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to a new feature in our series the

we are pretty far in man machine interfaces. we can scan the human brain, we can stimulate and we can train it to learn how to control artificial limbs. we can do all kinds of things and like always, we can be sure that the military and secret black budget projects are forty to fifty years ahead, with their products, with their knowledge and their next ideas.
what we see on the market soon, will be standardized interfaces for so-called memory enhancements, which will come in two ways. first as nets implanted in the brain to control a neural network, either inside the brain itself or outside in order to communicate with the brain and transfer information from this network to the brain. the second type will be fmri methods connected to direct reading or stimulating the brain, in order to use the brain as an information processing unit to read out memory or create neural connections or cut them to redesign the brain in order do more than to mass store information. the operations needed are costly and one can estimate that the first privately used implants will be used for commercial purposes.

it seems to be plausible that with an increasing number of, lets say physical connections into the brain, control of and processing with the brain, will get better, more precise and with a lot more applications. it will not just be controlling limbs, communicating with an expert brain, recalling some holiday memory from somebody else, but it will also be a form of exchange between lovers and couples. imagine an interface, which might be ready soon, if progress goes on with that pace, which allows access to another persons memory, the associated emotion, like fear, guilt, envy, the pain, the emotional turmoil of the worst moments, the most unbelievable coincidences, positive and negative and all desire and all delight. would you allow anybody full access?

so why does facebook want to read peoples minds? to really let people communicate using only their minds? two wrong questions. first facebook doesn't want to read your mind, that is what they do all the time already, they know whats on your mind, they know your mindset, better than you yourself in some case, they know whats in your mind, because of all the information you have given them and they know whats on your mind, by simply looking at what you are reading and posting. facebook wants to read your soul. we will see later on how they do this and have done it already, but first we come to a second point. why should facebook let people communicate just using their minds? this is exactly opposite to their business model and their vision of a global network, with facebook in between, your timeline in front of you, mixed with ideas from facebook.

this thing stinks. it is a very good opportunity to sell people the ideas of the globalist singularity sect and exploit their very personality via brainscan. their hormonal responses, their degree of readiness and awareness, their inclinations and interests. it is not about the content, it is about the brain as a key, as an interface, as a tool, probably for facebook then. besides the question arising from autonomous robots, this is one hell of a problem, we now still have time to discuss on a theoretical basis, other than the robotix ethics, which should have been discussed in the eighties. what we should discuss now seriously is the twilight zone between fake news and brain stimulation.

we know that facebook has conducted an experiment on some users, presenting them a manipulated timeline with depressing news so to say, to look if the postings of the very user would show any form of depressive traits lateron. if things like that were possible and sure still are, we should ban all brain reading and stimulating equipment from the use with facebook and others, who violated human dignity. it is the same thing with autonomous weapons. we will not be able to stop the military, but a s a civil body we can stop it invading our society and becoming a tool for control freaks with all kinds of sinister ideas. concerning what it means to grant your great love access to your brain, we have to go a long way to find an ultimate answer. it is trust in an extreme form, but it can be stupid as can be.
- Why Telepathic Based Technology Could Start Emerging In The Very Near Future
- Artificial Intelligence to Scan Your Thoughts Facebook Announces (Video)
- Brain Implants Sold Soon, Marketed As "Enhancing Memory"
- Automated chatbot systems are getting marriage proposals
- Gehirn: Eine Studie verrät, mit wem wir befreundet sind
- Zuckerberg: Facebook Is Working on a Brain Interface That Lets You "Communicate Using Only Your Mind"
- Facebook is developing a way to read your mind
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