
chile riots.. riots possible everywhere?

Read more here, but first have glance at the quintessence..
https://oneworld.press/?module=articles&action=view&id=1128As such, with pro-socialist sentiment rising all across the developed world, this means that the Chilean unrest isn't unique, but can happen literally anywhere at anytime since it should be assumed that there are countless activists preparing for similar scenarios in their own countries but are just waiting for the opportune moment to set their plans into action. There's no silver bullet for solving these problems, which differ in detail depending on the specific country, but just to point out that this is a serious structural issue across the world that must somehow or another be addressed as soon as possible. Whether that takes the form of more left-wing economic policies, the doubling down on neoliberal ones, preemptive intelligence-gathering operations to identify Color Revolution threats, and/or militant force in reaction to ongoing destabilizations, the fact of the matter is that something will eventually be done because the problem has revealed itself to be structural and might very well become a defining characteristic associated with the ongoing global systemic transition. ..taken from oneworld article, here..-