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ladies' affairs. health n care.. 

latest news
Illegal party drug ketamine eases severe depression and halts suicidal thoughts just four hours after it is taken as a nasal spray, study finds
Circumcision should be ILLEGAL, argues expert
Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Contributor: Alton Parrish 
Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles
Can pot make you a better parent
Could YOU survive on bugs Early humans feasted on termite nests as long as 1.8 million years ago - when insects made up HALF
Cannabis is set to be legalised in Antigua and Barbuda, as Prime Minister says 'racist' laws that banned it damaged the Rastafarian community  

The Disappearing Male ~ Biphenyl A (BPA) ~ Where Have All The BOYS Gone? from DianeDi on Vimeo.
Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives | Frontpage Mag
9 Clever Ways To Jump Start Your Garden During Winter | Survival
Watch a thought race across the brain in under a second | Daily Mail Online
So würde Deutschland von einer Cannabis-Legalisierung profitieren
Computer game that can control schizophrenia | Daily Mail Online
Alcohol damages the brain more than cannabis, study finds
Foolproof ways to fix a broken heart: Psychologist who's spent decades studying the impact of break-ups has written a manual for women struggling to get over a relationship
Nepalesische Frauen werden während ihrer Menstruation verbannt
Schweizer fordern eine Strafsteuer für Roboter
Medical marijuana eases pain in MORE THAN 90% of elderly patients and allows nearly 20% to stop taking painkillers, study finds
'If you don't know whether to take your pants off, don't ': Joanna Lumley says women MUST take more responsibility as she speaks out on the Weinstein scandal
Apotheken: Deutsche kaufen weniger homöopathische Mittel
Vaginal dryness during sex is easily treated | Daily Mail Online
The real reason women's hands are colder than men's: Researchers claim females and children need to put their hands in their pockets because they have less muscle mass
Digitalisierung trifft vor allem Hilfskräfte
Breast cancer vaccine in sight: Scientists successfully immunized mice against the disease using stem cells in groundbreaking new study
Glyphosat-Alternative aus der Distel?
Grossbritannien verbietet Mikroplastik in Kosmetik
Deshalb betäuben Schmerzmittel sogar Liebeskummer
photo Lab-Made Mosquitoes Released in Miami
Could you live forever? Humans will achieve IMMORTALITY using AI and genetic engineering by 2050, expert claims
Künstliche Intelligenz: Google Brain verfasst selbstständig Wikipedia-Artikel Künstliche Intelligenz: Google Brain verfasst selbstständig Wikipedia-Artikel heise.de
Why women have colder hands but men have BIGGER noses! University researchers reveal how science proves we ARE different
Women are TWICE as likely to develop fatal heart complications from mental stress than men
Can eating a £1 Gummy Bear made from CANNABIS oil really boost your health?
Hashish Becoming a Main Source of Income for the Taliban
Is Dramatic Drop in US Abortion Rate Linked to Feminization of Men?
Millions of women forced to work until they drop: Number of those still employed in their 50s and 60s hits a record high and reaches 4.2million
Is your perfume making you ill? Scientists find growing evidence that chemicals in scents and cleaning sprays are causing cancer, headaches and harming unborn babies
Wie stark erklären biologische Unterschiede die Gender Pay Gap?
