
good luck.. got your vaccination, hopefully.?.

Covid cases rise across Europe Germany says increases are 'expected' and will 'pick up speed' - while cases tick up in Belgium
Austria considers Covid lockdown for ONLY the unvaccinated that would confine people without jabs to their homes except for
Wofür der Präsident des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts Ruf und Ehre aufs Spiel setzt
Das Lügenkarussell des Dr. Fauci
Lauterbach fordert bundesweit drei Tests für Schüler pro Woche
Proof the Vax Tracks the Vaccinated. Karen Kingston Former Pfizer Employee and Biotech Analyst Exposes the Vaccine Bio-Weapo
Researchers discover three teens who developed psychiatric issues after Covid infection and believe brain inflammation cause
(PDF) Die Verengung der Welt. Zur medialen Konstruktion Deutschlands unter SARS-CoV-2 und Covid-19 anhand der Formate ARD Ex
Ich kann nicht mehr - multipolar
Die Pandemie in den Rohdaten - YouTube
Covid treatment breakthrough as 29p antidepressant is found to slash unvaccinated patients' risk of being hospitalised by a
29p depression pill is found to slash unvaccinated patients' risk of hospitalisation Daily Mail Online
70 percent of Covid19 deaths in Sweden fully vaccinated, Mirrors UK and Vermont reports, Zero reasons to mandate vaccination
2.377.093 Meldungen, 14.371 Tote nach COVID-Impfung
Die Kunst, Nebenwirkungen zu übersehen 2.377.093 Meldungen, 14.371 Tote nach COVID-Impfung [WHO-Datenbank] – Home
VAERS Admits Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Adverse Events Are Reported
America’s Frontline Doctor Microscopic Data Shows ‘Clotting’ in Lungs, Vessels, Brains of Jabbed Patients
The Role of QR Codes Russia’s Planned Regulation of the Unvaccinated. Australia Leads the Way for “Quarantine Camps”
Alex Berenson Tells Joe Rogan ‘Over 70% of COVID-19 Deaths in England Were Fully Vaccinated in September’
The Covid-19 Timeline. No Evidence of a “Pandemic”
Pregnant and breastfeeding women don't generate antibody levels after the first COVID-19 vaccine dose as high as those who a
Intelligence report concludes coronavirus was NOT developed as biological weapon in full unclassified report but origin will
Dr. Alina Lessenich – Vaccines Detoxification & Shedding Protection Protocol (Video)
Studie aus Schweden zeigt ebenfalls raschen Rückgang der Impf-Wirksamkeit
Höchster Anstieg in sechs Wochen Zahl der Coronapatienten in Frankreich steigt schneller
Hohe Inzidenz, niedrige Impfquote Kroatische Ärzte sehen Gesundheitssystem vor dem Kollaps
RKI meldet 16.887 Neuinfektionen Bundesweite Coronainzidenz steigt weiter
Massive Flight Cancellations Due to Vaccine Deaths and Employee Resignations
A Letter to the Unvaccinated Health Before It's News
FDA Votes No On Booster Shots
Children Are Dying At A Rate 62% Higher Than The 5-Year-Average Since They Began To Be Given The Covid-19 Vaccine
Mehrere Konzerne planen extra Kantinenbereiche für Geimpfte und Genesene
Business InsiderFast 1,4 Milliarden Euro Einnahmen Wie der Staat mit den Corona-Staatshilfen sogar Gewinn macht
Thüringen2700 Corona-Infektionen nach doppelter Impfung in ThüringenWELT 28.10.2021
Zwischen Geimpften und Ungeimpften besteht KEIN Unterschied, wenn es um SARS-CoV-2 geht
Impfzwang in Österreich ab 15. November
Arizona man contracted Covid and spread it to his dog and cat in first-ever case reported of human to pet transmission of th
COVID-19 breakthrough cases among people who got the Pfizer vaccine are more likely in people with lower antibody levels, st
Unvaccinated people are up to 32 times more likely to die if they catch Covid than the double-jabbed, ONS report finds
Thousands Report Developing Abnormal Tumors Following COVID Shots
Könnte ein Lockdown für Ungeimpfte kommen
HamburgCoronavirusCorona Kind stirbt nach Impfung – Hamburger Institut sieht ZusammenhangWELT 03.11.2021
Feinschmecker-Bruderschaft tourt durch Sylt – danach ist das Virus wieder da
Spahn und Ärzte einig – Auffrischungsimpfungen nach sechs Monaten
Germany sees its largest ever number of new Covid-19 cases with 33,949 Health minister warns country is in the grip of a 'ma
