latest news
- Illegal party drug ketamine eases severe depression and halts suicidal thoughts just four hours after it is taken as a nasal spray, study finds
- Circumcision should be ILLEGAL, argues expert
- Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Contributor: Alton Parrish
- Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles
- Can pot make you a better parent
- Could YOU survive on bugs Early humans feasted on termite nests as long as 1.8 million years ago - when insects made up HALF
- Cannabis is set to be legalised in Antigua and Barbuda, as Prime Minister says 'racist' laws that banned it damaged the Rastafarian community
- The Disappearing Male ~ Biphenyl A (BPA) ~ Where Have All The BOYS Gone? from DianeDi on Vimeo.
- Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives | Frontpage Mag
- 9 Clever Ways To Jump Start Your Garden During Winter | Survival
- Watch a thought race across the brain in under a second | Daily Mail Online
- So würde Deutschland von einer Cannabis-Legalisierung profitieren
- Computer game that can control schizophrenia | Daily Mail Online
- Alcohol damages the brain more than cannabis, study finds
- Foolproof ways to fix a broken heart: Psychologist who's spent decades studying the impact of break-ups has written a manual for women struggling to get over a relationship
- Nepalesische Frauen werden während ihrer Menstruation verbannt
- Schweizer fordern eine Strafsteuer für Roboter
- Medical marijuana eases pain in MORE THAN 90% of elderly patients and allows nearly 20% to stop taking painkillers, study finds
- 'If you don't know whether to take your pants off, don't ': Joanna Lumley says women MUST take more responsibility as she speaks out on the Weinstein scandal
- Apotheken: Deutsche kaufen weniger homöopathische Mittel
- Vaginal dryness during sex is easily treated | Daily Mail Online
- The real reason women's hands are colder than men's: Researchers claim females and children need to put their hands in their pockets because they have less muscle mass
- Digitalisierung trifft vor allem Hilfskräfte
- Breast cancer vaccine in sight: Scientists successfully immunized mice against the disease using stem cells in groundbreaking new study
- Glyphosat-Alternative aus der Distel?
- Grossbritannien verbietet Mikroplastik in Kosmetik
- Deshalb betäuben Schmerzmittel sogar Liebeskummer
- photo Lab-Made Mosquitoes Released in Miami
- Could you live forever? Humans will achieve IMMORTALITY using AI and genetic engineering by 2050, expert claims
- Künstliche Intelligenz: Google Brain verfasst selbstständig Wikipedia-Artikel Künstliche Intelligenz: Google Brain verfasst selbstständig Wikipedia-Artikel
- Why women have colder hands but men have BIGGER noses! University researchers reveal how science proves we ARE different
- Women are TWICE as likely to develop fatal heart complications from mental stress than men
- Can eating a £1 Gummy Bear made from CANNABIS oil really boost your health?
- Hashish Becoming a Main Source of Income for the Taliban
- Is Dramatic Drop in US Abortion Rate Linked to Feminization of Men?
- Millions of women forced to work until they drop: Number of those still employed in their 50s and 60s hits a record high and reaches 4.2million
- Is your perfume making you ill? Scientists find growing evidence that chemicals in scents and cleaning sprays are causing cancer, headaches and harming unborn babies
- Wie stark erklären biologische Unterschiede die Gender Pay Gap?
