linxlist. ladies' affairs. health and care.
ladies' affairs.. health and care.. 2/18
latest news..
Domestic Danger Assessment
- Here's What it Means if You See a Heart on a Child's Wrist (Video)
Epileptic boy, six, is set to become second to be allowed cannabis oil
as ministers look to change the law after Billy Caldwell case
- Dr Michael Mosley's life plan: How the Mediterranean 5:2 diet can beat jet lag
- Abstinenzler fehlen öfter bei der Arbeit als moderate Trinker
- An diesem äußeren Merkmal kannst du einen Narzissten erkennen
- Debit card payments overtake cash for first time after Britons use plastic for 13.2billion transactions in a year
- Meditation and yoga worsen people's egos by making them more self absorbed, study finds
- Teenage binge drinking may destroy parts of the memory forever, study finds
- photo The Plague in the US: Idaho Child Diagnosed With ‘Black Death’
- Besser Schlafen mit Yoga, Pflanzen und der richtigen Ernährung
click for more..
- Untreatable
gonorrhea superbug is spreading through Australia as experts say sex
tourism in south-east Asia has fuelled the epidemic
- Frauenquote: Giffey will Unternehmen mehr Druck machen
- Social media is fuelling a spike in rape and other serious sexual crimes by predatory boys as young as 12
- People with a strong handshake are better at problem-solving, memory tests and reasoning, study shows
Smartphone overuse increases loneliness and anxiety, and forms
connections in the brain 'similar to how OPIOID addiction is
experienced,' study warns
- Why man's ideal woman is 22 (no matter how old he is!)
Men, More Likely, Than Women to Punish Rivals When Seeking Status
Men, More Likely, Than Women to Punish Rivals When Seeking Status
Contributor: Alton Parrish - Posted: Monday, April 16, 2018 17:49 Men
will punish more people than women to get ahead in life and business.
Chapman University has published research measuring gender differences
in cooperation and punishment behavior. Results showed that men punish
more than women, men obtain...
- Some California cities want Amsterdam-style pot lounges, push limits of marijuana legalization
- ‘Magical' mushroom mix to boost regrowth of lost Scottish forests | Environment | The Guardian
- Viele Bundesbürger leiden materielle Not – neue Daten zur Armut in Deutschland
- “Women have the solutions”
- 40% of all births are now out-of-wedlock.
- Feminism Can Be Cured (if Diagnosed Early)
- Quitting a Bad Habit: Germany to Massively Restrict Monsanto Weedkiller
- Enough Already: Autism Needs to Be Declared a National Health Crisis
- Sugar in the diet may increase risks of opioid addiction
- Pesticides Are Making Children Aggressive
- Ultraorthodoxe Jüdinnen entdecken Feminismus: Das Ende der Bescheidenheit
- How to Protect Yourself From Next Influenza Naturally and Permanently, PubMed Suggested | Health
Great pacific garbage patch growing exponentially – “The amount of
hazardous microplastics is set to increase more than tenfold, if left to
- 9 Best Edible Roots That Can Keep You Alive in a Survival Situation
- 6 Amazing Home Security Plants
- Five “Life Extension” Garden Vegetables To Plant In 2018
Resistance Isn't Futile: Artificial Antimicrobial Peptides Could
Help Overcome...
- Why All Porn Is Gay | Strange
- Dr. Judith Reisman - Erototoxin : The sex-industrial complex: Sexologists, Pornographers & Big Pharma
- Robert Habeck fordert Einführung einer Plastiksteuer
- Über 10.000 Straftaten: „Die Gewalt an Krankenhäusern hat massiv zugenommen“
Feminists now have their own COMPUTER FONT that transforms each letter
of the alphabet into a different image for women's issues with 'J'
represented as a tampon
Experts reveal their morning-to-night hayfever survival guide as study
finds the millions who suffer boost their risk of mental illness by 66%
- Mysterious new form of DNA seen inside human cells for the first time looks like a 'twisted knot' instead of a double helix
A cat, who almost lost all of his nine lives after developing cancer on
his paw, sees the tumour SHRINK within days of eating cannabis-oil
laced food
Record levels of microplastics are found in the Arctic: 12,000
particles per litre of sea ice are recorded in five separate locations -
three times higher than before
- Paracetamol in pregnancy, raises children's risk of ADHD and autism by up to 30%, study claims
- Does cannabis cause psychosis? Scientists discuss the risks
- Cannabis users can now test how high they are with a new app designed by scientists
Schools are replacing traditional analogue clocks with digital ones in
exam halls... because teenagers can't tell the time, say head...