Now Pfizer says its at-home Covid pill cuts risk of death by up to 90%... and UK has already bought 250,000 doses
Death of the NHS Covid app Use of software behind hated 'pingdemic' plunges up to 180-fold since June as experts say it is '
Is THIS why Delta is so infectious Scientists find little-known mutation NOT on spike protein makes it ten times better at r
Verbot günstiger Nasen-Tests Reine Schikane gegen Ungeimpfte
Ist nur ein Drittel der „Corona-Opfer“ an Covid gestorben
Verunreinigungen in den mRNA-Impfstoffen
54 mal mehr Todesfallmeldungen bei Corona-Vakzinen als bei allen anderen Impfungen zusammen
Daniel Andrews’ plan for indefinite detention
Der tägliche Betrug mit COVID-Daten
Pandemie der Ungeimpften
mRNA-Produkte sind keine Impfstoffe, sondern Medikamente zur Gentherapie
Negative Wirksamkeit einige Monate nach der Impfung
Covid Es gilt das gebrochene Wort
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Sci
Scientists Sue the FDA for Data It Relied Upon to License Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
The Kids Are Dropping from the Murder Vaccine
Pfizer Has Secret Government Contracts for COVID Vaccines Advocacy Group Says Company Puts Profits over Public Health and Re
Whistleblower Reveals Fraud in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials as 5 to 11-Year-Olds Begin to be Injected – Vaccine Deaths and In
An Australian Horror Story - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Video Big Pharma Imposed the “Vaccine” and “Digital Certificate” “Undisclosed Contract” with EU Governments. Members of the
Risiko einer Infektion nach sieben Monaten doppelt so hoch wie nach fünf Monaten
Merkels eindeutige Botschaft an die ungeimpften Deutschen
NHS boss is accused of 'abusing' Covid statistics for saying 14 TIMES as many infected patients were in hospital compared to
US Doctor Warns 20 Times Increase Of Cancer In “Vaccinated” Patients! (Video)
Has Sweden's lockdown gamble paid off Nation has suffered fewer coronavirus deaths than most of Europe and has a lower infec
2,433 Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women
More than 25,000 tonnes of Covid-related PPE and plastic waste has already entered Earth's oceans and almost 75% of it is li
Booster jabs might be needed EVERY winter, SAGE adviser says as minister admits there are plans for 'an annual Covid vaccina
Germany's Covid-19 infection rate is at its highest ever Doctors warn operations will have to be cancelled so they can cope
People who believe they have contracted Covid are up to eight times more likely to report long-lasting symptoms of the virus
A plague in all our houses How we are exposed to 24k microplastics in our living rooms
Umfrage zu Depression Jeder Dritte leidet psychisch im Homeoffice
Millionen Tonnen zusätzlicher Plastikabfall So ließ Corona die Müllberge wachsen
High Recorded Mortality in Countries Categorized as “Covid-19 Vaccine Champions”. The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk
Navy Seal Michael Jaco Aussie's Have No Natural Immunity & Are Filling Up Hospitals As The Jab Is Enforced! - Must Video
Covid infections picked up on hospital wards have killed 11,000 patients who were being treated for something else, figures
More than HALF of women have had their periods and sex lives disrupted during Covid because of the stress of the pandemic, s
School closures DON'T work New study finds classroom shutdowns in Japan didn't stop spread of Covid in spring 2020
Thousands storm New Zealand parliament to protest against mandatory vaccines and lockdowns - with demonstrators even perform
+++ Corona-News +++ Anteil positiver Coronatests steigt rasant
Nach Coronafall in der Nationalmannschaft Ungeimpfter Kimmich in Quarantäne
Ampelkoalition für 3G am Arbeitsplatz Ungeimpfte Beschäftigte sollen sich täglich testen lassen
Knappe Mehrheit der Bürger befürwortet Impfpflicht gegen Corona
Scientists discover an antibody that can protect people against several coronaviruses including COVID-19 and its variants
Gavin Newsom, Pfizer CEO Arrested!
