
linxbox.. linxmix.. 20/1..

2020-1 linxmix.. here is the latest links in our box..

Absurdistan: Government-Funded Feminists Suggest Banning Heterosexual Relationships
Researchers claim solar efficiency breakthrough for flexible 'skin'
'British weather-proof' solar panel that generates 20 per cent MORE energy in cloudy weather has been invented by scientists
Criminals have 'smaller BRAINS': Scientists claim the 'handicap' which can be spotted in early childhood may explain why life-long offenders lie, steal and are violent
Not magic, science! Researchers develop system to produce electricity out of thin air — RT World News
Unverpackt-Läden: Inkubatoren für nachhaltige Start-ups
Zack Walsh - Breakdown or breakthrough? Degrowth and the Great Transition | Brave New Europe
How smartphone addiction changes your BRAIN: Scans reveal how grey matter of tech addicts physically changes shape and size in a similar way to drug users
UK ranks 10th in the world when it comes to children 'flourishing', coming ahead of the US, Canada and Germany, UN report says
Neue Technologie: Forscher erzeugen Strom aus Luftfeuchtigkeit

NHS to offer 'fitness bootcamps' and free gym memberships to cancer patients to give them the best chance of survival
Gene-Editing. New Genetic Engineering Techniques, Yes or No? “Who’s Thinking Outside the Box?”
6,33 Millionen Menschen leben von Arbeitslosengeld oder Hartz-IV-Leistungen
Was die offizielle Arbeitslosenzahl verschweigt: 3,16 Millionen Menschen ohne Arbeit
Sechsstelliger Hartz IV Betrug durch Jobcenter-Mitarbeiter aufgedeckt
So verdient der Staat an den Hartz IV Sanktionen
Kinerarmut in Deutschland
CO2-Ausstoß im Jahr 2019 auf Rekordtief gesunken
Elon Musk gehört jetzt die weltgrößte Satellitenflotte
Wie deutsche Firmen ihre Beschäftigten mit Kameras und GPS überwachen
Seehofer will deutlich mehr Videoüberwachung mit Gesichtserkennung
Massive Datenschutzverletzung: Erweiterte DNA-Analyse
Weniger Kohlestrom, mehr Windkraft: Deutschlands CO2-Emissionen überraschend stark gesunken
Gene-Editing. New Genetic Engineering Techniques, Yes or No? “Who’s Thinking Outside the Box?”
NHS patients 'have been sexually abused more than 1,000 times' on mixed-sex mental health wards in the last three years, shock figures reveal
China mystery illness: travellers checked as officials fear lunar new year could spread bug
Severe childhood deprivation reduces brain size, study finds
Crispr/Cas: Neue Studie zeigt mehr Nebenwirkungen als bisher gedacht
Verbraucher Weniger Fleischkonsum soll gegen globales Insektensterben helfen
Lab-grown food will soon destroy farming – and save the planet
Why female-led startups underperform
Wissenschaftler legen Sofortprogramm vor Acht Maßnahmen, die das Insektensterben stoppen könnten
LG shows off refrigerator-like device at CES that turns the kitchen into a farm by letting you grow 20 different kind of vegetables inside your home
Why you shouldn't take paracetamol before having a heartfelt conversation with loved ones: Researchers warn the common painkiller blocks your ability to feel empathy
Probleme mit Druckwasserreaktor: Frankreich verzichtet vorerst auf Bau neuer Atomkraftwerke
Lithium-Schwefel-Batterie: Dieser Hochleistungs-Akku kommt ohne Kobalt aus
Lithium-Schwefel-Akku Australische Forscher nähern sich der Batterie-Revolution
Infografik Cannabis: Zu viel ungerauchtes Gras
'The salt they pump back in kills everything': is the cost of Chile's fresh water too high?