- 10 Great Cold-Hardy Vegetables
- Gentech-Rübe: Winkt EU Zuckerzulassung wieder durch?
Drinking Baking Soda Could Be an Inexpensive, Safe Way To Combat
Autoimmune... Drinking Baking Soda Could Be an Inexpensive, Safe Way To
Combat Autoimmune Disease
- New Research Government is Killing Us pro-cbd
- The FLOATING pyramid city Community 'will live in solar-powered £350,000 buildings
- Monsanto and Bayer are Maneuvering to Take Over the Cannabis Industry
One puff is enough! A single drag of cannabis can alleviate depression,
2 can ease anxiety and 10 can slash stress, finds study
- The Indigenous Community that Rebelled Against Narcos, Thieves, and Politicians … and Won
Finland says it will consider bringing in a universal basic income at
the end of its two-year trial after reports it was scrapping the scheme
sparked headlines around the world
- An der Uni Bielefeld können Frauen nun masturbieren lernen
- A THIRD of premature deaths could be avoided if we all cut out meat, Harvard study finds
Doctors are calling for heroin, cocaine and cannabis to be made LEGAL:
Experts argue users should be able to seek help without the threat of
- Neonikotinoide: Das Verbot ist richtig, retten wird es die Bienen nicht
- The end of slings and crutches? 'Extraordinary' glue could soon fix broken bones in just 5 MINUTES
- Dogs may cause cystitis! Pooches increase their owners' risk of UTIs
- UK could legalise cannabis in next five years say tycoons hoping to make a fortune out of a booming British pot industry
- China is mining data from workers’ brains to spot depressed employees
- AI-Driven Robot Learns the Meaning of Love, on Paper at Least
- Forget kale! Why shoppers are buying more mushrooms than EVER (but do they deserve their new superfood label?)
Has YOUR genome already been hacked? Expert warns identifying people
through online DNA testing services is 'relatively straightforward'
- Studie: Frauen streben seltener in Spitzenjobs
- Microplastics can even be found in BEER: Study reveals the average US brew contains over four man-made particles per liter
Scientists create hi-tech tattoo that detects cancer before any
symptoms: Marking only become visible if there is a rise in calcium
levels in the body
- Revealed: The SIX signs of a dysfunctional relationship - and when it's the right time to leave your partner
- Männlichkeit in den Medien: Haha, sie knutschen fast!
- Umweltschutz: EU will Plastik-Geschirr verbieten
- Paper bottle that disintegrates in saltwater in just THREE WEEKS could save the planet's oceans from plastic pollution
- Die Wahrheit über „billige“ Solar- und Windenergie
Soldiers should be administered ecstasy to treat PTSD, study claims
after the rave drug 'cured' the condition in more than half of patients
Why chaps can root for film heroines: Study shows men are better than
women at identifying with fictional characters of the opposite sex
- Secret to intelligence? New link between brain cell size and IQ may help scientists find a way to enhance human intellect
- Weedkiller found in granola and crackers, internal FDA emails show
- New water-based battery can store wind and solar energy for pennies
- Staatliche Datenbanken: Was weiß die Polizei über mich?
- Scientists create an embryo from stem cells without egg or sperm in 'provocative' research
- Biometrische Identifikation: Die erfolgreiche “iPhoneisierung” als “Akzeptanzwegbereiter”
- Ein Masern-Virus aus Afghanistan ist verantwortlich für die tödliche Epidemie in Odessa
- Could cannabis treat autism? Scientists will study the effects of marijuana in children with the disorder
- ‘Infinitely’ Recyclable Polymer Has Practical Properties of Plastics
- Medizin: Die häufigsten Selbstzahler-Angebote sind zweifelhaft
- Survival Herbal Recipes From Our Ancestors
- How to Find and Process Wild Lettuce for Pain Relief
- Study: Women Store DNA From Every Man They’ve Ever Made Love With
- Neue klinische Studie: Bis zu 50% der Krebspatienten sterben an der Chemo, nicht am Krebs!
- Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered
- Berkeley Doctor: ‘People Die From Chemotherapy, Not Cancer’
- 97% Of Terminal Cancers Linked To Root Canal Procedure
- Gleichberechtigung in der CDU: Merkel sieht Frauenförderung als Existenzfrage
- This Is Why More Businesses Are Mellowing Out Over Hiring Marijuana Smokers (Video)
- Revealed: The true cancer risk of having a boob job with hundreds of women facing a deadly time bomb
- LaGuardia Airport Security Robot Creeping Out Women
No sex please, we're millennials: One in eight 26-year-olds are still
virgins due to fear of intimacy and humiliation on social media, study
- Flesh-Eating Disease Increasing at Alarming Rate in Australia
- Krankmacher Kohle
- An Aquatic Moss That Removes Arsenic from Water Discovered
- What do Slutwalkers Have in Common? They're Dogs
- Humans who have their brain reanimated after death could suffer
New Stable, Artificial Photosynthesis Produces Clean Hydrogen Fuel
New Stable, Artificial Photosynthesis Produces Clean Hydrogen Fuel
- They Say Apple Cider Vinegar Is Great for You, but This Is What You Weren't Told (Video)
The great divide: Women spend TWICE as much time cooking, doing
laundry, and cleaning than live-in male partners - even when BOTH have
their own jobs outside the home
- 7 Must-Have Herb Plants to Give You a Bug-Free Backyard
- Marijuana Industry Says Seniors Are The Next Budding Market
- EU-Bericht zu Deutschland: Grundwasser weiter stark mit Nitrat belastet
- 17 Todesfälle: Kongo meldet Ebola-Ausbruch
- Dieses kleine Gerät schließt tiefe Wunden in zwei Minuten
- Vorschlag von EU und Grünen: Umweltministerin Schulze lehnt Plastiksteuer ab
- Mean girls really are at war: Study finds women use gossip 'as a weapon' in romantic rivalries
U.K. - Women 'wanting to be as pure as possible again for their
husbands' are fueling virginity-restoring operations on the NHS at a
cost of £1,000 a time
Mum's wee miracle: Sitting in this electric chair for 30 minutes zaps
your pelvic floor back into shape and could fix millions of womens'
bladder-control problems
- Biologists from Russia have learned to include «repairs DNA» in cancer cells
- Marijuana Is Still Illegal in New York - The Surest Way to Get Arrested for Possessing It? Be Black or Hispanic
- STDs are on the rise with syphilis up 12% in a year as more youngsters shun tests in 'major risk to public health'
- Plastikmüll erreicht tiefsten Punkt der Meere
- Scientists unveil tool that can predict the colour of your eyes, hair, and skin using DNA alone
- 3 Gründe, warum die Marihuana-Preise in Kanada fallen könnten
Is love at first sight a myth? Scientists reveal the longevity of a
relationship is defined by the sexual chemistry between a couple the
first time they sleep together
- Royal College of Nursing votes to decriminalise cannabis for medical use, adding to mounting pressure to change the law
- Men with physically demanding jobs are more likely to die younger even if they are fit, but the opposite may be true for women
- Women are better off today, but still far from being equal with men
Is love at first sight a myth? Scientists reveal the longevity of a
relationship is defined by the sexual chemistry between a couple the
first time they sleep together
Zuchtlachs ist eines der giftigsten Lebensmittel der Welt – jetzt
kommen Millionen Liter Pestizide hinzu! – Farmed Salmon Is One Of The
Most Toxic Foods In The World – Here Is Why You Should Stop Eating It
Zuchtlachs ist eines der giftigsten Lebensmittel der Welt - jetzt
kommen Millionen Liter Pestizide hinzu! - Farmed Salmon Is One Of The
Most Toxic Foods In The World – Here Is Why You Should Stop Eating It
- Low libido? A medical expert provides the 8 reasons you might not want to have sex
- Insektensterben nach wie vor auf dem Vormarsch
- Scientists 'transplant memories' between sea snails via injection
Is this the future of interrogation? Study designed by former cop finds
virtual officers are better at getting witness statements
- Scientists unveil laser that can monitor your breathing and heartbeat through clothes from three feet away
- New machine makes water out of thin air
- Cannabis oil could treat epilepsy: Landmark study reveals it can reduce the severity of fits by more than 40 per cent