Max Igan What the Actual F&k (Video) Alternative Before It's News
High Recorded Mortality in Countries Categorized as Covid-19 Vaccine Champions. The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk of
Jetzt endet Dänemarks Geduld mit den Ungeimpften
Mehr Umsatz als Bayer – Jetzt zeigt sich, in welcher Liga Biontech spielt
Macron besorgt über Corona-Ausbreitung »Die fünfte Welle ist in Europa angekommen«
history of covid 19
Covid crisis has slashed life expectancy in four-fifths of countries, caused depression rates to double and led to up to 30%
Anxious and depressed Brits suffered the equivalent of up to SIX YEARS of natural memory decline in lockdown, study claims
Pfizer's Covid jab IS safe for children and should be 'urgently' rolled out to youngsters, claims study funded by drug giant
The United Kingdom has authorized the first oral medicine for COVID-19
Robot Dog Army Rollout Happening In Australia... And There Are Some Major Issues To Consider!!
Why Millions Will Regret Getting the Jab Alternative Before It's News
13 African Schoolchildren Die At Same Time After Being Vaxxed!! Lady Booted Off Airplane! Queen Of Canada Says Injection Tur
Why Millions Will Regret Getting the Jab
Germany needs to impose tough Covid restrictions 'immediately' or risk seeing 100,000 new deaths, top Berlin virologist warn
Krankenhäuser in der vierten Welle »Es fehlen wertvolle Kapazitäten, wenn Ungeimpfte sie blockieren« Ein Interview von Marti
Neue Corona-Höchststände Bayern ruft Katastrophenfall aus
Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study)
Covid Vax Genocide Children’s Hospitals Now Being Flooded With Infant Cardiac Patients
Covid Vax Genocide Children’s Hospitals Now Being Flooded With Infant Cardiac Patients
Deadliest batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines were disproportionally sent to red Republican states across the USA
Sars-cov-2 Does Not Cause Covid-19, Says Dr Judy Mikovits
Researchers running arm of Pfizer's Covid jab trials 'skewed data, didn't follow-up with patients who had side effects and f
Pet dog catches Covid in first confirmed case in UK after canine picked up virus from its infected owner
Care boss urges No10 to delay 'no jab, no job' policy until April over fears exodus of 60,000 unvaccinated staff will backfi
Antibodies in breast milk from Covid vaccination start to decline 90 days after the second dose while antibodies from previo
10.000 Euro steuerfrei für alle Pfleger – jetzt!
Söder fordert, Geimpften-Status zu überprüfen
STIKO-Empfehlung Unter 30-Jährige sollen nur BioNTech erhalten
World Health Organization warns there could be a massive shortage of TWO BILLION syringes in 2022, threatening countries' CO
„Ich habe eine solche Situation noch nie erlebt“ - Inzidenz in Rottal-Inn springt über 1000
Has Covid put single men off sex
Breaking – 35,924 People Died Within 21 Days Of Having A Covid-19 Vaccine In England During The Firs
Bill Gates Admits mRNA Injections Do NOT Stop Transmission of Viruses
Mike Yeadon -- Timetable to Tyranny Strange Before It's News
Doctors Call for Pfizer Jabs to be Halted in Sweden After ‘Extensive Research Fraud’ Found in Trials
Söder fordert 2G „flächendeckend“ – und Impfpflicht für bestimmte Berufsgruppen
„Wir haben keine Pandemie der Ungeimpften“, sagt Drosten
EMA lässt zwei neue Covid-Medikamente zu
Inzidenz von fast 1200 Oberösterreich will Lockdown für Ungeimpfte verhängen
Kaum Kontrollen bei 3G Brauchen wir doch eine Impfpflicht
Fast eine halbe Million Pflegekräfte gibt den Job auf
STIKO bestätigt Schwere Schäden durch Corona-Spritzen
Die Immunitätsmythen von Biontech
Ein Viertel aller voll ausgerüsteten Intensivbetten sind leer
Die Pharma-Riesen PfizerBioNTech und Moderna konkurrieren um Marktanteile
+++ Corona-News +++ Österreichs Kanzler kündigt bundesweiten Lockdown für Ungeimpfte an
Druck auf Ungeimpfte Zahl der Impfungen in Österreich steigt deutlich
Coronavirus in Deutschland Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz steigt fünften Tag in Folge auf Höchstwert
Vierte Coronawelle Robert Koch-Institut rät zur Absage von größeren Veranstaltungen
