hello and welcome,
here is ladies affairs with an update and an educational shortclip
of female body types favoured through the ages.
here is the january linxbox...
- DIW-Studie Frauen erobern den Arbeitsmarkt
- Frauen sind anfälliger für alkoholbedingte Leberschäden
- Stress Zuhause, Ärger im Büro Frauen zoffen sich doppelt so häufig wie Männer
- Frauen in Führungspositionen 13 Jahre verschenkt
- Rede an die Nation Obama fordert höhere Löhne für Frauen
- Berufswunsch Diätspezialist Japaner verklagt Frauen-Uni
- Erfolgsgeschichten von Karrierefrauen Die alte Garde von Despoten dankt ab
- Wiltons Welt Warum Frauen untereinander sexistisch sind
- Frauen im Job Der Westen hinkt dem Osten hinterher
- Warum Frauen den Kampf ums Wohnzimmer gewinnen
- Liebe Männer! Frauen haben einen ebenso starken Sex-Trieb wie ihr!
- Die Frauenquote verstößt gegen Menschenrechte
- Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms
- Erfolgsgeschichten von Karrierefrauen Weiblich bleiben, männlich agieren
- Depressionen Vor allem Frauen in Behandlung
- 'A History Of Sluts' Chronicles The Women Who Changed The World
- Revealed, the REAL reason why women have 'designer vagina' surgery
- Here's How Much Less Women Make In Each State
- Sex and the Celery
- Lung cancer death rates among European women set to overtake breast cancer for first time this year
- Why Some Women Are Giving Up Tampons For Good
- How the menopause can drive women MAD! Panic attacks, depression, hallucinations are just some of the terrifying symptoms yo
- Mind over Matter - Women's Art Collaborative
- Male and female brains really ARE wired differently Study finds women are far more affected by emotional images
- It's true, women DO cry more than men - and for twice as long Hormonal differences and social conditioning said to be to blamed
- 2014 for Women The Good, the Bad, the Ridiculous
- Only 11% of Silicon Valley executives are women
- 'A History Of Sluts' Chronicles The Women Who Changed The World
- Here's How Much Less Women Make In Each State
- Lung cancer death rates among European women set to overtake breast cancer for first time this year
- Urteil zu Pseudonymen von Prostituierten Sex ist keine Kunst
- Why Some Women Are Giving Up Tampons For Good
- How the menopause can drive women MAD! Panic attacks, depression, hallucinations are just some of the terrifying symptoms yo
- Zunehmende Domestizierung des Mannes
- Verdrängte Jobs Wenn Roboter die Arbeit übernehmen
- Mind over Matter - Women's Art Collaborative
- Scientists reveal that having a woman on top is the most dangerous sex position for men
- Male and female brains really ARE wired differently Study finds women are far more affected by emotional images
- Im Sex-Club muss die Frau die Führung übernehmen
- Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen – klassenübergreifendes Projekt
- 97 Prozent gegen Freihandelsabkommen
- It's true, women DO cry more than men - and for twice as long Hormonal differences and social conditioning said to be to bla
- 2014 for Women The Good, the Bad, the Ridiculous
- Only 11% of Silicon Valley executives are women
- Die Frauenquote verstößt gegen Menschenrechte
- Zunehmende Domestizierung des Mannes
- Gentechnik Hungertrick soll Umwelt vor manipulierten Bakterien schützen
- Geschlechterkampf Man muss den Mann als Mutter denken
- infographic on the Rising Use of Ro
- How To Prevent The Disease That Kills 1 Woman Every Minute In The U.S.
- Mandatory Chickenpox Vaccination Increases Disease Rates, Study Shows
- Scientists reveal that having a woman on top is the most dangerous sex position for men
- 13 Reasons Every Woman Should Masturbate