
latest offers. different varieties. mushrooms.

hello and welcome.
here is price information (german)
for  DIY varieties of fungi.

here is a selection from amazon. there are really many different sorts.

for those, who want to start with little investment, maybe pick some of these..

have fun.
ok. cu

things to come. robot workforce.

hello and welcome.
here is some video concerning future mass unemployment by introduction of
robots and artifial intelligence into the workforce.

update and summary soon..


playlists. mushroom farming.

hello and welcome.
here is a new playlist. 
mushroom farming.

have fun.
ok. cu.

things to come. the mind outside.


here is more information on..
transhumanism and the pill. 

it is time to sum up the thoughts of some of the transhumanists. they claim a health benefit for their new movement of human advancement. they claim by installing sensors and nanobots in the human body, besides artificial limbs and eyes and memory banks and artificially restored brain tissue (!), they claim to help monitor the body and extending it. repairing it. strengthen it. and connect it.


gardening. katie's krops.

hello and welcome.
here is gardening and environment issues.
with > new information about gardening and philanthropy.

tks katie.
ok. cu.

families. gender utopia.

hello and welcome.
here is ladies affairs with a german contribution to a
>change in school education.

: D
read some more > german information here ..
think twice.

ladies affairs. a mother's mission.

hello and welcome. 
here is some video concerning our future safety and security.
it shows some cops, who were not thinking about the suspect and civil rights,

but displays the officers, each and every one, rolling out on standard procedure for military urban hunt and kill. blindfocussed. it seems as if none of them realizes his very neighbour on his mission.



collaboration. biodiversity.

hello and welcome.
here we go with > some new information. in german.
here are the numbers. :-)
1 126 450 1,5 18000 25000 10 2 16  126 1 376 20 200 450 3200 5000
and > here is wikipedia information. in english.


> here is some more wikipedia information. in german.

ok. cu.

new technology. high speed watercraft.

hello and welcome.  
here is our new technology series.
with our last entry about high speed boats. prop high speed.


>read more at livescience here.
all they need is a clever design to fit and fix >some of these units per rail.
to use >this effect. in order to support > this guy.
thumbs up.
ok. cu.


new food. insects.

hello and welcome.
here is healthncare with nutrition news.
our todays feature... is insects and insect food.

please click on the picture to read first information at >mosaic...


health n care. linxlist.

hello and welcome.
here is our linxlist for helth n care.
Vitamin D kann Mortalität senken
Wild mushroom foraging alert Walkers warned after dozens of cases of poisoning so far this year
Krebszellen mögen keine Himbeeren - Essen ist Medizin 
​Vegetarians have fewer, less-healthy sperm than meat-eaters
Circumcision Male Genital Mutilation
5 Herbs That Treat Anxiety
Foods That Are Surprisingly Bad
Für Gemüseanbau droht eine Strafe bis zu 50.000 Euro
Here’s What the Next Brain Implant Will Be Made Of
How To Start Your Survival Garden Indoors Survival skills, survival guns, survival guide
nas-dra detoxifies hong kong with responsive urban farming machines
8 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones
Cancer 100% Curable In 1-2 Months Doctors Silenced Alternative
Six-legged snacks
Stallmist fördert Vermehrung resistenter Bodenbakterien
Starke Knochen brauchen viel Sonne
Study Suggests This Food May Help Ward Off Alzheimer's
Sugary soft drinks linked to accelerated DNA ageing 
Schadstoffe in allen schwarzen Tees
Zeitpunkt der Geburt beeinflusst die Persönlichkeit
6 Things You Should Never Touch At Work During Flu Season
Chocolate-Covered Bugs A Halloween Trick Or Treat

ladies affairs. update.

hello and welcome.
here is ladies affairs with our monthly picks.


new technologies. yardarm. gunscontrol.

hello and welcome.
from our series new technologies, >here comes yardarm.

stay safe.