here is a short video presenting the top10 3D-printers of 2014. it is a personal view but there is lots of information in there. down below you'll find background information and a bit about the history of 3D-printing.
a time past there was news about this whizkid presenting a smart arrangement of solarcells with an astonishing capability to collect sunlight.
due to the arrangement significally more light could be converted. nature had figured out the best way. again it seems we are just reinventing. but here is a solution that might turn remote villages to more of an energy oasis. here is more.
there is news on the net about a new form of windturbine. the system is split up into smaller turbines, arranged in the form of leaves on a tree-like strucure.
the producer is going to display the systenm springtime in paris next year. the system is capable of catching wind two times more days per year and delivers at very low windspeed. please watch the videos below..
here is news about printing "dna" code for creatures, walking and stalking. these are astonishing "beasts". but more interesting is the combination as platforms and mounting motors. :)
here is news and a long presentation about geoengineering aka chemtrails. maybe over the quiet days you may think about the future of your kids and the environment they will have to live in, if. it is to be completely destroyed in a couple of years. watch the video and visit mr wiggington's site. there is plenty of information and research on the internet. and there is a lot to take into consideration. why do they do it? why are scientists so reluctant to talk about? why does the government and the agencies keep silent about it? why do the mainstream media and politicians completely ignore and block all information about it? read, watch, test for yourself. it is everywhere, all around the world and it is very, very dangerous.