- Ein gefährliches Netzwerk – Das Pharmasyndikat
- How To Make a Monkey an Adidas Fan? Sex and Celebrity - D-brief
- 310.000 Fälle: Hartz-IV-Sanktionen treffen oft Kinder
- Masern-Epidemie bricht in Griechenland alle Dämme
- 8 Reasons Why You Act Against Your Own Better Judgment | Opinion - Liberal
- Mother's science experiment comparing how breast milk and formula fight bacteria goes viral after it proves 'boobs are magical' - and sparks a furious debate
- Can you die of a broken heart? The very real and toxic impact that loss of a loved one or breakdown of a marriage can unleash on the human body
- Women who start a family late in life make their daughters less likely to be able to have children
- photo Study Shows How to Retrain the Immune System to Ease Food Allergies
- Cannabis: Partys für ein "breites" Publikum
- Women are HAPPIER and more satisfied with their lives than men but also report higher levels of anxiety
- The Suburban Micro-Farm — City Farmer News
- AI Can Now Self-Reproduce—Should Humans Be Worried? | Eric Weinstein Big Think 202 Tsd. Aufrufe
- Terrifying rise of super-strength 'skunk' cannabis: It now makes up 94 per cent of all marijuana seized
- Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard | Self-Sufficiency
- How To Grow Spinach | Survival
- Umstrittene Neonicotinoide: EU stuft Pestizide als Gefahr für Bienen ein
- Cannabis drug halves the risk of an epileptic fit in more than 40% of sufferers, study finds
- 10 Edible Roots to Help Keep You Alive and Healthy in a Survival Situation
- When There Is No Doctor: 7 Natural Antibiotics to Use When Medicines are Not Available | Self-Sufficiency
- Apple drängt mit eigenen Kliniken auf den Gesundheitsmarkt - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- Warning for military mothers: Pregnant women just back from active duty are at twice the risk of having their babies prematurely, study finds
- Frauen in Argentinien kämpfen für Recht auf legale Abtreibung
- Metro startet Verkauf von Mehlwurm-Nudeln
- Google's tiny 'smart' camera that spies on your every move: £180 Clips device that uses AI to automatically shoot intimate photos raises concerns it will 'superpower surveillance'
- Synthetic Cell Produces Anti-Cancer Drugs within a Tumor | Health
- These therapeutic 'cyborg legs' help people learn to walk again | Daily Mail Online
- The War On Men (and Women) Continues -- Create Chaos By Dividing Everyone | Survival
- The great HPV vaccine cop out: Health chiefs say costs are too high to extend life-saving jabs to boys as well as girls but doctors say that is a cheap excuse
- Women DON'T regret a one night stand (as long as they made the first move and the person they are sleeping with is GOOD in bed)
- The War On Men (and Women) Continues -- Create Chaos By Dividing Everyone | Survival
- Top 10 Healthiest Fermentation Survival Foods | Self-Sufficiency
- Only half of US children are being raised by their married parents | Religion
- The Most Used Ingredients by Pioneers For A Survival Food Long-Term | Self-Sufficiency
- Frauen im Top-Management: "Streitsüchtig, aggressiv und selbstherrlich "
- Former 'elite' escort who has slept with 10,000 men says it's WOMEN'S fault they're being 'played' by men for sex - and reve
- Women drivers really ARE more dangerous than men! New figures show middle-aged mothers are a 'liability' behind the wheel
- Memory cells STOP regenerating after the age of 13, alarming new research shows
- The Corporate Takeover of Cannabis: How Monsanto and Bayer Are Getting in on Marijuana
- Studie: Forscher weisen viel Mikroplastik in deutschen Flüssen nach
- Frauen brauchen keine rosa Bohrmaschinen
- Diese Charakter-Eigenschaften machen dich anfälliger für Social-Media-Sucht
- Annette Widmann-Mauz: „Ohne die Frauen kann Integration nicht gelingen“ - WELT
- Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
- Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft: Erhalt kleiner Kliniken kostet Milliarden
- United Nations Report Scolds Countries for Cannabis Legalization
- Weltweite Studie: Antibiotika-Verbrauch ist immens gestiegen
- Erstmals beim Menschen: Drei Tote durch Bornaviren in Deutschland
- Menstruation: Fünf überraschende Fakten zu den Tagen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- Kampagne gegen männlichen Suizid: Am Abgrund
- Weiblichkeit in den Medien: Eine Frau ist kein Hulk - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- London - Anti-Suizid-Kampagne: 84 Männer-Figuren symbolisieren Opfer - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- Does cannabis really cause schizophrenia? Researcher asks why rates of psychosis aren't going up if use of the drug continues to soar
- Höchste Geburtenziffer seit 1973: Babyboom in Deutschland
- Scientists discover new organ spanning the ENTIRE human body that acts as a built-in 'shock absorber'
- Antibiotikaresistenzen: England meldet weltweit ersten Horror-Tripper
- Weltweit fünfzig Prozent mehr Hungernde als 2015
- Regionale Unterschiede beim Babyboom: Kinderfeindliche Stadt = weniger Geburten
- Pupils as young as four are suffering from depression: Children in primary schools experience eating disorders, self-harming, panic attacks and even consider suicide
- 7 Urban Survival Mistakes That Could Get You Killed | Alternative
- The Disappearing Male - Top Documentary Films
- It's the PROTEIN plaster! Bandage made with fibronectin found in baby skin speeds up wound healing and doesn't leave any scarring
- Your Ultra-Slow Brain Waves Link Directly to the State of Consciousness | Health
- After Multiple States Resisted, Feds Propose Bill To Legalize Growing Hemp—NATIONALLY
- Schwangerschaftsabbrüche: "Es gibt Frauen, die können sich die Pille nicht leisten"
- The 30-day sex position challenge: Ann Summers suggests some VERY risqué techniques to help spice things up between the sheets (so how many have YOU tried?)