- Wissenschaftler: kein Mückenschwund durch Gentech-Moskitos
- Found: The Genes Behind Big Human Brains
- Friendly Monkeys Have More Cuddle Buddies
- A trembling cursor or struggling to scroll online could be early signs of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, reveal scientists
- Why women are more likely to view life with disgust
- Legalize It UK: New British Study Notes Huge Marijuana Tax Windfall
- Organes-sur-puce, la révolution multiple qui arrive
- Saudi-Arabien: Frau erhält erstmals Führerschein
- Gebärmutter-Myome: Diese Krankheit trifft fast jede vierte Frau
Endlich tut sich was! EU sagt Plastikmüll den Kampf an – Verbot von
Einwegprodukten wie Plastikgeschirr, -besteck, -strohhalmen – Europe
plans ban on plastic cutlery, straws and more
Could taking a probiotic alongside an Indian herbal remedy help you
live to 100? Scientists claim the combination could boost the lifespan
of humans
- How far back can YOU remember? Our earliest childhood memories begin from the age of two, claim scientists
A 'sexually suggestive' bra advert that showed only the model's body,
not her face or head, is banned for being 'offensive to women'
- International Church of Cannabis: Willkommen in der Kiffer-Kirche
Sleep, exercise and 25ml of wine each day can help the brain to 'wash'
itself and wipe away toxic proteins linked to Alzheimer's, scientists
Paperchase launches Father's Day cards for MUMS with slogans including
'Who needs a dad when your mum has balls?' so single parents don't feel
- Die Brennessel als Hilfe beim Schutz vor Chemtrails und Aluminiumvergiftung (+Brennesselmassage)
- EU-Drogenbericht: Mehr Kokainreste im Abwasser
- Rückstände im Honig: Französische Imker zeigen Bayer wegen Glyphosat an
- Gewalt gegen Kinder: Geschlagen, geschüttelt und gequält
- Gendersprache: Das schweigende Sternchen
- Umweltpolitik: Deutschland verfehlt Klimaschutzziele deutlich
- Modern life is fuelling infidelity with women nearly as bad as men - and take the test to find out how likely YOU are to stray
- Carbon dioxide at highest level ever directly measured
- "Eine Revolution in Saudi-Arabien wird von den Frauen ausgehen"
- Vorwurf: EuGH-Urteil zur Homo-Ehe untergräbt nationales Recht
- Klima-Zerrbild wegen kleinster Nenner
- Das große Entgiften
- SAM TAYLOR: The 'hero gene'? We have bred it out of existence and instead choose to mind our own business
Meet Mrs Perfect: Scientists reveal what a 'superwoman' really would
look like - complete with bat ears, slimy frog skin and a kangaroo pouch
- This Box Sucks Pure Water Out of Dry Desert Air
- The Scary Truth about Our Generation! - YouTube
- „Manche Frauen spielen den Orgasmus jahrzehntelang vor“
- More women over 50 are choosing to have babies later as rates soar by 300% in just 15 years
- Achtung! Die „Geballte Faust“ von George Soros ist schon da
- Frankreich: Gesetz gegen „Fake News“ verleiht dem Staat uneingeschränkte Zensurbefugnis
- photo Every Day 22 Veterans Take Their Own Lives
- photo 14 Trees Every Prepper Should Grow and Get Ready Before SHTF
- Three Easiest Plants to Grow and Maintain in Your Home Garden
- 5 Great Ideas for Small Garden
- 5 Cannabis Research Findings that Should’ve Been on the Front Page
- How Your Body Detoxifies & Repairs Itself and Natural Ways You Can Boost the Process
- Ungewolltes Geschlecht: Werden deswegen mehr Embryos abgetrieben?
- Erste US-Stadt wagt Versuch mit Grundeinkommen
- Why Your Medicinal Herb Kit Should Have Yarrow
- Neue Pisa-Studie: Schüler sind nur so gut wie ihre Lehrer
- Duales System Deutschland: Müllriese Remondis greift nach gelbem Sack
- Ecological Armageddon Warning As Insect Population Numbers Plummet: 'Everything Is Going To Collapse'
Uber's AI system could soon tell if you're drunk by the way you hold
your phone so it can alert its drivers before they pick you up
Young people really ARE getting more stupid: IQs have started to fall
by seven points per generation in 'pretty worrying' trend, scientists
Three-quarters of students have never tried drugs and most want
universities to clamp down on people who do, shock survey finds
- Frankreich: Parlament will Gentechnik in tierischen Lebensmitteln kennzeichnen
- Netzneutralität: USA verabschieden sich vom offenen Internet
- Überwachung aus dem All: War's das mit der Privatsphäre?
