
linxlist. health n care. 2018.3

http://www.smicies.com/latest developments:
Cheap cocaine fuels huge spike in new users: Number of young people taking Class A drugs in Britain rises to half a million due to lowest prices in 25 years
Foods That Target Depression and Anxiety
Top supplements shown to protect eye health and good vision
Discovery Could Block Aging’s Terrible Toll on the Mind and Brai
The OTHER way to protect your skin in the sun: How green tea, turmeric and cooked CARROTS can help safeguard your complexion as temperatures soar
Revealed: How to cope with the pain of losing a loved one, according to a grief specialist
Men feel 'sad, tearful and irritable' after sex: Researchers find 'postcoital dysphoria' affects both sexes
Forscher haben eine Plastik-Alternative entwickelt – aus Krabbenschalen
AI is hurting people of color and the poor. Experts want to fix that
Abstimmung im Parlament: Frankreich verbietet Handys an Schulen 
Who do YOU think wins? IBM's 'unsettling' AI supercomputer argues convincingly against humans in landmark debates between man and machine
Nach monatelanger Debatte: Kanada legalisiert Cannabis
Why America is definitive proof that legalising cannabis makes crime worse | Daily Mail Online
photo “Idiocracy Looms? Study Suggests IQ Scores Are Falling Due to Social Media, Central Banks”
Females Are Outperforming Males On Every Educational Level, And That Has Staggering Implications For The Future Of Our Society | Foreclosure-gate
Why Aren’t More Men Working? - The New York Times
Informatik: Quantenalgorithmen gegen Computer
Is this the PERFECT plate? Blogger shares a snap of the ideal amount of each food group that you should eat at EVERY meal
Vaping helps smokers quit - even if they don't want to, study finds
The remarkable mind-reading robot servant that humans can control using nothing but their THOUGHTS and hand gestures
Declining IQ: A Race to the Bottom?
10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods Your Doctor Hasn’t Told You About
Wann kommt der Quantencomputer? Informatik : Quantencomputer könnten künstliche Intelligenz voranbringen Die Vereinigung von Quantencomputern mit maschinellem Lernen ist zu einem florierenden Forschungsgebiet geworden. Kann sie die Erwartungen der Wissenschaftler erfüllen?
Mojib Latif beim Schummeln ertappt – EIKE – Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie
Marijuana users feel MORE pain, study debunks theory cannabis numbs discomfort
Die Maschine, die in die Zukunft sehen kann
Recht Wer haftet, wenn künstliche Intelligenz Fehler macht?
Being underweight INCREASES the risk of breast cancer in pre-menopausal women, study finds
Two or more servings of red meat a week raises women’s risk of endometriosis by more than 50%
They're Poisoning Us: Chemtrails Exposed 2018 - Video | Chemtrails
Alzheimer link to herpes virus in brain, say scientists
The Magic Healing Power of Mushrooms
Loneliness shown to damage the heart muscle and cause premature death
Amalgam-Verbot: Kassen zahlen Kunststoff-Zahnfüllungen für Schwangere und Kinder
How to fall asleep in minutes: The five nightly rituals you need to follow to guarantee a restful slumber
Miracle Tree and Plants That Cures 300 Diseases and Kills 98% of Cancer Cells in 16 Hours! | Health
Genius kitchen hacks: Open a wine bottle without a corkscrew, shred chicken, and open a stuck jar | Daily Mail Online
Muskeln erinnern sich an frühere Leistung: Schnell wieder in Höchstform - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Schmerztherapie: Chilischärfe mit Selbstzerstörung
Metastudie: Fruchtbarkeit bei Männern dramatisch gesunken | Technology Review
Das Netzwerk der Gleichstellungsgegner und Schwulenhasser
Bedingungslos gerecht? | Rubikon
Arlan Hamilton von Backstage Capital: Diese Frau investiert in Diversität - SPIEGEL ONLINE
6 Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies that Raise Your Vibration | Wake Up World
States With Medical Marijuana Laws Have Lower Rates of Opioid-Related Deaths, Study Finds
The State of Psychiatry Address: The Dark Truth of the “Mental Health” Industry
1 in 6 Americans Are Now on Psychiatric Medication
How to Easily Make Your Own Yeast From Scratch | Survival
You really can eat yourself younger! Simple diet tweaks can fight heart disease, dementia and joint pain
FDA approves country’s first medicine made from marijuana
08:54 Gefährliche Erreger Multiresistente Keime in Elbe und Alster nachgewiesen
Being a narcissist really DOES get you ahead because it makes you mentally tough, confirm scientists: Take the test to see if you have the trait
Monsanto-Gentechnik in kanadischem Weizen aufgetaucht
photo Epilepsy and cannabis, by JD
The root of violence? Mice become MEAN when they are injected with an antibody taken from the blood of murderers, rapists and gang members
Revealed: 5 ways to manage your migraines - including technology from NASA that helps discover why you get them
Deutsche Börse stellt Handel mit Cannabis-Aktien ein
'Women CAN'T have it all': Expert warns women are losing their best years of fertility because of financial and career pressures - and then struggle to conceive when they do try
'There is absolutely NO difference between male and female brains': Disparities between the sexes are down to nurture and not nature, claims neuroscientist
Cradle to Cradle - Bedeutung für Natur und Wirtschaft - Die Wirtschaftsnews
Die Zukunft gehört den Kleinbauern, nicht den Monokulturen (1)
6 | Cancer News: 9 Foods That Kill Breast Cancer Cells, Sources Provided By US National... Cancer News: 9 Foods That Kill Breast Cancer Cells, Sources Provided By US National Library Of Medicine Contributor: Kyle Norton - Posted: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 3:58 Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, Master of Nutrients), all right reserved. The prevalence of breast cancer has been acknowledged in the scientific community worldwide. Breast cancer widespread in women in Southeast Asian as a result of over 2 decades of...