BlackRock joins pressure group taking on biggest polluters
Half of British women 'have poor sexual health'
Deutschlandtrend: 60 Prozent sind beunruhigt
Deutschland verpasst Frist beim EU-Klimaschutz
„Frauen sind im Multitasking genauso schlecht wie Männer“
Catholic church in Spain launches years-long marriage training for couples
Ausbreitung von Parasiten: Fast 300 seltene Meeresschildkröten verenden vor Mexikos Küste
First death from China mystery illness outbreak
Why Are American Communities Dying? A Return to Small Local Economics Is The Only way to Reverse Some Of The Damage And Keep Our Communities Livable
Does Africa’s Food Future Really Lie with Young Farmers? | Alternative
Mushrooms and orange peel: could biotech clean up the building industry? | Environment | The Guardian
World’s super-rich are hoarding physical gold in secret bunkers
Bau neuer Windräder an Land ist 2019 eingebrochen
Climate 'Shocks' Eliminated 16% Of New England Fishing Jobs, Study Finds
Defence minister apologises for Catholic military priests who broke confession confidentiality to out gay and lesbian soldiers to military bosses 71 shares
„Der dritte Weltkrieg steht vor der Tür, das haben wir verstanden“
Wegwerfgesellschaft: 2019 wurden weltweit 42 Millionen Konder abgetrieben
US-Auswertung: E-Scooter-Fahrer verletzen sich häufiger am Kopf als Fahrradfahrer
Nordic countries at odds with EU over minimum wage
Jobcenter wollte Hartz IV-Bezieherin Einnahmen aus Flaschensammeln anrechnen
Fahrradhelme, Lampenschirme und Häuser – aus Pilzen!
Families sending relatives with dementia to Thailand for care
Most women do not regret having an abortion, study finds
Akasol: Deutscher Lithium-Ionen-Batterie-Spezialist steigt mit Großauftrag in den Wasserstoff-Sektor ein – Aktie gefragt
This decade belonged to China. So will the next one | Martin Jacques | Opinion | The Guardian
23andMe is cashing in on drugs it developed with your DNA. Should its customers get a cut? — RT Op-ed
UN-Experten wollen 30 Prozent der Erde zu Naturschutzgebiet machen
The environment in 2050: flooded cities, forced migration – and the Amazon turning to savannah | Environment | The Guardian
I didn't buy any food for a year – and I'm healthier than I've ever been | Environment | The Guardian
Zu wenig Klimaschutz: Blackrock-Chef schreibt Brandbrief an Topmanager
Academics say they are blocked from exploring trans issues
Weltweites Datenleck bei Patientendaten größer als bisher angenommen
Men in name only: New study shows testosterone levels in American males are dropping dramatically. Why would that be?
Lab-grown food is about to destroy farming – and save the planet | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian
Globale Studie zur E-Mobilität Deutschland steigt auf zur drittgrößten Elektro-Auto-Nation
Police are 'decriminalising cannabis by the back door' as new figures show two-thirds of users are let off with 'community resolutions' which do not result in a criminal record
Iran-Iraq-Syria Plan to Move Ahead on Historic Transnational ‘Land-Bridge’ Railroad | The Schiller Institute
Nearly 40% of countries around the world will face civil unrest in 2020 with flashpoints predicted in 75 nations, study warns
Arbeitsmarkt: Deutsche kümmern sich kaum um digitale Weiterbildung im Job Von Maike Rademaker
Bevölkerungsentwicklung: Einwohnerzahl in Deutschland erreicht Höchststand
Scientists engineer dengue-resistant MOSQUITOES to make them immune to the deadly tropical virus and stop them passing it on to people
World's fastest-spinning object that is powered only by light and can revolve three hundred BILLION times a minute is developed by scientists
Elon Musk says SpaceX will build 100 Starships per year to put ONE MILLION humans on Mars by 2050 as he aims to make humans a 'multi-planetary species'
Birthrate falls to lowest level despite push for more babies
China’s AI industry will be worth $30 BILLION by 2022
Number of UK jobs in low carbon and renewable energy has fallen since 2014
Women Outnumber Men in the US Workforce–What Does it Mean?
