
new projects. beer.

hello and welcome.
read a few lines and watch a few movies and join us.

start beer.
ok. cu.

tutorial. wissensvernetzung.

hello and welcome.
read our tutorial.pls.

Die Bildung standardisierter Wissensmodule

Wir haben dargestellt, dass Wissensmanagement über den Prozess 
 Zielsetzung = Prozess = Inhalte = Wissensträger = Wissen

aufgebaut wird. Wissensmanagement ist folglich branchenspezifisch und differenziert in der Regel unterschiedliche Organisationseinheiten.

So muss Wissensmanagement neben den Dimensionen Inhalt, Kontext, Kultur und Prozesse zusätzlich die Dimension der Organisationseinheiten vernetzen.

Die viel zu einfachen Wege der DMS und Portale sind damit endgültig verlassen.

links. wissensmanagementsysteme.

hallo und willkommen.
hier sind einige links zum thema.
empfehlenswerte links.

Wissensmanagementsysteme für den kleinen Kontext - Darf es ein bisschen weniger sein?
23. August 2013 von Nadja Weber, Edzard Weber, Andreas Gäbler

Semantische Technologien und Auswirkung auf Informations- und Wissensmanagementsysteme
16. Mai 2009 von Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Daniel Hansch, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Hans-Peter Schnurr, Thomas Franz, Dr. Steffen Staab

Wissensmanagement in der Bundesverwaltung mit dem Government Site Builder (GSB)
11. Januar 2005 von Stefan Brombach, Jörg Pohlmann

links. wissensbasierte informationssysteme.

hallo und willkommen.
hier sind einige links zum thema.
wissensbasierte informationssysteme.
empfehlenswerte links.
Wissensmanagement und Software Engineering - Expert Assistance -
Messen von intellektuellem Kapital
Wissensmanagement und Software Engineering - Expert Assistance -
Ingenieurmässige Modellierung 

gardening. thumbs.

hello and welcome






update. gardening.

hello. and welcome.
here is an update. gardening.

woodfarming. new series.
meet the silk leaf.
gardening. go vertical.
things to do. nuclear waste cleanup.
things to get worse. extreme drought in the us.
things to come. global cooling. 
things to better try. hempcrete. (1)
linxbox. .information


training. tones.

training unit for ears and senses.


do experiment and describe your thouhts in a mindmap.
try to find other possiblities to generate sounds or change recorded patterns.

woodfarming. new series.

hello and welcome.soon a series about
woodfarming and forest management
will start on linxbox.here are some "thumbnails."

cu soon.

readings. management science.

hello and welcome.
here are some linx for management science readings.

management science readings

daily. transhumanism.

Ethics and Policy Concerns in the Transhuman Transition
Watch Out Cupid! Transhumanism is Going to Change Love
What is the Difference between Posthumanism and Transhumanism
A World Future Society Conference Speech Everyone Faces a Transhumanist ...
be careful.
watch out.
ok. cu. 

readings. complexity.

hello and welcome.
i guess i found some interesting contribution.
science-philosophy-and-complexity by pacojariego


for the ladies. 3d voyage gear.

hello ladies.
have a look at the spiegel.de


there is more.
ok. cu.

things to remember. blacklightpower. suncell.

hello. energy first. our motto today.
blacklightpower first.



training. colours.

hello and welcome.
todays challenge is to cut n paste rectangles
taken from the coloured field and design something
... crazy.


lectures. on straw bale house.

hello and welcome.
here is a lecture about strawbale houses. by Tom Rijven

straw coming soon.
ok. cu

dreams. earthdome..

this video shows a mans dream come true.


get involved here..
ok. cu

things to do. build a cobhouse.

hello and welcome.
here is a video, showing technique and handling building a cobhouse

try yourself.

oc. cu.

crowdfunding. in science.

this post is about a way to finance science and research via crowdfunding.


ok. cu.


things to better try. hempcrete. (1)

hello and welcome.
a new line of articles will be setup concerning alternative uses for plants

Hemp Habitats – Homes of the Future
Hempcrete Could Change The Way We Build Everything
Scotland Village Houses Being Built With Hemp
try hemp.
its concrete.
ok. cu. 

beautiful things. the wiring of our brain.

hello and welcome.
enjoy this picture and read an interesting related article here.


cu. soon.

e-cat news

hello and welcome.
in the field of local energy production nad consumption,
maybe in whole neighborhoods.e -cat  has won another little battle

there is enough proof and we hope small scale production starts soon all over the world.
ok. n. cu

project. brainweb.

hello and welcome.
here is a year old outlaying of the project.
click on the image to read more.


Iconsider it very probable that in a couple of months, a community project will appear, in which user from all over the new start to teach a teachable webnet.the basis idea of braincluster is to develop a similar construct, based on knowledge, but also founded on a specific, specified, to say personal form of knowlegde representation.


things to come. pressure engines.

hellon d welcome.
air pressure technology has a variety of uses and before this one a an indian company developped an air pressure powerded car for four persons with respectable mileage and speed.
soon more on air power.

ok. and cu.

progress. hitchbot on the way.



all the best, bot.

discussion. turing machines.

folgender artikel aus der welt lässt die turing puppe eugene, wie einen bauchredner aussehen.
später mehr. hier noch ein hinweis auf eine buch aus den siebzigern.
hier ist eine zusammenfassung der ausgaben von ed.


"lectric jack". for just one dollar.
allein. der titel hat damals schon fasziniert, aber die interaktion des protagonisten mit dem mehr und mehr teuflischen bachrednerpuppenroboter und die irre welt in die man eintritt ist eine klare warnung.


hope 2 cu.

e-cat news.

hello and welcome. here is news from E-CAT:.

more to come.
ok . n cu.

video. edward bernays and the century of the self.


meet the silk leaf.

hello and welcome.
here is story about the first man made leaf, with the ability to produce oxygen from light.
meet the silk leaf made by Julian Melchiorri.

ok. cu.

things to come. growing outer space cities.

hello and welcome.
here is a movieclip about growing cities in space