Künstliche Intelligenz: Wer haftet, wenn Maschinen Fehler machen?
Bundestag: Enquete-Kommission untersucht Künstliche Intelligenz
Exercise IS the best medicine: Working out combats depression and lowers heart disease risks, study finds
Insekten-Essen kommt bei Metro-Kunden gut an
So wird dein Körperfett in gutes Fettgewebe umgewandelt
Dieser Essensrhythmus verspricht den größten Erfolg
Diese sechs Mythen über Gesundheit und Körper sind schlicht falsch
Der seltsame Zusammenhang zwischen Sex und Fischessen
The last vitamin you’d expect to save your heart | Tea Party
FDA approves country’s first medicine made from marijuana
Verschärft sich der Wettbewerb im KI-Chip-Markt?
So investiert Microsoft in KI
Wie IBM im Bereich KI zu den Gewinnern gehören kann
Bär - Bundeskabinett stellt KI-Strategie Anfang Dezember vor
Eckpunkte für deutsche KI-Strategie noch vor der Sommerpause
Depressionen: Männer leiden anders
WHO - Universal Health Coverage for All Will Limit Medical Financial Ruin
Reden über Feminismus: Alter Mann, was nun?
28.06.2018: Legalize it! (Tageszeitung junge Welt)
Neanderthal brains re-created in a lab could one day be put into crab-like ROBOTS to create cyborg cavemen, scientists claim
People in open relationships are no more sexually or emotionally satisfied than monogamous couples, study finds
Künstliche Intelligenz: Adobe entlarvt Photoshop-Trickser
photo Senate Votes to Legalize Hemp After 80 Years of Prohibition
HIGH for the taxman! Legalising cannabis would score £1billion for the Treasury with £300m savings to NHS, says think tank
photo Mosquitoes Simply Hate These Seven Plants
photo Why Almost Everyone Is Wrong About Choosing Best Homesteading Chickens
Why Almost Everyone Is Wrong About Choosing Best Homesteading Chickens | Survival
Mosquitoes Simply Hate These Seven Plants | Survival
45 Grad Hitze: Schüsse bei Unruhen wegen Wassermangel in Iran
The Future of Medicine: Boost Your Health, Mental Abilities and Athletic Ability with Light. “Photobiomodulation”
Carbs DON'T make you fat, vegan diets do not help with weight loss and you can have cheat meals: The eight most common diet myths busted
Do YOU suffer from insomnia? You may be lacking in MAGNESIUM: Mineral can boost sleep time if applied directly to the skin as expert reveals the 12 signs you are deficient
Women are hard-wired to find well-meaning sexist men MORE attractive because they think they will be protected and provided for, finds study
Die Energiewende verfehlt bisher fast sämtliche Ziele
Men are to blame for women freezing their eggs: Inability to find males who will commit to a relationship is the most common reason for procedure, rather than career, finds study
Gesundheitskrise: Suizidraten steigen in den USA stark an
Online-Marktplatz für Selbstgemachtes: Warum Dawanda-Händler sich vor Etsy fürchten
How much is the food YOU throw away worth? Calculator reveals the true cost of binning just one avocado, a few bananas and some lettuce (and it can be hundreds of pounds every year)
Künstliche Befruchtung: Forscher zählen acht Millionen Retortenbabys
Künstliche Intelligenz könnte Preise im Internet steigen lassen
Verbände-Resolution: Neue gentechnische Verfahren als Gentechnik regulieren
Infertile men are up to THREE TIMES more likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer, study finds
Gmail users beware! Third-party developers are READING your private messages, data privacy investigation reveals
The simple tweaks that will make your meals INSTANTLY healthier (so start eating tomatoes with avocado and wash leafy greens down with OJ)
Scientists Find Genetic Causes of Loneliness
Studie: Mehr als jeder zweite steigt vorm Rentenalter aus
Liberalere Drogenpolitik: Schweiz will Cannabis-Regeln lockern
It's over! The top 10 reasons why women divorce their husbands (and cheating is NOT number one)
Schon Noternte bei Getreide
EU-Parlament verhindert Durchwinken von Uploadfiltern und Leistungsschutzrecht
Medicinal cannabis is NOT as effective at relieving chronic pain as thought, four-year study suggests as Government looks set to overturn its stance on prescribing the drug
Scientists have created an AI inside a test tube using strands of DNA, and they hope it will soon start forming its own 'memories'
Femipositas an Universitäten: Gender-Blähungen
Autonomes Fahren: Roboterautos können Volkswirtschaft Milliardenkosten ersparen
