linxbox.. linxmix.. 20/1..
2020-1 linxmix.. here is the latest links in our box..
- Absurdistan: Government-Funded Feminists Suggest Banning Heterosexual Relationships
- Researchers claim solar efficiency breakthrough for flexible 'skin'
- 'British weather-proof' solar panel that generates 20 per cent MORE energy in cloudy weather has been invented by scientists
Criminals have 'smaller BRAINS': Scientists claim the 'handicap' which
can be spotted in early childhood may explain why life-long offenders
lie, steal and are violent
- Not magic, science! Researchers develop system to produce electricity out of thin air — RT World News
- Unverpackt-Läden: Inkubatoren für nachhaltige Start-ups
- Zack Walsh - Breakdown or breakthrough? Degrowth and the Great Transition | Brave New Europe
How smartphone addiction changes your BRAIN: Scans reveal how grey
matter of tech addicts physically changes shape and size in a similar
way to drug users
- UK ranks 10th in the world when it comes to children 'flourishing', coming ahead of the US, Canada and Germany, UN report says
- Neue Technologie: Forscher erzeugen Strom aus Luftfeuchtigkeit
- NHS to offer 'fitness bootcamps' and free gym memberships to cancer patients to give them the best chance of survival
- Gene-Editing. New Genetic Engineering Techniques, Yes or No? “Who’s Thinking Outside the Box?”
- 6,33 Millionen Menschen leben von Arbeitslosengeld oder Hartz-IV-Leistungen
- Was die offizielle Arbeitslosenzahl verschweigt: 3,16 Millionen Menschen ohne Arbeit
- Sechsstelliger Hartz IV Betrug durch Jobcenter-Mitarbeiter aufgedeckt
- So verdient der Staat an den Hartz IV Sanktionen
- Kinerarmut in Deutschland
- CO2-Ausstoß im Jahr 2019 auf Rekordtief gesunken
- Elon Musk gehört jetzt die weltgrößte Satellitenflotte
- Wie deutsche Firmen ihre Beschäftigten mit Kameras und GPS überwachen
- Seehofer will deutlich mehr Videoüberwachung mit Gesichtserkennung
- Massive Datenschutzverletzung: Erweiterte DNA-Analyse
- Weniger Kohlestrom, mehr Windkraft: Deutschlands CO2-Emissionen überraschend stark gesunken
- Gene-Editing. New Genetic Engineering Techniques, Yes or No? “Who’s Thinking Outside the Box?”
NHS patients 'have been sexually abused more than 1,000 times' on
mixed-sex mental health wards in the last three years, shock figures
- China mystery illness: travellers checked as officials fear lunar new year could spread bug
- Severe childhood deprivation reduces brain size, study finds
- Crispr/Cas: Neue Studie zeigt mehr Nebenwirkungen als bisher gedacht
- Verbraucher Weniger Fleischkonsum soll gegen globales Insektensterben helfen
- Lab-grown food will soon destroy farming – and save the planet
- Why female-led startups underperform
- Wissenschaftler legen Sofortprogramm vor Acht Maßnahmen, die das Insektensterben stoppen könnten
LG shows off refrigerator-like device at CES that turns the kitchen
into a farm by letting you grow 20 different kind of vegetables inside
your home
Why you shouldn't take paracetamol before having a heartfelt
conversation with loved ones: Researchers warn the common painkiller
blocks your ability to feel empathy
- Probleme mit Druckwasserreaktor: Frankreich verzichtet vorerst auf Bau neuer Atomkraftwerke
- Lithium-Schwefel-Batterie: Dieser Hochleistungs-Akku kommt ohne Kobalt aus
- Lithium-Schwefel-Akku Australische Forscher nähern sich der Batterie-Revolution
- Infografik Cannabis: Zu viel ungerauchtes Gras
- 'The salt they pump back in kills everything': is the cost of Chile's fresh water too high?