Stark steigende Coronazahlen Schausteller fürchten erneute Absage der Weihnachtsmärkte
Coronalage in Deutschland Warum Fachleute auf schnelleres Impfen und Boostern drängen
Söder appelliert an Impfgegner »Es gibt keine Impfpflicht, aber es sollte eine Impfmoral geben«
Pfizer Secretly Added Heart Attack Drug Tromethamine (Tris) to Children’s COVID Vaccines … But Why
France’s National Health Authority Warns Men Under 30 to Avoid Moderna Jab
German Clinic Stops Booster Jabs for Employees Citing Too Many Side Effects
Marine Corps Commandant Blames Vaccine Disinformation for Possibility of Losing 12,500 Troops from Marine Corp Ranks
“Unusually Large” Number of Vaccinated Soccer Players Have Collapsed German News Report
Excess Deaths Point to Depopulation Agenda
The Covid-19 Pandemic Does Not Exist
BMJ Whistleblower Investigation Reveals Evidence of Falsifying Data in Pivotal Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial
Video Exclusive Photos of Graphene Oxide Found in Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Sinovac Vaccines
Fake Mortality Data Italian Institute of Health Reduces Official Covid Death Toll from 130,000 to 4,000.
Ventura County Nurses Blow the Whistle on Crisis in Local Health Care
Creepy Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They Are “Superheroes” for Taking Jab, Ignores Injuries of Others
Will Kids be Forced to Get a COVID Vaccine
China Confirms There Is No Virus...How Do You Have A Test And A Vaccine If There Is No Virus We're Facing An Extinction Even
Pflicht für medizinisches Personal – wie England jetzt den Impfdruck erhöht
Pflicht für medizinisches Personal – wie England jetzt den Impfdruck erhöht
Neue Coronabeschränkungen Fast ganz Österreich und Tschechien werden Hochrisikogebiete
Russia set to implement some of world’s toughest Covid-19 restrictions
The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People
Stop the Covid Holocaust! Open Letter - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Vorbild Singapur Ökonomen bringen für Deutschland drastische Maßnahmen ins Spiel
„Gibt Studien, dass Lockdowns für Geimpfte Infektionsgeschehen nicht eindämmen“
Bundeswehr bereitet sich auf bundesweite Corona-Notlage vor
„Sie gefährden uns alle“ – Steinmeier hat keine Geduld mehr mit Ungeimpften
Singapore Cancels Healthcare For The Unvaccinated By Choice, For Which They Pay
Lage in den Kliniken im Süden und Osten dramatisch
Digitaler Impfnachweis CovPass kostet fünfmal mehr als geplant
Johnson & Johnson greift zum Trick und meldet Insolvenz an
Nicht Corona, die Politik ist der Katastrophenfall
Taiwan stoppt 2. Dosis von Pfizer-Impfstoffen für 12-17 Jährige
Millionen Covid-Tests in den USA zurückgerufen
Epidemiologe „Ungeimpfte sollten mehr Angst vor Geimpften haben“
Covid live news UK records 157 deaths; Germany mobilises 12,000 soldiers to fight coronavirus– report
Britain will have to learn to live with Covid as an 'endemic' illness for many years, say the experts
Viele Corona-Tote in Bayern waren vollständig geimpft
Vaccine Researcher Admits ‘Big Mistake,’ Says Spike Protein Is Dangerous ‘Toxin’
Video CV-19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths Dr. Elizabeth Eads - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research o
The Covid Outbreak “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.” Report by 1500 Health Professionals
Athletes Suffer Cardiac Arrest, Myocarditis, Blood Clots, Hospitalized after COVID Injections
Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed CDC Hits New Lows with Two Manipulated Studies
Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality The Evidence is Overwhelming
The mRNA COVID Vaccine Is Not a Vaccine
Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing
Tromethamine Heart Attack Drug Secretly Added to Pfizer Children COVID jabs. Cell clumping
Doctor Who Said “I Won’t Cry” at “Funeral” for “Selfish” Unvaxxed Dies After 3rd COVID Shot
Ab 2022 Kindermediziner gehen fest von Corona-Impfstoff für Säuglinge aus
