
new nutrition. new fruit. new pork.

hello and welcome to the new fruits series. 

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5453669/Exotic-fruit-tastes-like-pork-help-world-hunger.html#v-5800836604175826404here we will present in a loose series all kinds of new fruits and agricultural products in use all over the world, but new to the international market.what we have to fight hunger an feed people healthily is indoor farming, vertical farming, insects and aquaponics, but also a shift in awareness regarding nutrition over all. just because it is different or has some annoying characteristics first, doesn't say it can not be integrated or transformed.

it will start over with the jack fruit. a, lets say stinking fruit with a high grade in protein, lots of seeds with extraordinary chemical and medicinal components, which is now conveniently prepared an shipped right to your house. without stink. people like it, as we see, but it is not at all without stink. it has to be shipped and has to be brought to your house. for that reason quantities of this produce have to be imported at once and ordered at once. so ask yoour friends. ecofriendly consumption starts with a talk. about shipping. about taking part. about something new.



how is this going to end?

hello and welcome to a new issue in our series about future societies. 

this time we have to talk again about this nuclear nonsense and the never ending nuclear race. aside from the question why trump has now decided to stick to the strategy of global nuclear domination, one asks, why now the cyberspace is next, which means that any country being a threat - or a fabled threat -  would have to face nuclear attack and annihilation, probably even if the cyberspace is the initial battlefield. 

with this threshold crossing, connecting the cyberspace to real space and real pain in a weapons war, this is one of the most tragic thoughts ever thought, facing the automation of autonomous intelligent warfare. it would be definitely better to think about that twice. and this for three reasons. first. the future wars will be fought at an incredible speed, about 90% of all operations will be based on robots or ai's. it is ridiculous to summon that there is any moment for "reason". second. the future wars will solely be total wars, diplomacy is not built in. so it is lethal to believe that the commanding systems will restrain from using chemical agents, biological warfare or battlefield nukes. third. it is, as many suppose, that the strategic objective of these systems will not be enslavement or total destruction as alternative, but another more "sophisticated" tyranny, following a total full spectrum dominance like a full spectrum warfare, we cannot imagine. this is not far in the future, it is a far away as the first key is pressed to allow the "skynets" take over. plus maybe two or three months.

one thing should be kept in mind regarding these funny facebook bots, who were beginning to communicate in a language of their own. these little bots were built to deal and trade with balls, what will happen with all what we put in our AIs? another thing to keep in mind s the results of expert systems in  legal affairs, as there were racial bias and prejudice slipping in from big data. so the last point to make here is to mention the concern of some thinkers that the "skynets" will eradicate mankind as the source for all the trouble. maybe not all, but so many there would be no need to fight wars anymore. this sounds more reasonable than pondering to answer cyberattacks with nuclear fire.

it is not just the cyberspace getting impregnated with a nuclear battlefield, but as well there is the new warzone in space, real outer space, which is at hand. wars out there are considered "round the corner", in terms of acceleration and speed of this frenzy going on. looking at all that, the answer to the above question is: it is gonna end in getting worse.