- BlackRock joins pressure group taking on biggest polluters
- Half of British women 'have poor sexual health'
- Deutschlandtrend: 60 Prozent sind beunruhigt
- Deutschland verpasst Frist beim EU-Klimaschutz
- „Frauen sind im Multitasking genauso schlecht wie Männer“
- Catholic church in Spain launches years-long marriage training for couples
- Ausbreitung von Parasiten: Fast 300 seltene Meeresschildkröten verenden vor Mexikos Küste
- First death from China mystery illness outbreak
Why Are American Communities Dying? A Return to Small Local Economics
Is The Only way to Reverse Some Of The Damage And Keep Our Communities
- Does Africa’s Food Future Really Lie with Young Farmers? | Alternative
- Mushrooms and orange peel: could biotech clean up the building industry? | Environment | The Guardian
- World’s super-rich are hoarding physical gold in secret bunkers
- Bau neuer Windräder an Land ist 2019 eingebrochen
- Climate 'Shocks' Eliminated 16% Of New England Fishing Jobs, Study Finds
- Defence
minister apologises for Catholic military priests who broke confession
confidentiality to out gay and lesbian soldiers to military bosses 71
- „Der dritte Weltkrieg steht vor der Tür, das haben wir verstanden“
- Wegwerfgesellschaft: 2019 wurden weltweit 42 Millionen Konder abgetrieben
- US-Auswertung: E-Scooter-Fahrer verletzen sich häufiger am Kopf als Fahrradfahrer
- Nordic countries at odds with EU over minimum wage
- Jobcenter wollte Hartz IV-Bezieherin Einnahmen aus Flaschensammeln anrechnen
- Fahrradhelme, Lampenschirme und Häuser – aus Pilzen!
- Families sending relatives with dementia to Thailand for care
- Most women do not regret having an abortion, study finds
- Akasol: Deutscher Lithium-Ionen-Batterie-Spezialist steigt mit Großauftrag in den Wasserstoff-Sektor ein – Aktie gefragt
- This decade belonged to China. So will the next one | Martin Jacques | Opinion | The Guardian
- 23andMe is cashing in on drugs it developed with your DNA. Should its customers get a cut? — RT Op-ed
- UN-Experten wollen 30 Prozent der Erde zu Naturschutzgebiet machen
- The environment in 2050: flooded cities, forced migration – and the Amazon turning to savannah | Environment | The Guardian
- I didn't buy any food for a year – and I'm healthier than I've ever been | Environment | The Guardian
- Zu wenig Klimaschutz: Blackrock-Chef schreibt Brandbrief an Topmanager
- Academics say they are blocked from exploring trans issues
- Weltweites Datenleck bei Patientendaten größer als bisher angenommen
- Men in name only: New study shows testosterone levels in American males are dropping dramatically. Why would that be?
- Lab-grown food is about to destroy farming – and save the planet | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian
- Globale Studie zur E-Mobilität Deutschland steigt auf zur drittgrößten Elektro-Auto-Nation
Police are 'decriminalising cannabis by the back door' as new figures
show two-thirds of users are let off with 'community resolutions' which
do not result in a criminal record
- Iran-Iraq-Syria Plan to Move Ahead on Historic Transnational ‘Land-Bridge’ Railroad | The Schiller Institute
- Nearly 40% of countries around the world will face civil unrest in 2020 with flashpoints predicted in 75 nations, study warns
- Arbeitsmarkt: Deutsche kümmern sich kaum um digitale Weiterbildung im Job Von Maike Rademaker
- Bevölkerungsentwicklung: Einwohnerzahl in Deutschland erreicht Höchststand
Scientists engineer dengue-resistant MOSQUITOES to make them immune to
the deadly tropical virus and stop them passing it on to people
World's fastest-spinning object that is powered only by light and can
revolve three hundred BILLION times a minute is developed by scientists
Elon Musk says SpaceX will build 100 Starships per year to put ONE
MILLION humans on Mars by 2050 as he aims to make humans a
'multi-planetary species'
- Birthrate falls to lowest level despite push for more babies
- China’s AI industry will be worth $30 BILLION by 2022
- Number of UK jobs in low carbon and renewable energy has fallen since 2014
- Women Outnumber Men in the US Workforce–What Does it Mean?