Getting two vaccines halves risk of suffering long Covid, study claims
Tendenz in Bayern – Immer mehr Corona-Tote vollständig geimpft 
Zombies Vaccines Are Destroying Empathy Regions Of The Brain, Turning Bureaucrats Into Monsters! - Mike Adams Must Video
Corona-Impfpflicht in England 50.000 Pflegekräften droht der Jobverlust
Erste deutsche Universität sperrt Ungeimpfte aus
My-Mutante auf dem Vormarsch
200x mehr Todesverdachtsfälle nach Corona-Impfungen in den USA
Schon lange wird vor wiederholter Anwendung von mRNA-Präparaten gewarnt
Arzt will nicht impfen Leipziger Universität kündigt fristlos
Massive Freiheitsbeschränkungen gefordert
Kommt jetzt der Lockdown für Ungeimpfte
Ohne Test oder Impfung kein Zutritt mehr zum Arbeitsplatz – und auch kein Lohn
Europe on 'red alert' for Christmas lockdown Austria sees record cases despite Covid apartheid, Germany braces for a 'really
FBI launch urgent probe after 'SMALLPOX is found in Philadelphia facility while cleaning out a freezer' Disease is so deadly
Euro winter of Covid discontent Now Germany bans unvaccinated people from restaurants as continent goes on 'red alert' for C
The next coronavirus could come from RATS Rodents may be asymptomatic carriers of SARS-like viruses, study warns
Explosive Dr. David Martin Who “They” Are “The Names and Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity” (Video) Alternative B
Oberösterreich und Salzburg verhängen Lockdown für alle
Österreich Der Lockdown ist unvermeidlich
Impfpflicht in Florida nun gesetzlich verboten
Wir haben bereits die ersten Schritte auf Weg in den Faschismus hinter uns gebracht
“Our Species is Being Genetically Modified” Humanity’s March Toward Extinction Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome
The Covid Hoax The Steamroller to Tyranny. “It’s not Just a Question of Vaccination or No Vaccination”
Worldwide Search Trend for “Died Suddenly” Spikes to Record Highs
Detection of Graphene in COVID-19 Vaccines
OSHA Suspends Biden’s Employer Vaccine Mandates Following Court Order
Locking Down Unvaccinated-Only ‘Not About Science, It’s About Punishing People’
Video Playskool Unveils “Vaccinate Me” Elmo Doll
Vaccination Status Is Temporary, Boosters for Life Required
More People Died in the Key Clinical Trial for Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine than the Company Publicly Reported
Operation Coronavirus How the Masses Were Hypnotized into the COVID Cult
Everyone Missed this One… Vaccinated People Are Up to Nine Times (9X) More Likely to be Hospitalized than Unvaccinated Peopl
Trends in Mortality and Morbidity in the Most Vaccinated Countries Twenty-one Proven Facts
29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Corporate Journalists Hav
Here Come the Tattoo Marks – Scientists Want to Stamp Children with Invisible Ink to Prove They’ve Been Vaccinated
New Zealand Tells Schools to Phone the Police if Unvaccinated Staff Show Up
VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots
Video What’s Going On Athletes Dropping Like Flies. Heart Disease Endemic in Young Athletes.
New VAERS Analysis Reveals Hundreds of Serious Adverse Events that the CDC and FDA Never Told Us About
Nach Enthüllungen von Whistleblowerin US-Bundesstaaten prüfen, ob Instagram Kindern schadet
Top Doctor- Ivermectin once a week stops the vaccinated and the unvaccinated from getting sick
Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage - COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 18 - YouTube
Just As We Suspected! Not All Vaccine Batches Are the Same, 20-30% Cause Adverse Reactions (Video)
Crimes or Cover-Up Exposing the World’s Most Dangerous Lie - YouTube
Markus Söder Bayern verschärft seine Corona-Maßnahmen drastisch
DeutschlandCorona-PandemieSöder kündigt „De-facto-Lockdown“ für Ungeimpfte in Bayern anMartin Heller 18.11.2021
Österreich führt generelle Impfpflicht ab Februar ein – bundesweiter Lockdown ab Montag
Inzidenz über 1000 – In diesen bayerischen Landkreisen droht ein Lockdown für alle
Lombardei will Deutsche auf Intensivstationen aufnehmen

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