
new linxbox.. covid news

UK is first country in Europe to pass 150,000 deaths with Covid: Boris Johnson recognises 'terrible toll' of pandemic as figures hit grim milestone... but data shows fatalities levelling off amid hopes Omicron is LESS deadly than flu 

Pandemiebekämpfung wird Normalzustand, Grundrechtsentzug dauerhaft

„Das Volk wurde gegen Ungeimpfte regelrecht aufgehetzt“
Impfzwang und Impfpflicht gegenüber dem Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit
Stellungnahmen zum Impfpflichtgesetz: mRNA-haltige Substanzen fälschlich als Impfstoffe oder auch Seren bezeichnet
Süd-Australien: Impfung erhöht Wahrscheinlichkeit der Hospitalisierung
Ursachen für Verringerung der Immunität durch jede weitere Impfdosis
CEO der US-Lebensversicherung OneAmerica berichtet über 40% Übersterblichkeit – Update mit Videostatement
Studie zeigt: T-Zellen erkennen Omikron noch immer sehr gut
Auch vierte Impfung versagt – Erste Daten aus Israel
Absurdes Interview: Wie Lauterbach erklärt, warum im Ausland keine Impfpflicht kommt

covid news folder

Criminal CDC Now Confirming Multiple Cases Of Myocarditis In Children Ages 5-11 Who Took Pfizer COVID Shot (Video)
Studies & Past Pretended Legislation Continue To Expose Lies Of COVID Shots & 5G
Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Technology, On COVID Shots: Do Not Give Them To Your Kids! (Video)
The Truth Has Been Coming Out About The COVID Shots – Are You Paying Attention? (Video)
How bad is my Covid-19 Vaccine Batch? – Find out now – The Expose
EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data
EXCLUSIVE – VAERS data shows 100% of reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of batches produced and the majority were sent to red Republican States across the USA
UK Government report admits there are 23.5 Million people in England who have NOT had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine
HK Researchers: Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine is 32 Times Less Effective Against Omicron
British politician: ‘We broke your immune system with these mRNA shots, and now there’s nothing you can do about Omicron’
France Slashes Booster Interval to Just THREE months
On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
Sudden Death & Horrific Disabilities Have Exploded Among the Double Vaccinated, Are You Next? (Video)
Australian Whistleblower: Young, "Fully Vaccinated" Citizens Dying Due to Covid-19 Shot Complications (Video)
A Myth Is Born: How CDC, FDA, & Media Wove A Web Of Ivermectin Lies That Outlives The Truth
US Navy warship sidelined with COVID-19 outbreak, fully vaccinated. Pfizer, Moderna, J&J jabs, etc. did not stop infection
La Quinta Columna: The Nano-Technology In COVID Injections Is For Communications - It's Technological Parasitism (Video)
COVID-Impfstoffe: Warum sie nicht wirken und zwingende Beweise für ihre Rolle bei Todesfällen
Hidden Camera of Pharmacist Shows All You Need to Know About the Shots - Must See Video - Links 1, December 24, 2021
The Omicron Delusion: Fauci & Biden Are Pathological Liars! - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Vaxxed Children Alert!! “Mini Heart Attacks”, Coma… VAERS Reporting On Children Being Killed By Vaxx!! Expert Predicts Reduced Lifespan!!
