
linxmix.. 2019-6..


Plastikabfälle: Coca-Cola vor Nestlé und Pepsi-Cola am Pranger
Kein G20-Staat beim Klimaschutz auf 1,5-Grad-Kurs
Microplastics Found in Oysters and Clams on Oregon Coast
Nordländer bauen gemeinsame Wasserstoffwirtschaft auf
I wish I'd never been born: the rise of the anti-natalists
Neue Finanzwelt: Das Girokonto bei Google, die Kreditkarte von Apple
CDC raises alarm over surge of drug-resistant superbugs infecting 3 million Americans annually
Britische Schule mit neuem Konzept: Mehr als 60 Grundschüler in einer Klasse
"Ohne Systemtransformation wird die Erhaltung der Lebensgrundlagen der Menschheit nicht gelingen"
There are 1.2 million illegal immigrants in the UK - a quarter of the entire total in Europe
European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing
Crucial Ocean Feeding Ground for Baby Fish Contains 7x More Plastic Than Fish
Aufstocken mit Hartz IV: Subventionieren die Jobcenter Dumpinglöhne?
‘Insect apocalypse’ poses risk to all life on Earth, conservationists warn 

Gentechnik: Blühender Streit
Out of Control Drag Queen Flashes Crotch to Kids at Library Story Hour in Minnesota
Todesfälle nach Vergiftungen: Welternährungsprogramm vernichtet 20.000 Tonnen "Super-Mehl"
Making Kathmandu livable: Climate-smart farming is the key | Food and Farming
Healthy diet means a healthy planet, study shows
Risks of use for mental health treatment outweigh benefits, study finds
Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination
Homes of 300 million people at risk, says study
Tick-borne encephalitis found in UK for first time
Elderly people being 'poisoned' by medication, say drug experts
UAE Steals Endangered Trees from Yemen’s Socotra
Wegen anhaltender Unruhen: Chile sagt Weltklimakonferenz ab
Biologen beobachten Insektensterben innerhalb weniger Jahre
Öko-Bundesanleihen geplant: Scholz will Staatsfinanzen grüner machen
Coca-Cola found to be the biggest polluter in the world following audit that cleaned up thousands of its plastic bottles littering beaches waterways and streets
Climate emissions from tropical forest damage 'underestimated by a factor of six'
Spending too many hours looking at smartphones and tablets 'slows down toddlers' language and reading development because it changes the structure of their BRAINS'
Lithiumkrieg!- Laut Studie gibt es Batterien aus Hanf die sogar leistungsstärker als solche aus Lithium sind! Hemp Batteries Are More Powerful Than Lithium and Graphene, Study Shows
Campaigners call on government to raise age of criminal responsibility from 10 to international standard of 12
Dumped fishing gear is biggest polluter in ocean, finds report
For crying out loud: Delhi onion prices soar 40% in one week due to unseasonal rainfall
Space economy: China wants to set up $10 trillion Earth-Moon economic zone
China signs nearly 200 deals for new Silk Road projects & eyes further expansion
ISIS fanatics are urged to attack America and Europe with forest fires and spark ecological carnage in chilling propaganda
Cannabis could help treat PTSD: Patients battling the disorder who use the drug 'are far less likely to suffer suicidal thoughts'
Einzelhandel: Bundeskabinett beschließt Verbot von Plastiktüten
Global investment in cutting greenhouse gases fell 11% in 2018
China hat Milliarden Bäume gepflanzt und tut was
Chinese children are banned from playing online games for more than 1.5 hours a day or after 10pm by new law
Bundestag beschließt Gesundheitsdatenbank und Apps auf Rezept
China: Gesetz soll Zeit von Kindern in Onlinespielen begrenzen
Any amount of running reduces risk of early death, study finds
Smoking may increase risk of mental health problems – study
Breakthrough as scientists create a new cowpox-style virus that can kill EVERY type of cancer 179.5k shares
Scientists Warn Today's Electric Car Batteries Will Be Tomorrow's E-Waste Crisis
IKEA Plans To Switch From Styrofoam Packaging To A Mushroom-Based Alternative
Yale University shocker: 29.5 million illegal immigrants, 3X higher than Census number
Plastikabfälle: Coca-Cola vor Nestlé und Pepsi-Cola am Pranger
Kein G20-Staat beim Klimaschutz auf 1,5-Grad-Kurs
Microplastics Found in Oysters and Clams on Oregon Coast
Nordländer bauen gemeinsame Wasserstoffwirtschaft auf
I wish I'd never been born: the rise of the anti-natalists
HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost
Neue Finanzwelt: Das Girokonto bei Google, die Kreditkarte von Apple
CDC raises alarm over surge of drug-resistant superbugs infecting 3 million Americans annually & killing 4 people every hour
Britische Schule mit neuem Konzept: Mehr als 60 Grundschüler in einer Klasse
"Ohne Systemtransformation wird die Erhaltung der Lebensgrundlagen der Menschheit nicht gelingen"
There are 1.2 million illegal immigrants in the UK - a quarter of the entire total in Europe
European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing
Crucial Ocean Feeding Ground for Baby Fish Contains 7x More Plastic Than Fish
Aufstocken mit Hartz IV: Subventionieren die Jobcenter Dumpinglöhne?
‘Insect apocalypse’ poses risk to all life on Earth, conservationists warn

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