here is more information on..
transhumanism and the pill.
it is time to sum up the thoughts of some of the transhumanists. they claim a health benefit for their new movement of human advancement. they claim by installing sensors and nanobots in the human body, besides artificial limbs and eyes and memory banks and artificially restored brain tissue (!), they claim to help monitor the body and extending it. repairing it. strengthen it. and connect it.
this "claim" opens up the door to the inner human body, the brain and and sensor data, possibly connected with the outside and possibly out of control of the more sensual, off awarenes, focus, routine, habits, and fashions of an idividual self. the claim to put nanabots in our bodies to first monitor and detect and later heal illnesses and wounds. later to transform the body to an eternal non-aging container and to connect the minds and the internet of things. and all together to the universe in the end. maybe just some of the transhumanists, in fact. and the rest is easy to put down. by deleting just a number. and this number deletes the nanobots code in ones body and they cease to work. it is time to think about the structures, who control and man the it-giants of the future. and it i s an obligation to think about the ultimate consequences of ultimate control. over everything and everybody.
here is some video...
Stanford Presents Will Spiritual Robots Replace Humanity by 2100
cu soon.