„Eine Impfpflicht wird die Spaltung der Gesellschaft überwinden“
Corona-Impfpflicht: Die allgemeine Impfpflicht wird immer wahrscheinlicher - WELT
Kick-off PolitikDas bringt der TagCorona: Portugal zeigt, warum eine hohe Impfquote nicht reicht - PodcastAntonia Beckermann | 02.12.2021
Omicron: The Lockdowners’ Last Stand
Stop the Covid Holocaust! Open Letter
What’s the COVID Jab Doing to the Brain? Dr. Vernon Coleman
„Die Omikron-Diskussion wirkt zunehmend absurd“
„In diesem Fall käme es zur Massenquarantäne“
France will hold a crisis meeting TODAY amid calls for a curfew to curb Covid cases as they hit 100,000 in one day for the first time since the pandemic began
The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Children
“Vaccine Injury is Everywhere”: Extraordinary New Chart from ” “OpenVAERS”. Charts and Graphs to Help People Understand the Data
Covid: US reports highest seven-day cases average since January; UK ‘considering door-to-door vaccinations’
Auch Zugvögel betroffen: Vogelgrippe breitet sich in Israel aus
German Health Minister’s Strange Behaviour Creates Social Media Stir | EU | Before It's News
Falsche Zahlen bei Ungeimpften-Inzidenzen auch in Sachsen
Österreich: 35.616 Einwände binnen 10 Tagen im „Impfpflicht“-Gesetzgebungsverfahren
Omikron: Erste Zahlen aus Grossbritannien sind beruhigend
WHO-Chef spricht von Booster-Impfungen, "die Kinder töten"
Bartsch kritisiert Lockdown-Debatte – „Endlich einmal längerfristig agieren“
Impfgegner empört über Donald Trump - „Der bösartigste Mensch, der je gelebt hat“
Proteste in vielen deutschen Städten – Böller auf Polizei in Bautzen
Vier Teilnehmer von Corona-Demo nach Zusammenstößen verurteilt
Boris Palmer will höhere Kassenbeiträge für Impfverweigerer
Für Spaziergänge gegen Corona-Auflagen gelten nun gleiche Regeln wie für Demonstrationen
10:40 Newsticker Globales Impfziel der WHO wird verfehlt
France makes WFH mandatory three days a week, limits attendances at indoor events and bans food on long-distance trains as it sees record coronavirus cases - but there's NO New Year curfew
Warning From Deborah Tavares! Major Lockdowns Coming January 2022! USA Interstate Travel! Checkpoints! FEMA Camps! - Wil Paranormal Video
UK Now Considering Door-To-Door "Vaccination Squads"
Tripled Vaxxed 4.5 Times More Likely to Test Positive for Omicron than Unvaxxed
Dr Scott Jensen Sounds Alarm on New Medical Surveillance Regime
Pfizer Inc. “Fraudulent Marketing”: “Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History” (2009). US Department of Justice
„Fürchte, dass die Polizei noch mehr zum Blitzableiter für verärgerte Bürger wird“
Kuba hat niedrigste Covid-19-Todesrate Amerikas
Ist Omikron eine Gefahr für Geimpfte und Geboosterte?
Israel Bericht: 3. Dosis wirkt nach einem Monat nur mehr zu 25 Prozent
Covid outbreaks SEXTUPLED in size in week before Christmas in England's worst-hit neighbourhoods as fascinating time-lapse maps show how Omicron has torn through country in less than a month
Study: At least 400,000 people in America have died from covid “vaccines”
Latest Evidence Shows that the Vaccines are More DANGEROUS than Originally Thought by Dr. Yeadon
Scott McKay Interviews Vaxx Injured Commercial Pilots (Must See Video)
Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates
War Games – Dr. Tenpenny Is Advising People To Get Mentally & Spiritually Prepared For Millions Of Dead Kids!
Prof Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto-Immune Attack
Irrefutable Proof Covid-19 Was Planned! - ***Starts At 10 Minute Mark*** - Must Video
Selbstzerstörung durch eigenes Immunsystem - Long-Covid, Bluthochdruck, Alzheimer und Weitere?
Early research suggests a milk protein combined with Benadryl may help fight COVID-19
US Navy warship sidelined with COVID-19 outbreak, fully vaccinated. Pfizer, Moderna, J&J jabs, etc. did not stop infection
Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”?
