in this new series newtrition, new fruit and new nourishment. we have seen some extraordinary products and different methods of farming and shipping.
this issue is about the new ecotech enterprises which were shooting up some years ago. like infarm, for example or plenty. well here the answer for both.. they are doing well. this was sure to happen. it is a hype, it is new, it is healthy and sustainable. that is what people think. they are right. the footprints are reduced over. all polluting gases. but there is one thing.. it consumes a lot of energy, although the whole operation runs on energy efficient led technology. the point of breaking great is, when people have these gardens at their homes, have their own crop, maybe sell it after specialization and professionalization on a small business scale. and power it with water as fuel for home generators to power their led's and other equipment..
this issue is about the new ecotech enterprises which were shooting up some years ago. like infarm, for example or plenty. well here the answer for both.. they are doing well. this was sure to happen. it is a hype, it is new, it is healthy and sustainable. that is what people think. they are right. the footprints are reduced over. all polluting gases. but there is one thing.. it consumes a lot of energy, although the whole operation runs on energy efficient led technology. the point of breaking great is, when people have these gardens at their homes, have their own crop, maybe sell it after specialization and professionalization on a small business scale. and power it with water as fuel for home generators to power their led's and other equipment..
vertical farming was the the next logical step after going indoor for growing and breeding. all this is as well as scientifically backed and industrially covered, but there is a lot of possibilities for individuals to design an run their own indoor greenhouse. why go to some supermarket to buy fresh herbs? because these guys just got millions to put them there?
why not make your own little indoor greenhouse and put some led lamps and love in? some thought and thinking? some led's and a timer, first. then experiment with aquaponics or mushrooms. or insects. if there is a chance you can keep it small and simple. in case you fail, there is nothing to worry about.
as it can be seen in the second video below, if it doesn't it is bread winning for a whole family.