- Umweltverschmutzung: China verbietet Einweg-Plastiktüten
- Cannabis compound could be weapon in fight against superbugs
- How to make the world happier – and why it should be our first priority
- Neuartiges Coronavirus in China: Zahl der Patienten steigt sprunghaft an - auf 201
- Auto, Maschinenbau, Chemie Drei deutsche Schlüsselbranchen wanken
- H5N8-Virus: Erster neuer Fall von Vogelgrippe in Deutschland
- "Bloomberg"-Ranking: Deutschland als innovativste Nation der Welt eingestuft
- China confirms human-to-human transmission of coronavirus
- Chinesisches Coronavirus hat die USA erreicht
- Höhere Mindestlöhne können Selbstmorde verhindern
- Mann bei Seattle positiv getestet: Erster Fall von neuartigem Coronavirus in den USA nachgewiesen
- Es werden mehr und mehr: Über 3,5 Millionen Mehrfachbeschäftigte
- World’s consumption of materials hits record 100bn tonnes a year
- China Quarantines City of 11 Million After Deadly Virus Spreads to US
- Die Wohlstands-Kluft zwischen Männern und Frauen
- Doomsday clock signals humans are closer to catastrophe than ever
- Will the Future’s Super Batteries be Made of Seawater? | Health | Before It's News
- Internationaler Tag der Bildung: Weltweit fehlen knapp 70 Millionen Lehrer
- Dictatorships' GDPs 'greater than economic output of democratic nations for first time in 120 years' | Daily Mail Online
- Opioid Victims Can Now File Claims Against Purdue Pharma
- Ist Sojaöl schlecht für die körperliche und psychische Gesundheit?
- Can Carob Save a Nation? An Amazing Plant. The Carob Tree Lends itself to a Wide Range of Uses
Scientists create an artificial 'virus' which can track down and
destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria without being spotted by the
immune system
- ‘Reverse’ solar panels could generate power during the NIGHT, scientists working on prototype — RT World News
- Gallup: Twelve Percent of Adults Acknowledge Smoking Marijuana
Fungi that EATS radiation and was found thriving inside Chernobyl
nuclear reactor could be used like a 'sun block' for humans to protect
against deadly rays
- Neuer EU-Haushaltsrahmen ab 2021: massiver Anstieg bei Militärausgaben, drastische Kürzungen in der Sozialpolitik
- Syphilis cases at highest since WWII and one patient is diagnosed with an STI every 70 seconds | Daily Mail Online
- Tim Radford - Timber buildings can help to slow global heating | Brave New Europe
- Leben an vielbefahrenen Straßen könnte auch für das Gehirn gefährlich sein
Scientists develop an electricity generator that can power 100 small
LED light bulbs with the kinetic energy from a single raindrop
- WHO-Direktor Askew: Genitalverstümmelung ist "auch ein volkswirtschaftlicher Schaden"
- Fungi That Absorbs Radiation To Use For Food Growing At Chernobyl
- Can charcoal make beef better for the environment? - BBC Future
- Out of control? Too many convicted terrorists to track, warns senior British police officer
- Absurdistan: Government-Funded Feminists Suggest Banning Heterosexual Relationships
- Researchers claim solar efficiency breakthrough for flexible 'skin'
- 'British weather-proof' solar panel that generates 20 per cent MORE energy in cloudy weather has been invented by scientists
Criminals have 'smaller BRAINS': Scientists claim the 'handicap' which
can be spotted in early childhood may explain why life-long offenders
lie, steal and are violent
- Not magic, science! Researchers develop system to produce electricity out of thin air — RT World News
- Unverpackt-Läden: Inkubatoren für nachhaltige Start-ups
- Zack Walsh - Breakdown or breakthrough? Degrowth and the Great Transition | Brave New Europe
How smartphone addiction changes your BRAIN: Scans reveal how grey
matter of tech addicts physically changes shape and size in a similar
way to drug users
- UK ranks 10th in the world when it comes to children 'flourishing', coming ahead of the US, Canada and Germany, UN report says
- Neue Technologie: Forscher erzeugen Strom aus Luftfeuchtigkeit
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