
moving forward. societies' corps and core.

 hello and welcome,

after years of analysis and data collection finally someone come up with the demand for expertise and collaboration. there is only one solution to create a 'new polis. read for yourself how the transformation can be designed for good. the intention behind the local-up discussion, decision and representation sytem, combined with a federal kind of expert level counselling and engagement. please read this citation and the article..

Statt von Eliten beherrschten Parteien und Politikdarstellern, die für das Volk die Fassade scheindemokratischer Abläufe aufrechthalten: Sachliche Arbeitsgruppen aus dem Volk heraus! " - Umkreis-Institut

minutes minute. more bad news again.

hello and welcome.

here is bad news. the doomsdayclock handle has been moving.
closer to the edge. it is sure that the levels of threat of times like mideighties come back soon, now that the us are deploying new troops and nukes in old and new europe.

please meditate two minutes longer :)


more bad news. in and out.

"Kill Switch" Prevents Spread of Genetically Modified Bacteria

hello and welcome,

here is bad news again in genetics.

for some it means a lot to juggle with the archparts of gods creation, but in general there is pretty much alert necessary. so for this case. although it sounds promising to acchieve containment of genetically modified organisma to the very area of labs and facilities by implanting needy genes, the catch is that they know now how to do it. anyway put something somewhere for the individual counterparts can't survive without it. the other way is to put something there in the modified organism, which enables it to survive in other residue and leaves their natural counterparts dying. is the nextx step that we have to purchase gutbacteria?

well, cu.


little future helpers. emotional mario.

hello and welcome,
some students of the tübingen unversity have presented
a video about an artificial intelligence equipped with emotionanal scales.
chair of cognitive modelling.
project homepage.

ok. cu.
enjoy the video and