here are some links first. please watch the video and see the complete linklist.
- Why women feel sexier if they wear socks in bed
- Evidence robots acquiring racial and class prejudices
- Cuckolding can be GOOD for couples:
- Watching your partner with another person can strengthen your relationship
- Cholesterin lässt Tumorzellen mehr als hundert Mal schneller wachsen
- The Flu Is Far Worse Than We're Being Told: Tens of Thousands Are Dying
- Frauen sind offenbar die „schwierigsten“ Familienmitglieder
- Birth control pills linked to breast cancer—a risk that has been known for decades
- Tracey Cox reveals how to master your foreplay game
- Studie: Kita-Kosten wirken sich kaum auf Erwerbstätigkeit von Frauen aus
- Women who have children AFTER 30 (but before 34) have the lowest risk of premature birth
- Consuming sunflower and fish oils causes liver inflammation that could lead to cancer
- Vitamin D is an 'inexpensive solution' to heart drugs find scientists as they reveal the sunshine supplement can repair and prevent the damage caused by diabetes and high blood pressure
- Mother, 44, diagnosed with deadly breast cancer claims she has cured herself by using cannabis oil
- The more pleasure you seek, the more unhappy you get. |
ladies' affairs. update.
- Why rheumatic diseases affect mostly women?
- Poorer children have three times the risk of obesity
- Largest Native American Tribe in California Bans GMOs
- Frankreich verbietet Mobiltelefone in den Schulen
- Mistletoe Extract Beats Chemotherapy Against Colon Cancer Cells
- Should ALL pregnant women take vitamin D? Placenta reacts actively to the mineral helping to promote healthy organ development
- The Demoralized Mind
- Der demoralisierte menschliche Geist
- Aquaponics Hemp The Forbidden Crop | Agriculture
- Wirtschaftsforscher warnt vor Spaltung der Gesellschaft
- Fussy eggs actively choose sperm with the best genes suggesting that fertilisation is NOT random
- Sex robot Samantha could be mass produced in Wales as its designers admit they are 'struggling to meet demand'
- Plastic is found in mussels from the European Arctic to China in a worrying sign the polluting material is ending up on our dinner plates
- Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons
- How a Machine That Can Make Anything Would Change Everything
- Wasser in Einwegflaschen: Umweltschädlicher und unnützer geht es kaum
- Medical errors alone are the third leading cause of death in the U.S.
- Medizin: Zahl der Zwillingsgeburten steigt in Hamburg - WELT
- Plant Power: How Salvestrol Fights Cancer | Economy
- Fashion Can Be Smarter, Smart Textiles Are Coming | Ideas, Inventions And Innovations
- In 2016, 328,000 Poor German Families Had Power Shut Off…Millions More At Risk!
- Sweet Drinks Found to Alter DNA Expression in Children, Making Them More Vulnerable to Disease | Health
- Could this be the end of injections for diabetes patients? Scientists create a pain-free skin patch that stimulates the body's own insulin production
- The rise of the flirtbots: Automated systems are getting kisses and even marriage proposals from customers
- The Maple Syrup – Baking Soda Trojan Horse Detox | Soren Dreier
- Flesh-eating bacterium cases hit record high of 525 in Japan
- 18 | Put Their Feet on the Path to Success: Teach Your Kids These 7 Healthy Habits for... Put Their Feet on the Path to Success: Teach Your Kids These 7 Healthy Habits for Their Long Term We Contributor: N. Morgan - Posted: Monday, December 18, 2017 11:48 by N.Morgan As parents we want only the very best for our children. That’s why it is essential to start good habits early in childhood. Just as we put them in the best schools we know or even set them up to learn a skill or two that they may use...