Umweltverschmutzung: China verbietet Einweg-Plastiktüten
Cannabis compound could be weapon in fight against superbugs
How to make the world happier – and why it should be our first priority
Neuartiges Coronavirus in China: Zahl der Patienten steigt sprunghaft an - auf 201
Auto, Maschinenbau, Chemie Drei deutsche Schlüsselbranchen wanken
H5N8-Virus: Erster neuer Fall von Vogelgrippe in Deutschland
"Bloomberg"-Ranking: Deutschland als innovativste Nation der Welt eingestuft
China confirms human-to-human transmission of coronavirus
Chinesisches Coronavirus hat die USA erreicht
Höhere Mindestlöhne können Selbstmorde verhindern
Mann bei Seattle positiv getestet: Erster Fall von neuartigem Coronavirus in den USA nachgewiesen
Es werden mehr und mehr: Über 3,5 Millionen Mehrfachbeschäftigte
World’s consumption of materials hits record 100bn tonnes a year
China Quarantines City of 11 Million After Deadly Virus Spreads to US
Die Wohlstands-Kluft zwischen Männern und Frauen
Doomsday clock signals humans are closer to catastrophe than ever
Will the Future’s Super Batteries be Made of Seawater? | Health | Before It's News
Internationaler Tag der Bildung: Weltweit fehlen knapp 70 Millionen Lehrer
Dictatorships' GDPs 'greater than economic output of democratic nations for first time in 120 years' | Daily Mail Online
Opioid Victims Can Now File Claims Against Purdue Pharma
Ist Sojaöl schlecht für die körperliche und psychische Gesundheit?
Can Carob Save a Nation? An Amazing Plant. The Carob Tree Lends itself to a Wide Range of Uses
Scientists create an artificial 'virus' which can track down and destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria without being spotted by the immune system
‘Reverse’ solar panels could generate power during the NIGHT, scientists working on prototype — RT World News
Gallup: Twelve Percent of Adults Acknowledge Smoking Marijuana
Fungi that EATS radiation and was found thriving inside Chernobyl nuclear reactor could be used like a 'sun block' for humans to protect against deadly rays
Neuer EU-Haushaltsrahmen ab 2021: massiver Anstieg bei Militärausgaben, drastische Kürzungen in der Sozialpolitik
Syphilis cases at highest since WWII and one patient is diagnosed with an STI every 70 seconds | Daily Mail Online
Tim Radford - Timber buildings can help to slow global heating | Brave New Europe
Leben an vielbefahrenen Straßen könnte auch für das Gehirn gefährlich sein
Scientists develop an electricity generator that can power 100 small LED light bulbs with the kinetic energy from a single raindrop
WHO-Direktor Askew: Genitalverstümmelung ist "auch ein volkswirtschaftlicher Schaden"
Fungi That Absorbs Radiation To Use For Food Growing At Chernobyl
Can charcoal make beef better for the environment? - BBC Future
Out of control? Too many convicted terrorists to track, warns senior British police officer
Absurdistan: Government-Funded Feminists Suggest Banning Heterosexual Relationships
Researchers claim solar efficiency breakthrough for flexible 'skin'
'British weather-proof' solar panel that generates 20 per cent MORE energy in cloudy weather has been invented by scientists
Criminals have 'smaller BRAINS': Scientists claim the 'handicap' which can be spotted in early childhood may explain why life-long offenders lie, steal and are violent
Not magic, science! Researchers develop system to produce electricity out of thin air — RT World News
Unverpackt-Läden: Inkubatoren für nachhaltige Start-ups
Zack Walsh - Breakdown or breakthrough? Degrowth and the Great Transition | Brave New Europe
How smartphone addiction changes your BRAIN: Scans reveal how grey matter of tech addicts physically changes shape and size in a similar way to drug users
UK ranks 10th in the world when it comes to children 'flourishing', coming ahead of the US, Canada and Germany, UN report says
Neue Technologie: Forscher erzeugen Strom aus Luftfeuchtigkeit

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