
garden under the snow. minnesota

hello and welcome.
here is a story about wintergardening.
nice to see and easy to achieve.


here are some more links and a video...


society. the suspect future.

hello and welcome.

here is some report which raised concern
over the last years progress in an internet of police.
watch the video and share. pls.
ok. cu.


3D. top10 3D-printers in 2014.

hello and welcome.

here is a short video presenting the top10 3D-printers of 2014. it is a personal view but there is lots of information in there. down below you'll find background information and a bit about the history of 3D-printing.


playlist green. updates.

hello and welcome.
here is the playlist..

trees, again. treecharger and the solar trees

hello and welcome.

a time past there was news about this whizkid presenting a smart arrangement of solarcells with an astonishing capability to collect sunlight.

due to the arrangement significally more light could be converted. nature had figured out the best way. again it seems we are just reinventing. but here is a solution that might turn remote villages to more of an energy oasis. here is more.

new technology. windtree.

hello and welcome.

there is news on the net about a new form of windturbine. the system is split up into smaller turbines, arranged in the form of leaves on a tree-like strucure.

the producer is going to display the systenm springtime in paris next year. the system is capable of catching wind two times more days per year and delivers at very low windspeed. please watch the videos below..

little farms. smart hydroponic gardening system.

Hello and welcome.
here is some more news and products in the 
"go vertical" - series.


3D printing. surprise.

hello and welcome.

here is news about printing "dna" code for creatures, walking and stalking. these are astonishing "beasts". but more interesting is the combination as platforms and mounting motors. :)


things to not forget. geo-engineering.

hello and welcome.
here is news and a long presentation about geoengineering aka chemtrails. maybe over the quiet days you may think about the future of your kids and the environment they will have to live in, if. it is to be completely destroyed in a couple of years. watch the video and visit mr wiggington's site. there is plenty of information and research on the internet. and there is a lot to take into consideration. why do they do it? why are scientists so reluctant to talk about? why does the government and the agencies keep silent about it? why do the mainstream media and politicians completely ignore and block all information about it? read, watch, test for yourself. it is everywhere, all around the world and it is very, very dangerous.


video. permaculture skills.

hello and welcome.
there is a movie about permaculture,  
homesteading, and compost-powered heating 
in the vermont hills to share. pls watch it. the guy has another project...


energy storage. closing the carbon cycle.

hello and welcome here is  
a new solution for energy storage right from the book.

windfarmers can produce fuel from wind, water and surplus current.


high tech. portfolio landscapes.

hello here is news for portfolio management.
and interface design of the future. with oculus rift.


high tech. nightmares.

hello and welcome.
there is an extra ordinary video on youtube.
see parkinson and motion transfer. shocking.

farming. changing the menu.

hello and welcome.
here is news for city and indoor farming..

heartbreaking. hungry homeland.

hello and welcome
here is good news in the bad news. about the hunger and help with the
Weekend Lunches Away From A School Plan.

transhumanism. point of view.

hello and welcome.
here is a video with news about the transhumanist discussion.
a clear positive point of view.

ok. cu.

more information is here...

worldhunger. agriculture and architecture.

hello and welcome.
we have news about nutrition and agriculture.
the basic concept of small farms to feed communities and build varieties of fruit.

for consumption and export. it is a rural, best habitble environment with lots of chances for requisite variety.

> please read this interview...
or click > here for more information...

> here is what you can do...
ok. cu.

new technology. modular. effcient, nontoxic.

hello and welcome.
here is news about the best.our favourite is but energy storage. 
aquion presented a storage sytem based on a saltwater electrolyte.

the choice..
ok. cu.


new technology. generating steam.

hello and welcome.
here is news from the energy sector. naomi halas and her team use nanoparticles to make steam with nanoparticles. without even boiling water.

ok. cu.

things to stop. female genital mutilation.

here is bad news concerning female genital mutilation. as "netzfrauen" reports there is a shocking case over here in munich, germany concerning two nigerian-rooted girls. these girl are in danger to be mutilated and german authorities do not try to stop it. click > here to read more in german.

stop it and stop circumcision!
it is barbaric! it is cruel! it is a crime!!
ok. cu.


things to stop. exposing children's brains to toxic chemicals.

hello and welcome.  
here is bad news about brain development.
for years concerned scientists warned about the effects of toxic substances
on children's brains. here is a summary about it.

