
ai-talk. the simple economics of artificial intelligence.

this simple economics applies to ai's like what they are now, but as we all know the progress goes on faster and the possible applications grow by the hour.


3D. drones. 3D-printed drones.

3D drones linxlist.

Discover the best 3D printed drone projects!
3D Printing and Drones Represents Bright Future - DRONELIFE
3D Printed Spherical UAV - UAS VISION
3D Printed Drones: Guide, Resources, Materials, and Ideas | All3DP
3D printed shoes: a revolution in the footwear industry! 
3D Printed Drones, An Emerging Trend | 3DPrint.com | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing
3D printed DJI Ispired clone - DIY Drones
Rapid Prototyping, Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing | 425manufacturing
SkyProwler — Part Plane/Part Drone, Produced with Several 3D Printed Parts, Launching on Kickstarter | 3DPrint.com | The Voice of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing
Firefly by Firefly1504 - Thingiverse
Parrot wants to 3D print your designs, pay you in drones
3ders.org - Thingiverse user shares free designs for a professional quality 3D printable drone | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing News
3d printed aircraft parts
3D Printed Spherical UAV - UAS VISION
3D-printed drones from Zurich « Inhabitat – Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building
New 3D Printer Will Now Print Drones, Phones, and Other Electronics – The Proactionary Transhumanist
Flying 3D-printer concept gets off the ground in Shanghai
3D Printed Drones — PIA ZARAGOZA
Drones/UAV Archives - 3D Printing Media Network
3D-Printed Drone - YouTube 2015
3D printed shoes: a revolution in the footwear industry!

linxlist. thinkabouts. 2-2018

here is a shortlist of all the ongoings good journalists keep their eyes on. share your research and contribute to monitoring and change. some topics in europe and germany besides the refugee crisis and the ongoing crisis within the german administration and chancellor merkel urgently need to be addressed.

latest news..
OECD fordert Deutschland zu mehr Investitionen auf
OECD warnt Deutschland davor, den Aufschwung zu verspielen
DIW-Prognose: Wachstum deutlich schwächer
Roboter: Mittelschicht muss um ihren Status fürchten
Bruch der Drei-Monats-Regel wird zur Gefahr für Deutschland
Scholz killt die Finanztransaktionssteuer
Informationsfreiheitsgesetz: Staat gibt 1,88 Millionen Euro aus, um unliebsame Presseanfrage nicht zu beantworten
Bundestag beschließt Musterfeststellungsklage: Verbraucher können künftig gemeinsam Schadensersatz von Firmen einfordern
Zunehmend größere Betriebe gefährdet: Insolvenzen treffen mehr Mitarbeiter
Öffentlicher Nahverkehr: In Dünkirchen dürfen alle gratis Bus fahren
6,87 Millionen Menschen leben von Arbeitslosengeld oder Hartz-IV-Leistungen
Negativzins Gericht bestätigt: Strafzinsen gegen Sparer sind erlaubt
click for


tools. new collars. video&bluetooth.

tools. nice knuckles.

guess if it is true that it takes five hours to learn to use them, you sure will not want to do without them.
they look definitely good and i am sure they feel good, too.