
future? take that first.

hello and welcome,

after years of rumours and telltales, we now have first pictures and videos of a visitor in our solar system.

there has been not much in the mainstream media and there is good reason, but thanks to the heavens there is some independent minds investigating and collecting facts. here is a good video compilation with lots of information in there, for your own further research.

misery seems to step in round september.


this video was first posted in jan 15. I recommende to research for yourself. there have been anonmalies in recordings of the sunlight all over the planet. this is no malfunction of any sort. the light of the sun changes. it chnages from the one we all love to a blueish, cold, dangerous white and back.


we have seen these objects seemingly injecting or extracting something from or in the sun. it is all documented and these guys out there do very well know what thea are doing, what questions to ask and when to tell things aloud.


the magnetospehere has been influenced by this incoming body in such a way that it was blowing particles towards the sun and all kinds of particle streamings seem to show exraordinary events.


don't waste a day.
have fun. cu.