- Citibank warns it may slash 10,000 jobs as it replaces human workers with ROBOTS over the next five years
- Smoking clogs up parts of the brain crucial for memory - increasing the risk of dementia, study finds
Measles cases up by a THIRD: Outbreak soars to nearly 600 confirmed
cases in England as officials warn parents to vaccinate their children
Babies in the womb prefer listening to Mozart than Adele! Scientists
discover classical songs receive the biggest reaction from foetus'
- Beekeepers file a complaint against Bayer after glyphosate was discovered in honey
- Net Neutrality Is Officially Repealed
- Combat Vet Posts Shocking Picture of How Many Pills He Has to Take Because Cannabis is Illegal
- Auf Kosten der Kleinsten
- 10 Differences Between a Manager and a Leader
- Microplastics in our mussels: the sea is feeding human garbage back to us
Internet giants including Google, Facebook and WhatsApp have 'made life
easier' for terrorists and paedophiles, police watchdog says
- State funded feminist porn could be future of German sex ed
Good luck, ladies: Nearly HALF of men admit their ideal woman would
have a BELOW-average weight - and the older they get, the younger they
want their partners to be
- Two teenage transgender US sprinters come first AND second in girls' race - months after one competed as a boy
Are holidaymakers fueling antibiotic resistance? Study warns travellers
are taking them to treat diarrhoea - even though it can be treated
without drugs
- Armut bedeutet stets Gewalt auf leisen Sohlen
- Female Founders Monitor Was Gründerinnen bewegt
6 Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics | Health 6 Natural Alternatives
to Antibiotics
- The solar-powered humidity harvester that can suck drinkable water out of THIN AIR
- Never be stuck for words on holiday again! Google Translate's AI help is now available OFFLINE on iOS and Android phones
- Research Shows Botox Alters the Mind and Numbs Emotions
- The Ultimate Guide to Detox Drinks for Body Cleansing
- Tell Me: Is This How Diversity Really Looks?
- Too Many Men Are Dying By Suicide
- She'll drink to that: Women 'are better judges' of wine than men and have more discerning palates, study finds
- Confirmed: Google Protects Big Pharma by Censoring Natural Health News
- Olive Oil Is a True Mediterranean “Health and Healing” Miracle
- Is YOUR child addicted to Fortnite? Experts warn of impending crisis as more and more children become obsessed with hit game
- Illegal Monsanto GMO wheat discovered at ‘isolated site’ in Canada
Double standards? Flirty sexts thought to be flattering when sent by a
woman are described as 'sexual harassment' if sent by a man, study finds
- The Natural Painkiller That Works Like Morphine That You Can Find in Your Backyard | Alternative
- NHS health boss says be prepared for transgender numbers to skyrocket in future generations
- US Congress moves to ban child sex robots favored by pedophiles
- Co-operative bank bans feminist group from using its services after they barred transgender people from becoming members
- Fat children are more likely to get arthritis in their hips and knees in adulthood, study finds
- Opioid lawsuit targets rich family behind drug that fueled US crisis
- Saunas for Dementia Prevention
- Domestic Danger Assessment
- Here's What it Means if You See a Heart on a Child's Wrist (Video)
Epileptic boy, six, is set to become second to be allowed cannabis oil
as ministers look to change the law after Billy Caldwell case
- Dr Michael Mosley's life plan: How the Mediterranean 5:2 diet can beat jet lag
- Abstinenzler fehlen öfter bei der Arbeit als moderate Trinker
- An diesem äußeren Merkmal kannst du einen Narzissten erkennen
- Debit card payments overtake cash for first time after Britons use plastic for 13.2billion transactions in a year
- Meditation and yoga worsen people's egos by making them more self absorbed, study finds
- Teenage binge drinking may destroy parts of the memory forever, study finds
- photo The Plague in the US: Idaho Child Diagnosed With ‘Black Death’
- Besser Schlafen mit Yoga, Pflanzen und der richtigen Ernährung