
video.. future robotsoldier..

just maybe some cool film effects now, but remember jules vernes' voyage to the moon.. it all starts with ideas, examples of possibilities and later someone makes the idea work with new tools and methods.. and remember there is still no ban on autonomous weapon systems, not even a moratorium is in the making.. a good example of public impact is the declaration of google/alphabet to not develop weapon systems and robots anymore, induced by google employees..

FfF. climate .. linxmix ..

here is the title list of climate linxbox.. it sure does miss some of the links, but all in all it is visible that any discussion of weather and climate is leading to the sun. on many other planet in our solar system do the surface temperatures increase.. if true, how does anybody explain that.. the discussion also shows the models of the science applied, are insufficiently designed, biased, harmonized or distorted or limited in many ways.. it is a political issue and all sides try to amass advantages based on a lie.. this has to stop.. politicians adjust their plans and project to a voting population based on a lie, they engage in all kinds of chatter and make promises, based on a lie.. this also has to stop.. protesting kids do have to attend school on Friday, to participate and learn for the future. let parents gather, these people were sleeping, not the politicians they voted for themselves.. these parents are able to develop plans and politics to advocate their childrens wellbeing now.. it is late, but still fair..

here is some latest links
and more relating information to climate models, climate mathematics, climate politics..
Krieg als Klimakiller
Wie wir mit Klima und Migration von der Kriegsvorbereitung abgelenkt werden
Das Elend des deutschen Klima-Journalismus | Publico
Welcome To The Dark Ages: A New Green Era Dawns In California | Science and Technology
Wo die Klimadrangsal ihren Ursprung nahm
Top UK thinktank spent decades undermining climate science
Google has made 'substantial' contributions to more than a dozen organisations which deny climate change
Extinction Rebellion (XR): extrem gut organisiert, strukturiert und finanziert.
Rolle rückwärts bei der Windkraft
Die Ursprünge des Schwindels vom menschengemachten Klimawandel – EIKE – Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie
Die Kernkraft nicht fürchten, sondern nutzen – Klaus Peter Krause
Who are Extinction Rebellion — the ‘eco-activists’ grounding planes & shutting down cities
Extinction Rebellion: Warum uns die weltweite Umsturzbewegung Sorge bereiten sollte – Liberale Warte
Faktencheck: «500 Wissenschaftler» gegen aktuelle Klimapolitik

FfF. hot topic 5G ..

hello, here is news about 5G in links.. although climate and plastic, as well as alternative energies are on the agenda this topic is of greater importance.. we all do not know, how we can protect humans from radiation.. children are exposed to braindamaging doses and constant radiation of 4G and so on anyway.. it is better to look closer to it and better into the whole topic first and to inform the people in advance. there should also be a veto for the local communities to express the willingness of the market to listen to the public. here is latest news, from around the web..

5G-Netz: „Hürden bei der Überwachung“
England Town Bans 5G Rollout Amidst Growing Health Concerns
Datenschützer stellt Bedingungen für 5G-Netze von Huawei
5G in Space: More 5G Satellites to be Launched by SpaceX. Federal Lawsuit against 5G
Western Insanity and 5G Electromagnetic Radiation
We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe
Exposure limits: the underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children
5G Appeal – 5G Appeal Scientist 5G appeal call for 5G roll out moratorium