressants Is Not Reported” |
- Since starting on antidepressants, I have trouble orgasming
- Pharmakonzern Novartis: Gentherapie für Babys - per Losgewinn
- Antidepressants are a Major Cause of Sexual Dysfunction but Nobody Talks About It
- Study Links The Birth Control Pill To Depression
- 'Catastrophic' ongoing shortages of HRT and contraceptives are unacceptable and continue to harm women, say professional bodies
- Indian pharma threatened by coronavirus outbreak that could lead to shortage of Chinese drug imports
- Novartis macht Marketing mit schwerkranken Kindern
- Pharmaexperten warnen vor Antibiotika-Engpässen
- Antibiotic-resistant superbugs could leave chemotherapy ineffective within the next decade, oncologists warn
- Klaus Pantel: Krebs-Bluttest „in den nächsten fünf Jahren“?
- Coronavirus: Wirkstoffe für 153 in Deutschland erhältliche Arzneimittel sind von der Provinz Hubei abhängig
- DAK-Studie: Medikamenten-Doping bei zwei Prozent der Arbeitnehmer
- Cannabis -Marijuana: The “War on Weed” Is Winding Down – But Will Monsanto/Bayer Be the Winner?
- Four pharmaceutical companies are fined £3.4MILLION for 'cheating the NHS' by working together to inflate the prices of antidepressants prescribed to thousands of people
- Violence Report on Psychiatric Drugs-CCHR
- Pharma Will be Leaving China to Come Home to the United States
- Therapy & pharma vultures swoop down for easy profit as Covid-19 gets declared a ‘mental health crisis’
- Neue Konzepte für erneuerbare Energien: Oben Solar, unten Sellerie - DER SPIEGEL
- Pharmaceutical Industry is the Leading Cause of Death in U.S., and the Largest Criminal Group in the World
- Vorwurf von NGOs: Pharmaindustrie blockierte schnellere Impfstoffentwicklung
- BIG PHARMA steered public money away from pandemic research and into PROFIT-MAKING projects for years
- Biggest Bailout of Wall Street in U.S. History was Planned Months before the Plandemic Virus Crisis – “Big” Pharma now HUGE Pharma
- Leaked: “Deadly” Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid 19: How the World’s Top Medical Journals, The Lancet and NEJM, Were Cynically Exploited by Big Pharma
- No Wonder the Pharmaceutical Industry Wants to Keep This From Us (Videos)
- The 10 Principles of Nutritional Psychiatry
- The Corruption of Science. The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal. Who Was Behind It? Anthony Fauci’s Intent To Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma
- Warning: these common medicines may cause personality change
- “We Are Trained To Misinform” – Ex-Big Pharma Sales Rep Speaks Out
- I’ve lost all trust in medical research – the financial muscle of Big Pharma has been busy distorting science during the pandemic
- Novartis ist Wiederholungstäterin: Bestechung und Schmiergelder
- Cannabis ist vor allem gefährlich, weil es illegal ist
- Covid patients taking antidepressants are up to 30% less likely to die from the virus, study claims
- Germany will legalise CANNABIS, country's new coalition leaders announce as Angela Merkel's 16-year reign ends
- Total Insanity: Dutch Cabinet Plans to Take Farms from Farmers to “Combat Global Warming”
- Agrifood Conglomerates: Smashing the Heads of India’s Farmers: A Global Struggle Against Tyranny
- Nur sieben Prozent der Deutschen sind für ein generelles Cannabis-Verbot
- Midazolam Murders
- What are the Use of Marijuana – Need to Know More
- Hanf frei
- That'll cure the munchies! Massachusetts cannabis dispensary bakes world's largest cannabis brownie that measures 3ft by 3ft and is filled with 20,000 milligrams of THC
- Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data
- Explosion in New Heart Conditions Explained as “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”
- 14 ACIP Members Who Voted to Jab Your Young Children — And Their Big Ties to Big Pharma
- The half-hour superbug test 'that will save thousands of lives on wards' by rapidly discovering if the infection is resistant to powerful antibiotics
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