
linxlist. ladies' affairs. health n care. 1/4 - 18.

ladies' affairs. health n care.. 

latest news
Illegal party drug ketamine eases severe depression and halts suicidal thoughts just four hours after it is taken as a nasal spray, study finds
Circumcision should be ILLEGAL, argues expert
Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Contributor: Alton Parrish 
Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles
Can pot make you a better parent
Could YOU survive on bugs Early humans feasted on termite nests as long as 1.8 million years ago - when insects made up HALF
Cannabis is set to be legalised in Antigua and Barbuda, as Prime Minister says 'racist' laws that banned it damaged the Rastafarian community  

linxlist. diary migration in europe. 2/II - 4/II-18

diary 2018, latest news:

Migrant surge blamed on EU for failing to pay €3billion promised to Turkey two years ago to stem the flow
The Future of Europe is Civil War | Global Unrest
Seehofer zum Familiennachzug: "Kein Zuzug in die Sozialsysteme"
Seehofer greift Grundrechte von Flüchtlingen an
Actors Reading Stats About Illegal Immigration Are Blown Away by the Facts
Islamismus: Hunderte Extremisten beantragten Asyl
Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
Seehofer will Dschihadisten deutschen Pass entziehen
Mehr als jeder zweite Hartz-IV-Bezieher hat Migrationshintergrund
Statistisches Bundesamt: Zahl der Ausländer auf 10,6 Millionen gestiegen
Kein Familiennachzug – Syrer verlassen Deutschland
Einwanderungsgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalens Integrationsminister fordert Migrationsgipfel 


the what? the capital of crime.

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horatio_Nelson,_1._Viscount_Nelsonupdate 20:00
this is indeed one hell of a statement. something fascinating new, something unseen. london. well, districts of london. the capital, they said in the yellow press. anyway, tis is not new, never was and anyone who thought, believed, was convinced of some other truth, must have lived in another world.
indeed in many cases, be it missing information or corruption or issues, the citizen is not aware of the truth and its vicinity to lie. did anyone suspect that the horrendous crimes would not sail back with them, reach the last fortresses and hideouts, like the drugs they are based on. into the offices of banks, administration, schools and kindergardens, then according to the matrix above, this citizen must have lived in another, different world as well. the proximity should have consequences, or not? based on new theories the simulation we all seem to live in works over all of these worlds. some side effects do also seem comfortable or lucrative. how could the capital of the world, western world not be everything.