Gerichtsurteil in Berlin: Wer kifft, darf nicht Polizist werden
Adorable robotic plant holder moves closer to the sun when it needs more light and DANCES when it's low on water
Kalifornien: Warum schwarze Bälle gegen die Dürre keine gute Idee waren
Künstliche Intelligenz: "Wenn wir Roboter wie Sklaven behandeln, werden sie rebellieren"
Dengue-Überträger: Forscher erwarten Mückenplage
People over the age of 50 who break a bone increase their risk of dying for up to 10 YEARS, warns research
Hormone: Die Macht des Eisprungs
Fortpflanzung: Die geheimen Signale weiblicher Fruchtbarkeit - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Men's preference for the ovulating female is triggered by subtle face shape differences - ScienceDirect
Ovulating women unconsciously buy sexier clothing to outdo attractive women -- ScienceDaily
Long-term use of cannabis or medication derived from the drug impairs memory, conclude researchers
YouTube: Frauen bekommen häufiger feindliche Kommentare - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Sexspiele, die du einfach ausprobieren solltest
The Root Veggie That Inhibits Bladder Cancer Cells | Health
GMO Grass Escaped in the Grass Seed Capitol of the World
A Herb and Vegetable That Handily Defeat Daily Stress in Vitro
A Herb and Vegetable That Handily Defeat Daily Stress in Vitro | Healthcare
So sehr verändert ein Kind die Beziehung der Eltern
09:22 Newsticker Wasserknappheit: Bayern will mit Millionenprogramm vorsorgen
More than 70,000 children are being prescribed anti-depressants despite concerns that the pills may damage their developing brains
Michelle Obama: ‘There’s Something Wrong with Women’
Russia's robo-nauts 'to be in space by 2019': Moscow says androids will join International Space Station crew as early as next year
Now teenage boys will be vaccinated against HPV which causes the deaths of hundreds of men every year
The Transgender: Normalizing MENTAL ILLNESS - YouTube
Künstliche Intelligenz: Angela Merkels löbliche Vorsätze - SPIEGEL ONLINE
DARPA At The Pentagon Is Working To Create Transhumanistic ‘Neural Interface’ To Connect Soldier’s Brains To Computer Systems | Global Unrest
British public backs legalisation of cannabis so it can be sold like cigarettes and alcohol, poll reveals | The Independent
moviephoto 45 Crazy Smart Life Hacks for Women
Welt-Aids-Konferenz in Amsterdam: Experte warnt vor "Krise historischen Ausmaßes"
Bundeswehr will Kriege mit künstlicher Intelligenz und geheimen Infos vorhersagen
(2)Pseudo-KI: Mensch schlägt künstliche Intelligenz - Digital - Süddeutsche.de
World's first ever computer manual which was written by Victorian woman 175 years ago is sold for nearly £100,000 - 20 times its expected price
Why cannabis gives you the munchies: Study shows it triggers your hormones as well as your brain
Radiation from smartphones could trigger memory loss in teenagers (and right-handed users are the most likely to suffer), new study reveals
New State Department ruling means internet users can legally download 3D-printed GUN designs starting next month
More than half of women who watch male gay porn imagine themselves as MEN during erotic sexual fantasies 'to feel less guilty', scientist reveals
Elon Musk and Google DeepMind lead thousands of tech experts in signing pledge against killer robots, claiming 'the decision to take a life should never be delegated to a machine'
Pentagon working to develop technology that would let troops control machines with their MINDS
Canadian startup creates world's first beer brewed from CANNABIS plant in bid to provide an alternative to alcohol
16 Easy Vegetarian Meals
China Planning to Deploy Large Unmanned AI Submarines by 2020s
Deutschland: Mehr antibiotikaresistente Keime - schwerere Therapie
Women are more likely to volunteer for tasks that will NOT help them to secure a promotion, scientists reveal
Experts warn humanity now consumes a year's worth of global resources in just 212 days
Deadly AIDS epidemic risks resurging and spiralling into 'a crisis of epic proportions' unless BILLIONS is spent on prevention, warn experts
Three children are among thousands to die from euthanasia under Belgium's radical laws that have seen cases increase fivefold in ten years
Post-natal depression is now nearly as common among new FATHERS as it is mothers, finds research
Three children are among thousands to die from euthanasia under Belgium's radical laws   | Daily Mail Online
