the most fascinating statement about the greatest enemy of mankind as is stupidity, is just topped in it's lack of consequence and impact by the fact that stupidity, here as decrease in intelligence, knowledge, ingenuity is now more than ever an even
scientifically and statististcally detectable and defined enemy. intelligence is decreasing, the different forms of definition of what it simply is, do not show any help, when we look at the article behind the link and picture and do try to understand, what degree and desastrous proportions, the whole thing has. the difference between a piece of paper, .. I still cant believe it.. and an ipad.
so far so good, so god will, but the next, the real internet gossip is best ever. we again have a mixture of good, evil, aliens, walls, openmindedness an the essence of the true heart of the warrior in our new feature in our little new series. societies in the future. what kind of societies, what kind of progress? in our little new series we have been looking at the impact of war industries and the poor lifes of veterans after they were risking their lives and loosing limbs for the values of the countries they were fighting for. and we have been looking at some of the paranoid picture of the tinfoilhat tribe and the worldwide illuminaticy

with a few videos and pictures, do we start our tour of world problems, what our leaders offer as solutions, how they perform with it,
in comparison to other actors and how we can define some new incentive for a new kind of politician. nobody wants to criticize here, the actors and we, the people, the politicians and we the
people are fairly well part of one simulation. some new incentive for a new kind of politician is really badly needed, it even seems inevitable
that if it is not found we missed our last historic chance. so that not some freaky messiah crisis actor or more may deceive us.
our series brought us to the point, where we had to shut down the other tech blog, because it seems impossible to introduce a sufficient amount of cleverness into global society. the list of the
why-dont-they-questions grew longer by the month, like it was in years. earlier. so there is noway to discuss all that. what is left is the dreams. different communities, different work ethics, commons and almende as new societal components. we will have millions of unemployed and poor, their future is in the gardens, like it once put some harvard scientist.

for the last and the next part we will discuss the list of problems, we will never solve, we can never solve and we will not be allowed to be solved. to end up this part we just look at the scenario, east of syria. until far east, at the silk road and belt project. the list of advantages, of chances, exchange, growth and prosperity is a s endless as the amount of people living around and along it.
the road and belt project has millions of winners, but of few major loosers, who then, when cut off, would sit outside, instead at the top of the table of the nations. the future wars america and israel, will wage, must wage, dream to wage are also the consequences of the fight of the angloamerican world against the favoured enemy, russia and now china. the belt and road.

their militaryindustrial-complex
sucks in money like a honeybee, but spits out nothing, but hornets. the addiction
to oil was recognized a while ago and money, tobacco, sex, drugs, opioids and just tons of problems with it, that is what america is today, within a completely destroyed society, brutalized by some obscure elite in a poisoned environment.
on top of it, we do have a "deep state", to round that madness up. the socalled services all over the planet are supposedly not only part of the international drugtrade and fight and killing, but are running the show, with the
help of international treaties and military crop protection. and running arms trade, running child trafficking, drug and prostitution rings.

we would need a
real messiah to get out of that, one might think. but there is trump, there is his day by day fight against the deeps, against the corrupt. did you pray, over easter, get some blessing, did go home? eat, tv, sleep? these guys out there, the deeps, to sum them up, are never sleeping. you just have to keep that in mind. if you answered the question with the ipad and the piece of paper and the future world we live in, you may then sleep well.
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