
violent revolution looming !?

linxlist. ladies' affairs. health and care.

ladies' affairs..  health and care..  2/18

latest news..

http://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2018/06/the-plague-in-the-us-idaho-child-diagnosed-with-black-death-2698945.htmlDomestic Danger Assessment
Here's What it Means if You See a Heart on a Child's Wrist (Video)
Epileptic boy, six, is set to become second to be allowed cannabis oil as ministers look to change the law after Billy Caldwell case
Dr Michael Mosley's life plan: How the Mediterranean 5:2 diet can beat jet lag
Abstinenzler fehlen öfter bei der Arbeit als moderate Trinker
An diesem äußeren Merkmal kannst du einen Narzissten erkennen
Debit card payments overtake cash for first time after Britons use plastic for 13.2billion transactions in a year
Meditation and yoga worsen people's egos by making them more self absorbed, study finds
Teenage binge drinking may destroy parts of the memory forever, study finds
photo The Plague in the US: Idaho Child Diagnosed With ‘Black Death’
Besser Schlafen mit Yoga, Pflanzen und der richtigen Ernährung
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linxlist. ai robot.

ai robot 2/18

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5849043/Googles-DeepMind-AI-human-like-imagination-envision-entire-world.htmllatest news..

The creepy AI that can predict the future: Machine that anticipates your movements several minutes in advance could pave the way for next-level Big Brother surveillance
Google's DeepMind AI is given 'human-like imagination' allowing it to envision an entire world based on a single picture
A giant new retail fulfillment center in China has only four employees
US Congress moves to ban child sex robots favored by pedophiles
Wenn der Lieferroboter auf aggressive Passanten trifft
Künstliche Intelligenz In diesen Bereichen kommt KI schon zum Einsatz
Bald kriegen Roboter auch noch unseren Tastsinn eingebaut
Could Google tell you when you'll DIE? Firm creates an AI that predicts if a hospital patient will pass away 24 hours after admission with 95% accuracy

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robot future.

some of these machines look frightening and do frightening things. as there is a possibility to make these robots as tall as a house, as we can almost see withsome japanese monsters, they then will be able to even do more more frightening things. but think about the benefits, first.