Industrie 4.0 Roboter werden für Mittelständler erschwinglich
Children as young as 12 risk becoming drug mules: Police warn that vulnerable youngsters are being enslaved by the 'county lines' menace
Eight-year-old's brain was infested with 100 tapeworm eggs causing her to suffer epileptic seizures: Girl became ill after eating unwashed fruit or uncooked pork
Cannabis-like drug reduces outbursts, emotional distress and restlessness in Alzheimer's patients, trial reveals
Opticians eye test could spot DEMENTIA: Landmark study reveals people with thin retinas are at higher risk of being robbed of their memory
Powerful sedatives and painkillers given to hundreds of thousands of dementia patients put them at risk of early death, warns research
The power of berries: Eating a handful every day reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by 40%, reveals study
US-Forscher entwickeln Plastikersatz: Krabbenschalen + Pflanzenfasern = Frischhaltefolie
Are YOU a Type D personality Test reveals how the little-known character type is so good at bottling up emotions even THEY d
Boston Dynamics To Produce 1,000 “Terrifying” Robot Dogs Per Year
Cat Vs. Dinosaur - Cat Spooked, Then Befriends a Robot Dinosaur - Maya The Cat - YouTube
A Herb and Vegetable That Handily Defeat Daily Stress in Vitro | Healthcare
Manipulierte Pflanzen: Europäischer Gerichtshof blockiert den Einsatz neuer Gentechnikverfahren
British scientists create artificial embryo from stem cells
For the First Time, a Female Ebola Survivor Infects Others
Goodbye counterculture: what will happen when weed goes corporate?
Explosion In Sex Dolls Threatens Japanese Race With "Extinction" | Zero Hedge
What to expect when you freeze your eggs: Everything we know - and don't - about the latest trend in fertility treatment
Obesity and diabetes may lead to Alzheimer's by wearing down the LIVER, finds study
Pregnant women have MORE THAN 50 gender-bending chemicals in their blood: Substances are linked to birth defects and harm a baby's development in the womb, reveals study
Omega-3 supplements make children better behaved by improving their brain health: Study finds they are less likely to disobey instructions, steal or damage property
Unicef-Bericht: HIV ist ein großes Problem bei jungen Frauen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Need a hand? Mind-controlled robotic arm lets you do two things at once
The ONE unlikely sleep aid you don't know about: The food to eat at dinnertime that will boost both the quality and quantity of your slumber for good
Horseradish contains powerful cancer-fighting compounds, according to NEW research
Men don't fib about having lots of lovers - they're just forgetful! Research shows they are likely to 'guesstimate' while women remember each partner
Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies! The Do-It-Yourself Kit for Sky Repair | Chemtrails
A battery that charges in MINUTES: Cambridge scientists have unlocked the secret to fast-charging devices
„Unendlich starke Schmerzen, die Mädchen sind meist nicht betäubt“
The end of cracked phone screens? Samsung claims to have developed an 'unbreakable' flexible display
Cheating men can blame their brain! Males are 'hardwired' for promiscuity, say experts
The wild west of IVF: More than six million test tube babies have been born since the first 40 years ago. But now, money men preying on women's longing for children have taken over
Cheap cocaine fuels huge spike in new users: Number of young people taking Class A drugs in Britain rises to half a million due to lowest prices in 25 years
Foods That Target Depression and Anxiety
Top supplements shown to protect eye health and good vision
Discovery Could Block Aging’s Terrible Toll on the Mind and Brai
The OTHER way to protect your skin in the sun: How green tea, turmeric and cooked CARROTS can help safeguard your complexion as temperatures soar
Revealed: How to cope with the pain of losing a loved one, according to a grief specialist
Men feel 'sad, tearful and irritable' after sex: Researchers find 'postcoital dysphoria' affects both sexes
Forscher haben eine Plastik-Alternative entwickelt – aus Krabbenschalen
AI is hurting people of color and the poor. Experts want to fix that
Abstimmung im Parlament: Frankreich verbietet Handys an Schulen

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