Ein gefährliches Netzwerk – Das Pharmasyndikat
How To Make a Monkey an Adidas Fan? Sex and Celebrity - D-brief
310.000 Fälle: Hartz-IV-Sanktionen treffen oft Kinder
Masern-Epidemie bricht in Griechenland alle Dämme
8 Reasons Why You Act Against Your Own Better Judgment | Opinion - Liberal
Mother's science experiment comparing how breast milk and formula fight bacteria goes viral after it proves 'boobs are magical' - and sparks a furious debate
Can you die of a broken heart? The very real and toxic impact that loss of a loved one or breakdown of a marriage can unleash on the human body
Women who start a family late in life make their daughters less likely to be able to have children
photo Study Shows How to Retrain the Immune System to Ease Food Allergies
Cannabis: Partys für ein "breites" Publikum
Women are HAPPIER and more satisfied with their lives than men but also report higher levels of anxiety
The Suburban Micro-Farm — City Farmer News
AI Can Now Self-Reproduce—Should Humans Be Worried? | Eric Weinstein Big Think 202 Tsd. Aufrufe
Terrifying rise of super-strength 'skunk' cannabis: It now makes up 94 per cent of all marijuana seized
Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard | Self-Sufficiency
How To Grow Spinach | Survival
Umstrittene Neonicotinoide: EU stuft Pestizide als Gefahr für Bienen ein
Cannabis drug halves the risk of an epileptic fit in more than 40% of sufferers, study finds
10 Edible Roots to Help Keep You Alive and Healthy in a Survival Situation
When There Is No Doctor: 7 Natural Antibiotics to Use When Medicines are Not Available | Self-Sufficiency
Apple drängt mit eigenen Kliniken auf den Gesundheitsmarkt - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Warning for military mothers: Pregnant women just back from active duty are at twice the risk of having their babies prematurely, study finds
Frauen in Argentinien kämpfen für Recht auf legale Abtreibung
Metro startet Verkauf von Mehlwurm-Nudeln
Google's tiny 'smart' camera that spies on your every move: £180 Clips device that uses AI to automatically shoot intimate photos raises concerns it will 'superpower surveillance'
Synthetic Cell Produces Anti-Cancer Drugs within a Tumor | Health
These therapeutic 'cyborg legs' help people learn to walk again | Daily Mail Online
The War On Men (and Women) Continues -- Create Chaos By Dividing Everyone | Survival
The great HPV vaccine cop out: Health chiefs say costs are too high to extend life-saving jabs to boys as well as girls but doctors say that is a cheap excuse
Women DON'T regret a one night stand (as long as they made the first move and the person they are sleeping with is GOOD in bed)
The War On Men (and Women) Continues -- Create Chaos By Dividing Everyone | Survival
Top 10 Healthiest Fermentation Survival Foods | Self-Sufficiency
Only half of US children are being raised by their married parents | Religion
The Most Used Ingredients by Pioneers For A Survival Food Long-Term | Self-Sufficiency
Frauen im Top-Management: "Streitsüchtig, aggressiv und selbstherrlich "
Former 'elite' escort who has slept with 10,000 men says it's WOMEN'S fault they're being 'played' by men for sex - and reve
Women drivers really ARE more dangerous than men! New figures show middle-aged mothers are a 'liability' behind the wheel
Memory cells STOP regenerating after the age of 13, alarming new research shows
The Corporate Takeover of Cannabis: How Monsanto and Bayer Are Getting in on Marijuana
Studie: Forscher weisen viel Mikroplastik in deutschen Flüssen nach
Frauen brauchen keine rosa Bohrmaschinen
Diese Charakter-Eigenschaften machen dich anfälliger für Social-Media-Sucht
Annette Widmann-Mauz: „Ohne die Frauen kann Integration nicht gelingen“ - WELT
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft: Erhalt kleiner Kliniken kostet Milliarden
United Nations Report Scolds Countries for Cannabis Legalization
Weltweite Studie: Antibiotika-Verbrauch ist immens gestiegen
Erstmals beim Menschen: Drei Tote durch Bornaviren in Deutschland
Menstruation: Fünf überraschende Fakten zu den Tagen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Kampagne gegen männlichen Suizid: Am Abgrund
Weiblichkeit in den Medien: Eine Frau ist kein Hulk - SPIEGEL ONLINE
London - Anti-Suizid-Kampagne: 84 Männer-Figuren symbolisieren Opfer - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Does cannabis really cause schizophrenia? Researcher asks why rates of psychosis aren't going up if use of the drug continues to soar
Höchste Geburtenziffer seit 1973: Babyboom in Deutschland
Scientists discover new organ spanning the ENTIRE human body that acts as a built-in 'shock absorber'
Antibiotikaresistenzen: England meldet weltweit ersten Horror-Tripper
Weltweit fünfzig Prozent mehr Hungernde als 2015
Regionale Unterschiede beim Babyboom: Kinderfeindliche Stadt = weniger Geburten
Pupils as young as four are suffering from depression: Children in primary schools experience eating disorders, self-harming, panic attacks and even consider suicide
7 Urban Survival Mistakes That Could Get You Killed | Alternative
The Disappearing Male - Top Documentary Films
It's the PROTEIN plaster! Bandage made with fibronectin found in baby skin speeds up wound healing and doesn't leave any scarring
Your Ultra-Slow Brain Waves Link Directly to the State of Consciousness | Health
After Multiple States Resisted, Feds Propose Bill To Legalize Growing Hemp—NATIONALLY
Schwangerschaftsabbrüche: "Es gibt Frauen, die können sich die Pille nicht leisten"
The 30-day sex position challenge: Ann Summers suggests some VERY risqué techniques to help spice things up between the sheets (so how many have YOU tried?)
