
ladies affairs. history and news.

hello and welcome,
here is ladies affairs with an update and an educational shortclip
of female body types favoured through the ages.


here is the january linxbox...
DIW-Studie Frauen erobern den Arbeitsmarkt
Frauen sind anfälliger für alkoholbedingte Leberschäden
Stress Zuhause, Ärger im Büro Frauen zoffen sich doppelt so häufig wie Männer
Frauen in Führungspositionen 13 Jahre verschenkt
Rede an die Nation Obama fordert höhere Löhne für Frauen
Berufswunsch Diätspezialist Japaner verklagt Frauen-Uni
Erfolgsgeschichten von Karrierefrauen Die alte Garde von Despoten dankt ab
Wiltons Welt Warum Frauen untereinander sexistisch sind
Frauen im Job Der Westen hinkt dem Osten hinterher
Warum Frauen den Kampf ums Wohnzimmer gewinnen
Liebe Männer! Frauen haben einen ebenso starken Sex-Trieb wie ihr!
Die Frauenquote verstößt gegen Menschenrechte
Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms
Erfolgsgeschichten von Karrierefrauen Weiblich bleiben, männlich agieren
Depressionen Vor allem Frauen in Behandlung
'A History Of Sluts' Chronicles The Women Who Changed The World
Revealed, the REAL reason why women have 'designer vagina' surgery
Here's How Much Less Women Make In Each State
Sex and the Celery
Lung cancer death rates among European women set to overtake breast cancer for first time this year
Why Some Women Are Giving Up Tampons For Good
How the menopause can drive women MAD! Panic attacks, depression, hallucinations are just some of the terrifying symptoms yo
Mind over Matter - Women's Art Collaborative
Male and female brains really ARE wired differently Study finds women are far more affected by emotional images
It's true, women DO cry more than men - and for twice as long Hormonal differences and social conditioning said to be to blamed
2014 for Women The Good, the Bad, the Ridiculous
Only 11% of Silicon Valley executives are women
'A History Of Sluts' Chronicles The Women Who Changed The World
Here's How Much Less Women Make In Each State
Lung cancer death rates among European women set to overtake breast cancer for first time this year
Urteil zu Pseudonymen von Prostituierten Sex ist keine Kunst
Why Some Women Are Giving Up Tampons For Good
How the menopause can drive women MAD! Panic attacks, depression, hallucinations are just some of the terrifying symptoms yo
Zunehmende Domestizierung des Mannes
Verdrängte Jobs Wenn Roboter die Arbeit übernehmen
Mind over Matter - Women's Art Collaborative
Scientists reveal that having a woman on top is the most dangerous sex position for men
Male and female brains really ARE wired differently Study finds women are far more affected by emotional images 
Im Sex-Club muss die Frau die Führung übernehmen
Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen – klassenübergreifendes Projekt
97 Prozent gegen Freihandelsabkommen
It's true, women DO cry more than men - and for twice as long Hormonal differences and social conditioning said to be to bla
2014 for Women The Good, the Bad, the Ridiculous
Only 11% of Silicon Valley executives are women
Die Frauenquote verstößt gegen Menschenrechte
Zunehmende Domestizierung des Mannes
Gentechnik Hungertrick soll Umwelt vor manipulierten Bakterien schützen
Geschlechterkampf Man muss den Mann als Mutter denken
infographic on the Rising Use of Ro
How To Prevent The Disease That Kills 1 Woman Every Minute In The U.S.
Mandatory Chickenpox Vaccination Increases Disease Rates, Study Shows
Scientists reveal that having a woman on top is the most dangerous sex position for men
13 Reasons Every Woman Should Masturbate