here is more information.
The Future of Children
Early Exposure to Toxic Substances Damages Brain Architecture
Editorial: Toxic toys not child's play - Times Union
take care. there are dire consequences. not just for the kids.
ok. cu.

new technologies. woundsealing.

hello and welcome.
here is news about a new method to stop bleeding.
a technology thought of by a us-based company. vetigel causes bloodknotting very very fast.

ok. cu.


climate change. expert's opinion.

hello and welcome.
remember the climate change discussion
and the celebrities gossip. here is different news.

ok. cu.

things to know. three simple steps.

hello and welcome.
this is news from the creating community solutions project.
not just for mental health.

join in. make it a part of our lifes.
> here is more information... 
> and here are the fall 2014 winners... 
Meet the winners of the Fall 2014 Text, Talk, Act Contest! - See more at: http://creatingcommunitysolutions.org/texttalkact#sthash.WxMoBPGi.dpuf

Meet the winners of the Fall 2014 Text, Talk, Act Contest! - See more at: http://creatingcommunitysolutions.org/texttalkact#sthash.WxMoBPGi.dpuf
ok. cu.


new horizons. 3D-printing.

hello and welcome.
here is news from the horizons of 3D-printing and doodling.
please see the linklist below.

click on image, pls.

money or love. feeding the hungry.

hello and welcome.
here is extraordinary news. former national football feague player jason brown gave up fame, the limelight and the cash for a chance to do something humbler: farming.

click on image to read more, pls.

well done. good luck.

ok. cu.

water awareness. the water tank project.

hello and welcome.
clean water as one of the biggest issues in todays world and in the future has a new project to raise awareness about it. artists were > painting watertanks to enrich new york with colour and support the water project.

ok. cu.

awards. the zukunftspreis.

hello and welcome.
here is good news. the german zukunftspreis has been awarded to a
team of researchers in the field of nourishment and for the possible replacement of meat with proteins taken from lupines.

please read the > article in german here... or visit > the campaigns homepage english version.


idiots and morons. the energiewende.

hello and welcome.
here are some links about
alternative energy and the german "energiewende".
a classical example > how to politically ruin a good thing.

click on image, pls.

originated in ideas of the german green party, reasonable and promising, it became a nightmare in the last years, because right from the beginning there were no experts involved, telling the "politicians" about the needs of energy storage and transport first. it was a dream dreamt by enthusiasts, who were unable from the start to discuss and design together with their opponents. now this thing has become a complete mess, leading to endless quarrels about high tension powerlines and raising energy prices. it is leaving gigantic off-shore windparks sitting idle and coal-based powergenerators polluting the air, while powergrids have to be protected from breaking down in times of abundance by giving energy away for free and buying energy from neighbours like austria, generated there with fossil fuels in times with low windspeed and less sunshine.

bye bye.
here are the links....

horror or hope. genetic engineering.

hello and welcome.
here is the links collection on genetic engineered food
and other developments in that field of research.
there have been strange discussions and rumours on studies and their findings.

click on picture to read more, pls.
take care.

here are the links...


ebola. news this month so far.

hello and welcome.
there is mixed feelings and strange
news for the ebola update.

here are two links describing and predicting the toll of ebola.
> Ebola in graphics - The toll of a tragedy 
> Projecting the future of Ebola from November 2014 into 2015

click on image. pls

here is the cdc's page with actual case counts.
> 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa - Case Counts
this thing seems to go through the ceiling. it is exponentially growing and has now reached mali.
here is is our links collection...


things to do. think twice, finally.

hello and welcome.
here is a speech by ethan nadelman concerning the war on drugs
summing up all the nonsense, propaganda and frenzy.

think twice. better the future.
ok. cu.

food. greenhouse future.

hello and welcome.
here is news about future farming.
indoors and germ free.

as we learned from other sources the future of food production in a dangerously polluted environment will only be possible indoors and in controlled environments. indoor and apartment gardening will soon be the only way in many cities. we will see insects and aquaponics farming. the reasons, why so many futurists are concerned is the environmental pollution through chemtrails and the > radioactive fallout from fukushima as well as the threat of gmo contamination. we learned a couple of weeks ago about the > alarming data all over the us showing radioactive pollution out of bounds.

or watch > this video...
ok. cu.