Scientists use stem cells to grow a BEATING human heart for the first time ever
How gonorrhea became a SUPERBUG: Scientists identify mutation in strain resistant to 'last resort' treatment that may allow it to grow faster than normal
The mind-reading headset that lets you silently type on your computer with your THOUGHTS with 90% accuracy
Mini-human brains with their own BLOOD VESSELS are grown in the lab for the first time in a breakthrough that could help stroke victims
Elderly adults grow just as many new brain cells as 20-year-olds, study claims
Almost eight in ten firms pay men more than women new data on the gender pay gap reveals
Chemtrails Changing Our DNA! Scary! | Alternative
15 | The Disappearing Male - A Must See Documentary (Video) The Disappearing Male - A Must See Documentary (Video) Contributor: N. Morgan - Posted: Thursday, March 15, 2018 6:39 by N.Morgan Social engineering has taken hold over society and we are now bearing witness to a toxic threat to the male reproductive system. In the last few decades there has been steady and dramatic upticks in the incidences of boys and young men...
Artificial Molecule Can Imitate and Outcompete DNA | Science and Technology
Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
Sex robots with the ability to move their heads and hold conversations with their owners 'will be in British homes within a year'
Medically assisted suicide becomes legal in Hawaii
Your memories could be read and replayed after you DIE | Daily Mail Online
moviephoto Smoking Marijuana Causes ‘Complete Remission’ of Crohn’s Disease, No Side Effects, New Study Shows (Video)
Die Befreiung der deutschen Frau rückt immer näher
4 Ways Using Even Legal Marijuana Makes You a Second Class Citizen
Medical marijuana can be used to treat anxiety
Medical Cannabis, The Depression Redemption
How Marijuana Can Help With Seasonal Affective Disorder
The effectiveness of medical marijuana in treating drug and substance addiction
United Nations Report Scolds Countries for Cannabis Legalization
Unwahre Twitter-Inhalte verbreiten sich schneller als die Wahrheit
Studie: Schon kleine Mengen Alkohol verkürzen das Leben
Fürstin Gloria will Hetero-Männern ihre Würde wiedergeben
4 | Eating One Avocado Per Day Improves Brain Function, Study Reveals Eating One Avocado Per Day Improves Brain Function, Study Reveals Contributor: Natural Health 365 - Posted: Friday, April 13, 2018 22:19 (NaturalHealth365) Avocado benefits have been getting a lot of positive press lately. They are packed with nutrients and an excellent source of healthy unsaturated fats, including omega 3s. Now, a new study out of Tufts University is linking...
How does Cannabis affect fertility in men and women? | Health
Alzheimer-Forschung: Demenz durch Feinstaub? - SPIEGEL ONLINE
The Real Causes Of Depression Have Been Discovered, And They're Not What You Think | HuffPost
Can Insomnia be treated with Medical Marijuana?
Schon wieder: Drei neue Bienengifte im Anflug
First known epidemic of drug-resistant typhoid is spreading through Pakistan, infecting at least 850 people over the past two years - as doctors admit: 'We're out of options'
Why 'nipple play' is all one in three women need to ORGASM, claims doctor
Illegal party drug ketamine eases severe depression and halts suicidal thoughts just four hours after it is taken as a nasal spray, study finds
Circumcision should be ILLEGAL, argues expert | Daily Mail Online
3 | Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Contributor: Alton Parrish - Posted: Friday, April 13, 2018 12:01 Tobacco smoking, but not marijuana use over time, was associated with plaque build-up in heart arteries in a study that followed men and women for over 25 years, according to a study led by the University of Bern. “We knew the effect of tobacco...
Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles
Can pot make you a better parent
Could YOU survive on bugs Early humans feasted on termite nests as long as 1.8 million years ago - when insects made up HALF
Cannabis is set to be legalised in Antigua and Barbuda, as Prime Minister says 'racist' laws that banned it damaged the Rastafarian community