Is Omicron Backfiring In A Big Way- - Truth & Art TV Must Video - Health - Before It's News
Chinesischer Totimpfstoff wirkt offenbar kaum gegen Omikron
Die Anti-Covid-Pille wird viele Menschenleben retten
Texas and New York hospitals run out of the only antibody treatment effective against Omicron variant amid nationwide shortage - as New Jersey hospitals limit who can get it
The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing - The Lancet Regional Health – Europe
Lancet Paper Reveals The Vaccinated Are Perpetuating The Pandemic
War Games – Vaers & The Deadly Pfizer Swiss Vax Batch # “ej6796” – Must Video
Nurse Whistle blower on large number of CHILDREN vaxx damaged
Jury is in: mRNA shots destroy your immune system – Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
Nurse Whistle blower on large number of CHILDREN vaxx damaged
Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates
Die rätselhafte Übersterblichkeit im Herbst
Antigen-Tests erkennen Omikron nicht so gut wie andere Varianten
„Geimpfte glauben, sie seien sicher. Man hat sie falsch informiert“
Chinese lockdown rule-breakers are publicly shamed and paraded through the streets carrying placards with their names on in bid to ensure Covid rules are obeyed
Breaking Report: 93% of People Who Died After Being Vaccinated Were Killed by the COVID Vaccine!
New Alex Jones Bombshell: 20 Million Americans Sick From COVID Vax
Triple Vaccinated 40-49 Year Olds Are 10.3x More Likely to Catch Omicron Than the Unvaccinated According to ONS and UK Gov. Figures
Omikron-Quarantäne – Jetzt wächst die Angst vor der Massenisolation
Lauterbach schätzt Inzidenz „zwei- bis dreimal höher als ausgewiesen“
18:27 Newsticker Bund: Booster-Impfungen für Kinder und Jugendliche möglich
Graphene is repulsed by Garlic – An antidote to the Devils brew in the vaccine – You decide!
The Great Worker Shortage Is Causing Basic Services To Really Break Down All Across America! - Epic Economist
The Vaccines gives you the immunity of an AIDS patient
Angeblicher Soldat postet Droh-Video – Festnahme in München
Catching Omicron strain may protect against Delta and usher in endemic phase of Covid, study suggests
US sets WORLD record 489,267 COVID cases in 24 hours as country risks grinding to a HALT: 'Incoming viral blizzard will make it hard to keep everyday life operating'
Vaxxed Moms Delivering Strange Black Eyed Babies With Swollen Testicles or Micro Penises (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News
Nächster Rekord - Italien meldet 144.000 Neuinfektionen
Britain's Omicron wave hits another pandemic high: UK logs 189,846 positive tests and hospitalisations soar by 65% over a week as Boris warns of 'challenges in coming weeks' in NYE message and mulls new restrictions NEXT WEEK
Sie wollen sich infizieren? Lassen Sie sich boostern!
Großbritannien mit Allzeithoch bei Infektionen – Keine neuen Restriktionen
Pharma’s War on Scientists to Mandate Jabs for Life
The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine”
More hospital nurses blow whistle on “overwhelming” number of heart attacks, blood clots occurring in the fully vaccinated
Why Have New York City COVID Hospitalizations Spiked Amid 90 Percent Vaccinated Population?
