
latest news. artificial intelligence.

hello and welcome,

as we heard lately, new milestones are coming the way. we learned about tensorflow the new google opensource ai-methods organization tensorflow.org. and many other services hitting the market. the biggest companies google and facebookare leading the way. you'll find a collection of links at the end.

have a look later, meantime we can watch a video proudly presented.

hope many others learn from it. what we can actually see is a record time for a new technology hitting the market. the breakthrough technology from 2013 is now ready to go for the user and provides vital capabilities of a secretary (e-mail) and together with some other tools we are halfway to an artificial mind and personal asisstant. if you like, go to holoverse to learn more.



hi folks. short notice.

hello and welcome.

spent the time writing up notes from summer over the days.
whilst doing so I contacted a german programmer.
if any body wants to contribute, take the job or participate in any form

here is what I am in with my cooperation ideas summary:


I would like to organize some software group for the project and integrate some more people in europe. feel free to comment and/or add. pls leave an email and a phonenumber.



skills. spring job.

Earthen Oven in 24 hours - 18th Century How-to Series 

have fun.
ok. cu.

ladies affairs. the shocking truth

hello and welcome,
here news research with news for women.
for our main topic on violence against women, rape and social developments click on image please.


this newsboards picture was taken from here.. have fun
for our linklist, a short video and and more information click here for ....


new perspective.

hello and welcome,
here is ambient with news for lighting and living. these guys provide a very expensive but exclusive lighting system for basements, cellars, bunkers and so on. as mentioned in the article because it would make sense to build seven or more stories down, like as build skyscrapers. well. here is the article...

ok. cu.

3D. bad to the bone.

hello and welcome,
here is news from the world of 3D-printing and "growing". there is > EpiBone, but watch for yourself...

in german...


nice and easy. the new green.

hello and welcome.
here is newscast for - vertical and urban farming.
there is a model project in wyoming. conversion and collaboration. i guess this is what our old buildings should look like. here is more...
Vertical farm can make 44,000 pounds of tomatoes on the side of a parking lot

 and here is what it looks like...

and heere is a video and..

perfect catch. edible growth.

hello and welcome,
here is news from the world of edible growth. it is invented by a great woman and is some very very interesting funny idea. visit her website here... www.chloerutzerveld.com.

ok. cu.


integrated. science, knowledge and experience.

hello and welcome.
here is a video with news about a project to preserve nature and incorporate modern science.

more on modern approaches to actual problems in order to design our future, soon.
meanwhile visit http://www.nature.org/new-wild, pls.
ok. cu.


wonderwear. adaptiv.

hello and welcome,

here is fashion news with information about a new 3D-printed shoe, which is able to adapt to you and enforce your feet, when needed.

source. solidsmack

here is more information about the manufacturer and the product itself.

watch the video below...
have fun.

old wonders. miracle drink.

hello and welcome,

here is news for the natural medicine fans. try this miracle drink. it is said it makes your grey hair, if there is any turn back to its original colour. anyway, it seems to have a lot of natural power. here is what you need:

  • 7 oz /200 grams of flaxseed oil
  • 4 medium sized lemons
  • 3 small cloves of garlic
  • 2.2 lbs / 1 kg of honey

here is how you make it:


new data on the block.

hello and welcome.

there is  citizen news. there is a possibility to find out if your data collected by the americans have been passed on to the british services. the thing to ask here would be what happens to the data collected via these requests. but, ask em.. if ...


guess its just a waste of time.

but ok. cu.


medical news. weed grandmas wisdom.

hello and welcome.
here is pot news with a new video on cooking with natural fibers and agents.
down there is a list with videos and a list of additional information in linx.

ladies affairs. time has come.

hello and welcome.
here is some video found on activist post
concerning truth, strength and women in the ukraine.

please support your local actists for ukraine.
Activist Post: Can Strong Women Stop the Civil War in Ukraine?



3D. nanoparticles.

hello and welcome.

here is some information with interesting backgroundinformation on 3D-printing, the structure of nanoparticles and a summary of chances and risks up to today.

Physik: Röntgenblitz macht Nanopartikel erstmals sichtbar - DIE WELT



ladies affairs. the church wants you -r opinion.

hello and welcome,
better late than never. the vatican has launched a campaign to gather women's view on the world, their culture, their being-a-woman attitude. here is the campaign video... in italian...

join in...
ok. cu.


moving forward. societies' corps and core.

 hello and welcome,

after years of analysis and data collection finally someone come up with the demand for expertise and collaboration. there is only one solution to create a 'new polis. read for yourself how the transformation can be designed for good. the intention behind the local-up discussion, decision and representation sytem, combined with a federal kind of expert level counselling and engagement. please read this citation and the article..

Statt von Eliten beherrschten Parteien und Politikdarstellern, die für das Volk die Fassade scheindemokratischer Abläufe aufrechthalten: Sachliche Arbeitsgruppen aus dem Volk heraus! " - Umkreis-Institut

minutes minute. more bad news again.

hello and welcome.

here is bad news. the doomsdayclock handle has been moving.
closer to the edge. it is sure that the levels of threat of times like mideighties come back soon, now that the us are deploying new troops and nukes in old and new europe.

please meditate two minutes longer :)


more bad news. in and out.

"Kill Switch" Prevents Spread of Genetically Modified Bacteria

hello and welcome,

here is bad news again in genetics.

for some it means a lot to juggle with the archparts of gods creation, but in general there is pretty much alert necessary. so for this case. although it sounds promising to acchieve containment of genetically modified organisma to the very area of labs and facilities by implanting needy genes, the catch is that they know now how to do it. anyway put something somewhere for the individual counterparts can't survive without it. the other way is to put something there in the modified organism, which enables it to survive in other residue and leaves their natural counterparts dying. is the nextx step that we have to purchase gutbacteria?

well, cu.


little future helpers. emotional mario.

hello and welcome,
some students of the tübingen unversity have presented
a video about an artificial intelligence equipped with emotionanal scales.
chair of cognitive modelling.
project homepage.

ok. cu.
enjoy the video and 


food production. analyze and act.

hello and welcome.
here is some great compilation of news, videos and factsheets.
about gardening and peoples food production
presented to you by james corbett.

"The problems are obvious: food safety scandals, the death of family farming, food supply insecurity, the revolving door between corporate lobbyists and government regulators, and many more. The solution should be equally obvious: rolling up our sleeves and getting in the garden. Join us today as we explore this simple, natural solution to one of our most fundamental problems." james corbett, corbettreport.com
 enjoy the video..


must see. collaboration example.

hello and welcome.

here is a must see example video
about collaboration. real fun and full of peace...


presentation. artificial intelligence and the singularity.

hello and welcome.
just to set this up in here. here is..
Artificial intelligence and the Singularity - History, Trends and Reality Check
from piero scaruffi.

 ok. cu.

background information. artificial intelligence.

hello and welcome.
here are some news about the ongoing discussion in the field of


artificial intelligence.

ok. cu.


slideshares . connectionist minds.

hello and welcome.
here is a slideshare topiclist.
connectionist minds.

ok. cu.

new videolist. ai and connectionist minds.

hello and welcome
here is some videos on a new videolist  
artificial intellingence and connectionist minds .