here is news from the horizons of 3D-printing and doodling.
please see the linklist below.
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ok. cu.
here is the linkslist...
- 3D printed CONTACT LENSES could beam videos straight into your eyes
- Designer creates 3D printed bionic hand that you update like a smartphone
- How 3D printing could revolutionize burn treatment making functional human skin
- Navy considers 3D-printing future fleets of drones
- 3D Printing and the Age of Disruption
- 3D-Technik für künstliche Gesichtsteile
- Waffenbau mit 3D-Drucker Japaner muss ins Gefängnis
- A Tiny 3D-Printed Heart Helped Save a Baby's Life
- The Plan to 3D Print an Entire Estate
- Briten schicken gedruckte Rakete in Stratosphäre
- 3D printer for creating untraceable AR-15 rifles hits market
- 3D Printed Baby Robot Designed to Discover Humanity
- 3D-Drucker drucken selbst 3D-Drucker aus
- Farmer who lost half his skull has it rebuilt using 3D printed titanium mesh
- 3D Bioprinters Could Make Enhanced, Electricity-Generating 'Superorgans'
- 3Doodler Concept Video Lace Plastic Seashell Concept Dress
- Someone Drewem This Dress With A 3D Printing Pen
- 3D-Künstler Mark Gmehling Albträume aus digitalem Porzellan
- 3D-Drucker Zahlreiche Anwendungen in der Medizin