„Erheblicher Fanatismus“ – Die Sorge über aggressive Proteste wächst
Dutch anti-lockdown protester is MAULED by police dogs and hit with batons as riot cops battle to break up thousands-strong march in Amsterdam against Holland's strict Covid measures
Denmark health chief says Omicron is bringing about the END of the pandemic and 'we will have our normal lives back in two months'
Déjà vu: French scientists detect ANOTHER variant linked to travel to Cameroon and say it carries 46 mutations that may make it more vaccine-resistant and infectious (but it is so far NOT outcompeting Omicron)
YouTube and Twitter delete Joe Rogan interview with scientist who helped invent mRNA vaccines: Dr Robert Malone claimed US is now like Nazi Germany with society 'hypnotized' to believe in vaccines and extreme pandemic measures
“The Numbers Killed by these Vaccines is Much Worse than What We Thought”. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Mike Yeadon
Louisiana Nurse Blows the Whistle: “We Have Had More Children Die from the COVID Vaccine Than of COVID Itself”
Video: The Vaccine is More Dangerous than COVID-19: Dr. Peter McCullough - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Hamburger Forscher entdecken Schädigungen an Organen auch bei mildem Corona-Verlauf
Enormer Anstieg der Corona-Zahlen in Australien – Krankenhäuser stark belastet
FDP-Abgeordnete stellen Antrag gegen allgemeine Impfpflicht
Record 3.3MILLION people - one in 15 - had Covid on New Year's Eve in England, official data shows but infections WERE slowing in Omicron hotspot London
Asymptomatic English who test positive for Covid on a lateral flow will no longer be able to get confirmatory PCR from January 11 amid test shortage: Thousands face being quarantined with false positives
Fourth Covid vaccine dose ONLY boosts antibodies five-fold, Israeli study shows
Niederlande verhängen Abend-Lockdown – Sperrstunde ab 17 Uhr
2G-Regel in Hessen auch für Supermärkte zulässig
„Zur vorausschauenden Pandemiepolitik gehört auch: eine Impfpflicht vorbereiten“
„Die Gastronomie ist ein Problembereich“, sagt Karl Lauterbach
„In welchem Intervall Boostern notwendig wird, lässt sich noch nicht mit Sicherheit sagen“
Starker Anstieg von Suizidversuchen bei Kindern im Lockdown 2021
„Alle 16 Länderchefs haben sich dazu bekannt, dass sie für eine allgemeine Impfpflicht sind“
WHO warnt vor Einstufung der Omikron-Variante als „mild“
Thousands of young women may not be getting Covid vaccines because they fear it will interact with their Botox or fillers, doctors say
Fewer than a THIRD of adults have already had their Covid booster vaccine in parts of England... and 10 MILLION 'eligible' adults have still not got their third dose, figures show
Covid cases fall for SECOND day in a row: Infections drop 6% in week to 178,250 amid early signs England's hospitalisations have peaked - as Javid says boosters cut risk of severe illness by 90% and expert says worst of pandemic is over
Pharmazeutin: Verantwortungsloses Gentechnikgesetz bereitet den Weg für die Impfpflicht
RKI korrigiert Bericht: Geimpfte trotzdem häufiger von Omikron betroffen als Ungeimpfte
People Bleeding From Eyes, Nose And Ears In City Of 25000 5G Base Stations Xi'an China!! 13 Million Locked Down... And Starving!! Under Cover Of Midnight, People Being Carted Away!! 5G Cell Towers Contain Covid-19 Chip!!
FDP-Vize Kubicki fordert wegen Corona-Datenchaos Rücktritt von Söder
„Alle 16 Länderchefs haben sich dazu bekannt, dass sie für eine allgemeine Impfpflicht sind“
Söder unter Druck: Inzidenz von Ungeimpften manipuliert
0,1% Sterberate – Omikron ist so harmlos wie eine Influenza
Corona-Proteste: „Das bürgerliche Spektrum geht momentan auf die Straße“
Corona-Proteste: „Das bürgerliche Spektrum geht momentan auf die Straße“
Bei „Corona-Toten“ ist die wahre Todesursache unerheblich
Booster schützt Ältere vor schwerem Verlauf – Lauterbach lobt „überragende Wirkung“
Corona-Lage in China wird zum Preistreiber
Immer mehr infizierte Lehrer – britische Regierung beschwört das letzte Aufgebot
Britons DON'T need a fourth jab... yet: Health chiefs say booster doses are working against Omicron as Covid cases fall for a SECOND day in a row amid signs hospitalisations in England have peaked and stats suggest it could be no deadlier than the FLU
COVID vaccines prolong menstrual cycles by 19 hours, new study reveals
„Das ist eine gute Nachricht“ – kaum Impfnebenwirkungen bei Fünf- bis Elfjährigen
Doctors warn 'no jab, no job' rule will make NHS staff shortages worse after consultant confronted Sajid Javid on camera to say he doesn't want vaccine because he 'has had COVID, and feels protected by antibodies'
Premeditated Mass Murder - Dr. Michael Yeadon - Former Pfizer CEO
Dangerously Epic Crisis In Healthcare Industry, As Covid Crimes Against Humanity Become More Evident...
