

hello and welcome,

here is some christmas present for those, who...
well, but this one has some real hip thing. merry christmas..

art and forefront technology. la techart pour tech l`art.


new toy. spacebike..

hello and welcome. 

here is some new toy, some new profile symbol and spacebike ride.

have fun.



ai basics. artificial intelligence and consciousness.

hello and welcome,

with all that fuzz going on about killer robots and the mechies take over and enslave us, there is still a possibility to look at things from a scientific pespective and listen to people, who are veterans in that field and honorary personalities as professor and Phd's, not just some paypal. for the silent days there is the following compilation of contributions, worth watching.

have fun.


robots discussion.

hello and welcome,

to a contribution for the discussion to limit AI's and ban autonomous weapon systems.
see the new feature in science, on how to restrict robot ai's from harming humans.

over the last year we have heard voices concerning autonomous intelligent systems, so called artificial intelligences and robots to be banned, if weaponized. this claim comes from a fear mankind would experience a complete threat and immanent danger and the hope humanity could somehow regulate this. mankind, humanity, whatsoever, no united nations and no ICC will stop this,  there is nothing to regulate or ban anymore.

hawking had this formulated a couple of years ago, regarding ais' in general, might be a threat to mankind, not only as weapon, but by taking over the way mankind manages itself. with this point past long ago, we see a board of directors, which actually employs an artificial intelligence as a full member of the board and city services getting more and more autonomous all over the world. what we see soon is the humanoid everywhere.

ai robot linxlist 171000 ..

hello and welcome,

this is the new edition of our series : ai robotics and autonomous intelligent sytems ..
plus the new ai robot linxlist .. after the videos selected for this issue..

Food-Trends: Kommt unser Essen bald aus dem 3D-Drucker?
New DNA Supercomputers, Faster than All Computers in World Combined, Make Quantum, Obsolete, Latest, Leak Project
Sophia, the creepily realistic humanoid robot, tells Good Morning Britain she is looking for a 'super-wise' partner and is learning to CARE about us (but Piers Morgan says she's a 'little freak')
The future of robot communication? Facebook's AI bots accidentally invent a new LANGUAGE while training to negotiate with one another 


update. diary. migrants and europe.

hello and welcome.

http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/daily-mail-owner-donates-100000-to-help-grenfell-tower-fire-victims/after the grenfell tower desaster and the portugal wildfires, which do not seem to be over, one could think the world begins to burn on all sides. one of the burning problems is the constant influx of migrants. in this issue we listed some of the recent incidents and some comments and newspaper articles. we do emphasize one here, up above the list, because the author is an excellent witness and intimate expert on cultural differences, their major consequences and presents a profound summary for the implemention of a political plan. this plan is the one and only up to now, meeting the necessities.


for the next generation: this is how it began..

hello and welcome,

to this new feature of the series borders off tomorrow. in this issue there is a short overview of what is going to happen and how, concerning the islamic takeover of europe. a couple of months ago, there was a discussion about how chancellor angela merkel endangered germany and europe by breaking all kinds of laws and treaties in the EU. the basic tone of the discussion was, politically correct and very distinguished, that there would not be an danger as we in europe would have stable and well protected societies, strong enough to withstand islamic terror and the consequences of a decade long multi-cultural pie-in-the-sky-policy. as even chancellor merkel acknowledged some years ago, this "multi-culti" phantasy is dead.


ai-robot links update..

hello and welcome,

please enjoy the new  ai-robot update. 2/4-17.
we do start with a little youtube compilation. enjoy some video first..

Humans Need Not Apply Mircrosoft's Demo for explaining the use of Machine Learning in Health Care

here is our deep.deep playlist..

deep neural networks. deeplearning and implications. 

we then continue with a compilation of links concerning man machine interaction and the singularity, which, as the last author claims, has already occurred..

Elon Musk Claims Transhuman Neuralink “Next Stage of Human Evolution”
Singularity Has Already Occurred; We Are Machines
down there are more links for you to read..



roboter: auf dem weg..

hallo und willkommen,

zu einer neuen ausgabe für unsere roboterfreunde. Jetzt ist es soweit... nachdem wir vor einigen jahren beobachten durften dass eine datenbank mit dem ontologischen weltwissen und objektklassifikationen für tausende von gegenständen online ging, für alle roboter dieser welt, online über das netz und völlig kostenlos, so sehen wir jetzt eine datenbank, die unsere freundlichen roboter nicht nur schlauer, sondern auch feinfühliger macht. wir sind auf dem weg. wohin auch immer. aber lesen und sehen Sie selbst..


tools. applications. engine ke101.


here are some areas of interest, where knowledge engines will play a major role in future business development. click on the wordle to see our download section. cu.


aktuelles! neu! .. neue serie ..

hallo und herzlich willkommen,

zu unserer neuen serie - nichts gelernt! -

anlässlich der ankündigung der türkischen regierung nach deutschland zu kommen wann es beliebt und der allgemeinen verschärfung des gesprächstons sollen hier nochmals vorsorglich, in einer kurzen videoübersicht, die militärischen erfahrungen europas mit dem osmanischen reich zusammengefasst werden. sehr schön, allerdings weniger dem titel der serie entsprechend, ist das video über die büchse der pandora. da kann man was lernen. viel spass !


nie mehr/ no more ..

hallo und herzlich willkommen,

zu einem neuene beitrag aus unserer kleine serie -  nie mehr / no more ..

mit einem drohnen angriff auf einen wichtigen alkaida kommandanten haben die usa offenbar einen neuen schritt im drohnenkrieg getan. 

nachdem drohnen ohnehin schon grausam genug sind und an sich geächtet werden sollen und das nicht nur aus humanitären und ethischen gründen sondern auch, hier mal im link  was für soldaten .. battlefield balls ...  aus gründen der ehre und moral darüberhinaus.


fast forward technology.

hello and welcome,

to a new feature from the 4D-printing series. we found this video in an article on mail-online and think it would be a good start for some look on how far science has come and what we can expect from this technology. ..


even worse. take that too ..

hello and welcome,

to the new feature of our little series  
- dangers off tomorrow. -

when listening to this interview you can easily start think about being mad, everything being mad, just mad. but then you start to connect the dots. it is not all mad. it fits together. some other way. it sounds mad. thats it. no one was looking at things like this. thats new and it seems therefore to be mad. here we go ..

take it easy.


future? take that first.

hello and welcome,

after years of rumours and telltales, we now have first pictures and videos of a visitor in our solar system.

there has been not much in the mainstream media and there is good reason, but thanks to the heavens there is some independent minds investigating and collecting facts. here is a good video compilation with lots of information in there, for your own further research.