linxmix.. 2019-6..
- Plastikabfälle: Coca-Cola vor Nestlé und Pepsi-Cola am Pranger
- Kein G20-Staat beim Klimaschutz auf 1,5-Grad-Kurs
- Microplastics Found in Oysters and Clams on Oregon Coast
- Nordländer bauen gemeinsame Wasserstoffwirtschaft auf
- I wish I'd never been born: the rise of the anti-natalists
- Neue Finanzwelt: Das Girokonto bei Google, die Kreditkarte von Apple
CDC raises alarm over surge of drug-resistant superbugs infecting 3
million Americans annually
- Britische Schule mit neuem Konzept: Mehr als 60 Grundschüler in einer Klasse
- "Ohne Systemtransformation wird die Erhaltung der Lebensgrundlagen der Menschheit nicht gelingen"
- There are 1.2 million illegal immigrants in the UK - a quarter of the entire total in Europe
- European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing
- Crucial Ocean Feeding Ground for Baby Fish Contains 7x More Plastic Than Fish
- Aufstocken mit Hartz IV: Subventionieren die Jobcenter Dumpinglöhne?
- ‘Insect apocalypse’ poses risk to all life on Earth, conservationists warn
- Gentechnik: Blühender Streit
- Out of Control Drag Queen Flashes Crotch to Kids at Library Story Hour in Minnesota
- Todesfälle nach Vergiftungen: Welternährungsprogramm vernichtet 20.000 Tonnen "Super-Mehl"
- Making Kathmandu livable: Climate-smart farming is the key | Food and Farming
- Healthy diet means a healthy planet, study shows
- Risks of use for mental health treatment outweigh benefits, study finds
- Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination
- Homes of 300 million people at risk, says study
- Tick-borne encephalitis found in UK for first time
- Elderly people being 'poisoned' by medication, say drug experts
- UAE Steals Endangered Trees from Yemen’s Socotra
- Wegen anhaltender Unruhen: Chile sagt Weltklimakonferenz ab
- Biologen beobachten Insektensterben innerhalb weniger Jahre
- Öko-Bundesanleihen geplant: Scholz will Staatsfinanzen grüner machen
Coca-Cola found to be the biggest polluter in the world following audit
that cleaned up thousands of its plastic bottles littering beaches
waterways and streets
- Climate emissions from tropical forest damage 'underestimated by a factor of six'
Spending too many hours looking at smartphones and tablets 'slows down
toddlers' language and reading development because it changes the
structure of their BRAINS'
- Lithiumkrieg!-
Laut Studie gibt es Batterien aus Hanf die sogar leistungsstärker als
solche aus Lithium sind! Hemp Batteries Are More Powerful Than Lithium
and Graphene, Study Shows
- Campaigners call on government to raise age of criminal responsibility from 10 to international standard of 12
- Dumped fishing gear is biggest polluter in ocean, finds report
- For crying out loud: Delhi onion prices soar 40% in one week due to unseasonal rainfall
- Space economy: China wants to set up $10 trillion Earth-Moon economic zone
- China signs nearly 200 deals for new Silk Road projects & eyes further expansion
- ISIS fanatics are urged to attack America and Europe with forest fires and spark ecological carnage in chilling propaganda
Cannabis could help treat PTSD: Patients battling the disorder who use
the drug 'are far less likely to suffer suicidal thoughts'
- Einzelhandel: Bundeskabinett beschließt Verbot von Plastiktüten
- Global investment in cutting greenhouse gases fell 11% in 2018
- China hat Milliarden Bäume gepflanzt und tut was
- Chinese children are banned from playing online games for more than 1.5 hours a day or after 10pm by new law
- Bundestag beschließt Gesundheitsdatenbank und Apps auf Rezept
- China: Gesetz soll Zeit von Kindern in Onlinespielen begrenzen
- Any amount of running reduces risk of early death, study finds
- Smoking may increase risk of mental health problems – study
- Breakthrough as scientists create a new cowpox-style virus that can kill EVERY type of cancer 179.5k shares
- Scientists Warn Today's Electric Car Batteries Will Be Tomorrow's E-Waste Crisis
- IKEA Plans To Switch From Styrofoam Packaging To A Mushroom-Based Alternative
- Yale University shocker: 29.5 million illegal immigrants, 3X higher than Census number
- Plastikabfälle: Coca-Cola vor Nestlé und Pepsi-Cola am Pranger
- Kein G20-Staat beim Klimaschutz auf 1,5-Grad-Kurs
- Microplastics Found in Oysters and Clams on Oregon Coast
- Nordländer bauen gemeinsame Wasserstoffwirtschaft auf
- I wish I'd never been born: the rise of the anti-natalists
- HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost
- Neue Finanzwelt: Das Girokonto bei Google, die Kreditkarte von Apple
CDC raises alarm over surge of drug-resistant superbugs infecting 3
million Americans annually & killing 4 people every hour
- Britische Schule mit neuem Konzept: Mehr als 60 Grundschüler in einer Klasse
- "Ohne Systemtransformation wird die Erhaltung der Lebensgrundlagen der Menschheit nicht gelingen"
- There are 1.2 million illegal immigrants in the UK - a quarter of the entire total in Europe
- European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing
- Crucial Ocean Feeding Ground for Baby Fish Contains 7x More Plastic Than Fish
- Aufstocken mit Hartz IV: Subventionieren die Jobcenter Dumpinglöhne?
- ‘Insect apocalypse’ poses risk to all life on Earth, conservationists warn
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