- Scientists use stem cells to grow a BEATING human heart for the first time ever
- How gonorrhea became a SUPERBUG: Scientists identify mutation in strain resistant to 'last resort' treatment that may allow it to grow faster than normal
- The mind-reading headset that lets you silently type on your computer with your THOUGHTS with 90% accuracy
- Mini-human brains with their own BLOOD VESSELS are grown in the lab for the first time in a breakthrough that could help stroke victims
- Elderly adults grow just as many new brain cells as 20-year-olds, study claims
- Almost eight in ten firms pay men more than women new data on the gender pay gap reveals
- Chemtrails Changing Our DNA! Scary! | Alternative
- 15 | The Disappearing Male - A Must See Documentary (Video) The Disappearing Male - A Must See Documentary (Video) Contributor: N. Morgan - Posted: Thursday, March 15, 2018 6:39 by N.Morgan Social engineering has taken hold over society and we are now bearing witness to a toxic threat to the male reproductive system. In the last few decades there has been steady and dramatic upticks in the incidences of boys and young men...
- Artificial Molecule Can Imitate and Outcompete DNA | Science and Technology
- Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
- Sex robots with the ability to move their heads and hold conversations with their owners 'will be in British homes within a year'
- Medically assisted suicide becomes legal in Hawaii
- Your memories could be read and replayed after you DIE | Daily Mail Online
- moviephoto Smoking Marijuana Causes ‘Complete Remission’ of Crohn’s Disease, No Side Effects, New Study Shows (Video)
- Die Befreiung der deutschen Frau rückt immer näher
- 4 Ways Using Even Legal Marijuana Makes You a Second Class Citizen
- Medical marijuana can be used to treat anxiety
- Medical Cannabis, The Depression Redemption
- How Marijuana Can Help With Seasonal Affective Disorder
- The effectiveness of medical marijuana in treating drug and substance addiction
- United Nations Report Scolds Countries for Cannabis Legalization
- Unwahre Twitter-Inhalte verbreiten sich schneller als die Wahrheit
- Studie: Schon kleine Mengen Alkohol verkürzen das Leben
- Fürstin Gloria will Hetero-Männern ihre Würde wiedergeben
- 4 | Eating One Avocado Per Day Improves Brain Function, Study Reveals Eating One Avocado Per Day Improves Brain Function, Study Reveals Contributor: Natural Health 365 - Posted: Friday, April 13, 2018 22:19 (NaturalHealth365) Avocado benefits have been getting a lot of positive press lately. They are packed with nutrients and an excellent source of healthy unsaturated fats, including omega 3s. Now, a new study out of Tufts University is linking...
- How does Cannabis affect fertility in men and women? | Health
- Alzheimer-Forschung: Demenz durch Feinstaub? - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- The Real Causes Of Depression Have Been Discovered, And They're Not What You Think | HuffPost
- Can Insomnia be treated with Medical Marijuana?
- Schon wieder: Drei neue Bienengifte im Anflug
- First known epidemic of drug-resistant typhoid is spreading through Pakistan, infecting at least 850 people over the past two years - as doctors admit: 'We're out of options'
- Why 'nipple play' is all one in three women need to ORGASM, claims doctor
- Illegal party drug ketamine eases severe depression and halts suicidal thoughts just four hours after it is taken as a nasal spray, study finds
- Circumcision should be ILLEGAL, argues expert | Daily Mail Online
- 3 | Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Tobacco Is More Harmful for the Heart Than Marijuana Say Swiss Scientists Contributor: Alton Parrish - Posted: Friday, April 13, 2018 12:01 Tobacco smoking, but not marijuana use over time, was associated with plaque build-up in heart arteries in a study that followed men and women for over 25 years, according to a study led by the University of Bern. “We knew the effect of tobacco...
- Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles
- Can pot make you a better parent
- Could YOU survive on bugs Early humans feasted on termite nests as long as 1.8 million years ago - when insects made up HALF
- Cannabis is set to be legalised in Antigua and Barbuda, as Prime Minister says 'racist' laws that banned it damaged the Rastafarian community