- diary migration. 2/18
latest news..
- Globale Trends: Wachsende Herausforderungen für den globalen Flüchtlingsschutz
- 75 Prozent der Deutschen glauben nicht an Merkels europäische Lösung
- Konkurrenz durch Zuwanderung: OECD rechnet mit sechs Prozent mehr Arbeitslosen in Deutschland bis 2020
- Europe is facing a migrant 'catastrophe' to rival the 2015 crisis, Austria warns - and blames Merkel for forcing countries to reinstate border controls
- Deutschland bei Einwanderern so beliebt wie die Vereinigten Staaten
- Globale Trends: Wachsende Herausforderungen für den globalen Flüchtlingsschutz
- US-Regierung schränkt Asylrecht weiter ein
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linxlist. diary migration. europe and worldwide.
linxlist. ladies' affairs. health and care.
ladies' affairs.. health and care.. 2/18
latest news..
Domestic Danger Assessment
- Here's What it Means if You See a Heart on a Child's Wrist (Video)
- Epileptic boy, six, is set to become second to be allowed cannabis oil as ministers look to change the law after Billy Caldwell case
- Dr Michael Mosley's life plan: How the Mediterranean 5:2 diet can beat jet lag
- Abstinenzler fehlen öfter bei der Arbeit als moderate Trinker
- An diesem äußeren Merkmal kannst du einen Narzissten erkennen
- Debit card payments overtake cash for first time after Britons use plastic for 13.2billion transactions in a year
- Meditation and yoga worsen people's egos by making them more self absorbed, study finds
- Teenage binge drinking may destroy parts of the memory forever, study finds
- photo The Plague in the US: Idaho Child Diagnosed With ‘Black Death’
- Besser Schlafen mit Yoga, Pflanzen und der richtigen Ernährung
linxlist. ai robot.
ai robot 2/18
latest news..
- The creepy AI that can predict the future: Machine that anticipates your movements several minutes in advance could pave the way for next-level Big Brother surveillance
- Google's DeepMind AI is given 'human-like imagination' allowing it to envision an entire world based on a single picture
- A giant new retail fulfillment center in China has only four employees
- US Congress moves to ban child sex robots favored by pedophiles
- Wenn der Lieferroboter auf aggressive Passanten trifft
- Künstliche Intelligenz In diesen Bereichen kommt KI schon zum Einsatz
- Bald kriegen Roboter auch noch unseren Tastsinn eingebaut
- Could Google tell you when you'll DIE? Firm creates an AI that predicts if a hospital patient will pass away 24 hours after admission with 95% accuracy
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robot future.
some of these machines look frightening and do frightening things. as there is a possibility to make these robots as tall as a house, as we can almost see withsome japanese monsters, they then will be able to even do more more frightening things. but think about the benefits, first.
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