
linxbox. newsflash. gene drives.

here is a linxbox newsflash.. concerning gene drives and regulation..

30.11.2018 17:59:41 [Informationsdienst Gentechnik]
Die Vertragsstaaten der UN-Biodiversitätskonvention konnten sich nicht auf ein Moratorium für den Einsatz von Gene Drives verständigen. Statt dessen beschlossen sie inhaltliche Vorgaben, die sich unterschiedlich interpretieren lassen. Die 196 Mitgliedsstaaten des UN-Übereinkommens über Biologische Vielfalt (CBD) haben auf ihrem Treffen in Sharm El-Sheikh in Ägypten (COP 14) eine Regulierung von Gene Drive Technologien beschlossen. Der Text verweist auf die Risiken dieser Technologie und fordert die Vertragsstaaten auf, bei eventuellen Freisetzungen von Organismen mit Gene Drive das Vorsorgeprinzip anzuwenden.

indoor gardening. garden hacks.


teaser. bioengineered organisms.

here is a part of Taking Biotech to the Next Level with Laboratory Automation,. this is minimum as unethical as the embryo experiment in china.. what if some other smart engineers come up with the idea of optimizing apes to be servants and slaves?
Ginkgo Bioworks was started with the dream of making biology easier to engineer. The company designs and optimizes organisms to efficiently produce compounds according to the customer’s desire.
Today, the US company has built several ‘foundries’ — factories where every step of genetic engineering has been automated, including high-throughput analytics and small-scale fermentation. Running about 15,000 automated operations per month, the so-called ‘organism engineers’ can build and test thousands of new prototypes for each project. Thanks to automation, the company has significantly scaled up its throughput and capacity.
please subscribe for 'biotech..

biotechnology. new linxbox.

we will focus on a project on biotechnology as a subject for a new linxbox. we will start 2019. please contact us or send links to us via the contact form..

here are our sources..

what crisis? a tell-tale story.

http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/rettungssanitaeter-in-den-usa-alltag-ueberdosis-fotos-fotostrecke-165445.htmlin the beginning nineties there was a problem in southamerican towns with adhesives sniffing children. these kids had no home and the stuff made them feel warm and safe, as they put it. there were a lot of these kids and they were all over town, as beggars, as thieves, as prostitutes, it was a crisis. the public demanded the streetworkers had to do something to stop it and to help the children. so the streetworkers thought, ok we have to make the kids stop sniffing and go to school. they decided to write to the producers of the stuff and ask them to mix the aroma of toilettcleaner and mustard in it, so it would be unattractive and hard to ingest. the kids continued to sniff, but thats not the point. the point is that the producers said "no". 

well, lets first ask the producers.. producers and distributors of fentanyl and heroin or other opioids are to stop to produce  and do that, national and international.. period. a police must go for private and syndicate non registered drug kitchens and there must be a bounty on the labs. america will else be in the hands of a pharmaceutical mega-gang and partisan gangland industry and the only escape is death. for many. we see the life expectancy go down. go down. america's countdown hasn't just started. it is time to go. chemistry doesn't wait. this is the opioid war.