The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine”
“Covid Ethnic Cleansing”: The Vaccinated vs. the Unvaccinated: Those Who Refuse the Vaccine and the “Official” Covid-19 Narrative are Categorized as “Psychopaths”
World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines”
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Covid Pandemic: A “Truth Bomb” Explodes to Illuminate the War on Humanity
COVID: A Collision of Historical and Scientific Illiteracy
Ontario (Canada) Admits 50% of “COVID” Hospitalizations Not from COVID, Death Count May Also be Misleading
Austria Demotes Some 3.8 Million Double-jabbed to ‘Unvaccinated’
Video: More Children Die from the COVID Shot Than from COVID
The Identity of the Virus: Health/ Science Institutions Worldwide “Have No Record” of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification.
Diamond Mine of Data? Insurance Companies Report 40% Increase in Premature Non-COVID Deaths
Children Are Dying from COVID, Lockdowns and Overdoses
Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted. “Mass Formation Psychosis”. “You’re a Criminal Because You’re Unvaccinated”
Analysis of Batch-Specific Toxicity of COVID-19 Vaccine Products Using VAERS Data
The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society
More Bad News on COVID Vaccines and Myocarditis in Men Under 40 – Even as More Colleges Require Booster Shots for Students
The 2020-22 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”
Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes
A Myth is Born: How CDC, FDA, and Media Wove a Web of Ivermectin Lies That Outlives The Truth
The Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems, The Vaccine and Spike Protein - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Research “Game-changer”: Spike Protein Increases Heart Attacks and Destroys Immune ​System
Study on Electromagnetism of Vaccinated Persons
A Power-Grab at Levels Never Before Seen in the History of the World? The Coronavirus Hustle Exposed
REVEALED: Canadian military officer calls for a probe into a ground zero 'Covid' outbreak at Wuhan games two months before world was alerted
Geheimhaltung von Pfizer-Daten rechtswidrig: US-Gericht ordnet schnelle Veröffentlichung an
Geheimhaltung von Pfizer-Daten rechtswidrig: US-Gericht ordnet schnelle Veröffentlichung an
Noch eine vierte Corona-Impfung? Zweifel nach ersten Studienergebnissen aus Israel
Juristenvereinigungen kritisieren Schnellverfahren bei Corona-Protesten
COVID-19 Vaccines Linked to Change in Menstrual Cycles: Study
05:10 Newsticker SPD und Grüne dämpfen Erwartungen an schnelle Impfpflicht
Moderna is working on an annual 'combination' vaccine which could inoculate Britons against both Covid and flu as early as next year
UK is first country in Europe to pass 150,000 deaths with Covid: Boris Johnson recognises 'terrible toll' of pandemic as figures hit grim milestone... but data shows fatalities levelling off amid hopes Omicron is LESS deadly than flu
Pandemiebekämpfung wird Normalzustand, Grundrechtsentzug dauerhaft
„Das Volk wurde gegen Ungeimpfte regelrecht aufgehetzt“
Impfzwang und Impfpflicht gegenüber dem Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit
Stellungnahmen zum Impfpflichtgesetz: mRNA-haltige Substanzen fälschlich als Impfstoffe oder auch Seren bezeichnet
Süd-Australien: Impfung erhöht Wahrscheinlichkeit der Hospitalisierung
Ursachen für Verringerung der Immunität durch jede weitere Impfdosis
CEO der US-Lebensversicherung OneAmerica berichtet über 40% Übersterblichkeit – Update mit Videostatement
Studie zeigt: T-Zellen erkennen Omikron noch immer sehr gut
Auch vierte Impfung versagt – Erste Daten aus Israel
Absurdes Interview: Wie Lauterbach erklärt, warum im Ausland keine Impfpflicht kommt

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