the most fascinating statement about the greatest enemy of mankind as is stupidity, is just topped in it's lack of consequence and impact by the fact that stupidity, here as decrease in intelligence, knowledge, ingenuity is now more than ever an even
scientifically and statististcally detectable and defined enemy. intelligence is decreasing, the different forms of definition of what it simply is, do not show any help, when we look at the article behind the link and picture and do try to understand, what degree and desastrous proportions, the whole thing has. the difference between a piece of paper, .. I still cant believe it.. and an ipad.
so far so good, so god will, but the next, the real internet gossip is best ever. we again have a mixture of good, evil, aliens, walls, openmindedness an the essence of the true heart of the warrior in our new feature in our little new series. societies in the future. what kind of societies, what kind of progress? in our little new series we have been looking at the impact of war industries and the poor lifes of veterans after they were risking their lives and loosing limbs for the values of the countries they were fighting for. and we have been looking at some of the paranoid picture of the tinfoilhat tribe and the worldwide illuminaticy