- Plummeting temperatures could send the world into a 'mini ice age' in 2030 and could OVERRIDE global warming, claim mathematicians
- Hanf auf Rezept: Krankenkassen bewilligen Mehrzahl der Cannabis-Therapien
- Deutsche besorgt über Finanzierung ihrer Pflege im Alter
- Why a woman's worst period of the year is in JANUARY - and what you can do to offset the painful symptoms
- GP warns work stress has led to a surge in patients too TIRED for sex as he reveals his top 7 tips to improve performance between the sheets (including the use of a £6.99 herb)
- Griechenland etabliert notarielle Express-Scheidungen
- Why Small-Scale Farming Is Our Best Hope For Restoring Rural America (And Combatting Climate Change)
- Meinungs- und Internetfreiheit weltweit: immer öfter gesperrt
- A quarter of the world could become a DESERT if global warming increases by just 2ºC
- Der Riss durch die deutsche Gesellschaft vertieft sich
- World Health Organization Gives CBD A Stamp Of Approval - MedicalMarijuanaBlog.com
- Children aged ten are addicted to social media and their happiness depends on the number of 'likes' they get, reveals major study
- One in four mothers-to-be have mental health issues BEFORE birth: Warning problems are being missed because of incorrect belief that pregnant women have a feel-good 'glow'
- Let women who want to become men freeze their eggs on the NHS, say fertility experts
- Gender-Pay-Gap: Island verbietet ungleiche Löhne von Männern und Frauen
- BGH-Beschluss: Mann-zu-Frau-Transgender darf für Kind nur Vater sein
- LG robots set to replace workers in airports and hotels | Daily Mail Online
- Neue Studie! Roundup verändert Microorganismen in Därmen von Ratten in entscheidender Weise – New Study – Sex-dependent impact of Roundup on the rat gut microbiome
- Genetische Waffen können schlimmer als eine Atombombe werden
- Pentagon now funding “genetic extinction” technologies that could be weaponized to target humans
- Sex robots could make MEN obsolete as women of the future get wooed by 'dashing menbots' who will also do the housework, Harvard mathematician claims
- New Desalination Method Offers Low Energy Alternative to Purify Salty Water | Science and Technology
- Deutschland: Zahl der Masern-Fälle steigt stark an
- One in three stalking victims are MEN - and they're almost as likely to be stalked by other men as by women
- 6,91 Millionen Menschen leben von Arbeitslosengeld oder Hartz-IV-Leistungen
- One in five Germans want a robot sex doll - and six per cent of adults say they could fall in LOVE with one
- Sexual Harassment Is Mostly Male Stupidity; Finding Love Mostly Female Misunderstanding | Relationship
- Junk food is as harmful to your body as a life-threatening DISEASE, study claims
- Herbs for anxiety: Experts share the science behind some that are most effective | Economy
- Cancer Cells Can Die In 42 Days: This Famous Austrian’s Juice Cured Over 45k People From Cancer & Other Incurable Diseases! | Alternative
- From 'playing the victim' to agreeing with everybody: Millionaire matchmaker reveals the SEVEN common mistakes women make that turn men off
- New Study Finds Flu May Be Spread Just By Breathing
- 2 | Woman reverses stage-3 myeloma with daily curcumin use, after drug therapy failed... Woman reverses stage-3 myeloma with daily curcumin use, after drug therapy failed Contributor: Natural Health 365 - Posted: Monday, January 22, 2018 23:19 (Naturalhealth365) Myeloma, a type of ‘incurable’ blood cancer in which abnormal cells accumulate in the bone marrow, strikes over 30,000 people in the United States every year, and claims the lives of over 12,000. With experts estimating overall...
- The end of men? Experts reveal how the male sex chromosome could one day disappear completely
- Why women feel sexier if they wear socks in bed | Daily Mail Online
- Evidence robots acquiring racial and class prejudices | Daily Mail Online
- Cuckolding can be GOOD for couples: Watching your partner have sex with another person can strengthen your relationship, claim controversial...
- Cholesterin lässt Tumorzellen mehr als hundert Mal schneller wachsen
- The Flu Is Far Worse Than We're Being Told: Tens of Thousands Are Dying | Opinion - Liberal
- Frauen sind offenbar die „schwierigsten“ Familienmitglieder
- Health officials to investigate scandal-hit vaginal mesh implants that have left thousands of women 'suicidal'
- Birth control pills linked to breast cancer—a risk that has been known for decades
- Tracey Cox reveals how to master your foreplay game | Daily Mail Online
- Studie: Kita-Kosten wirken sich kaum auf Erwerbstätigkeit von Frauen aus
- Women who have children AFTER 30 (but before 34) have the lowest risk of premature birth, new research shows
- Consuming sunflower and fish oils causes liver inflammation that could lead to cancer, scientists find as they reveal the ONE oil that will protect against deadly damage
- Vitamin D is an 'inexpensive solution' to heart drugs find scientists as they reveal the sunshine supplement can repair and prevent the damage caused by diabetes and high blood pressure
- Mother, 44, diagnosed with deadly breast cancer claims she has cured herself by using cannabis oil after refusing to have chemotherapy
- Must See Video: Women Of Europe Rise Up, Organize Against Mass Migrant Sexual Violence, Rape Jihad #120DB | Opinion - Conservative
- The more pleasure you seek, the more unhappy you get. |
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