
linxmix.. 2019-5

mixed links.. 2019-5

here is the latest linxmix.. 

Environmental Toxins Impair Immune System over Multiple Generations
Migration nach Europa: "Mit Zäunen ist das Problem nicht zu bewältigen"
UN-Bericht zu Hate Speech: Staaten sollten regulieren, nicht Unternehmen
Chemicals used in plastic, soap, cosmetic and cleaning products are linked to lower IQs babies and children
Durch Mücken angesteckt: Wahrscheinlich Hunderte Infektionen mit West-Nil-Fieber in Deutschland
Mapping International Drug Use Through the World’s Largest Wastewater Study
Chaos Map shows where deaths caused by unrest over shortages of food, water or fuel has happened across the world since 2005 as authors say future will only be more violent
A deadly pandemic could sweep the world in hours and kill millions because NO country is fully prepared, report claims
Britain needs a £1.3million-strong volunteer army to fight invasive species in the UK, say MPs
SUVs second biggest cause of emissions rise, figures reveal | Environment | The Guardian
Die Nahrung der Zukunft aus der Stadt 
Studie – Im Feinstaub enthaltene kleinste Kohlenstoffpartikel gelangen in die Plazenta- Scientist find air pollution particles in pregnant women’s placenta
Inside the $2bn precognition industry
‘Doctor dogs’ can sniff out cancer, anxiety and superbugs
Unified Action to Fight Deforestation
Climate Change and the Magnificent Achievements of Eco-Propaganda
Global Warming and the Ozone Layer: What’s More Dangerous, CO2 or Nuclear War?
Marijuana Goes to House Floor with Landslide Victory for Safe Banking Act
Africa's tallest building is set to open, and it's designed mostly by women
Physiker melden Quantenrekord: 2000 Atome an zwei Orten gleichzeitig
Pläne des Verkehrsministeriums: Scheuer will Radverkehr mit 900 Millionen Euro stärken
Boomender Paketversand: Post stellt Tausende zusätzliche Packstationen auf
Johnson & Johnson settles for $20m in Ohio to avoid trial
Red Alert — Most States Drowning in Debt – 40 States Lack Funds to Pay the Bills
Illegale Migranten überschwemmen Griechenland
Ocean cleanup device successfully collects plastic for first time | Environment | The Guardian
Americans Spent More on Taxes in 2018 Than on Food, Clothing and Health Care Combined
Warum die Welt China braucht — Der Volksrepublik zum Siebzigsten
Neues Gesetz: In Melbournes Haupteinkaufsviertel darf nicht mehr geraucht werden
Gene Edited Catastrophe in Brazil. Mosquitos
AKW-Generation IV | .ausgestrahlt.de
Tesco and M&S likely to have soya linked to deforestations
Biosolids: mix human waste with toxic chemicals, then spread on crops | Environment | The Guardian
Slow Burn: Dirt, Radiation, and Power in Fukushima - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Girls are skipping school to avoid sharing gender neutral toilets with boys after being left to feel unsafe and ashamed
Hundreds of transgender youths who had gender reassignment surgery wish they hadn't and want to transition back, says trans rights champion
Glyphosate Worse than We Could Imagine. "It's Everywhere" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Armutsfalle Mikrokredit
Brrr – Anzeichen für kleine Eiszeit verdichten sich – NASA meldet schwächsten Sonnenzyklus der letzten 200 Jahre
11 Tons Of Water And "Special Container" Used To Extinguish Burning Tesla In Austria
Many Transsexuals Want to Detransition
A Million-Mile Electric Car Battery? Musk Wasn’t Lying
Tesla’s Battery Researcher Tests 1-Million-Mile Battery Cell | OilPrice.com
Parents outraged as girls ‘too embarrassed to pee’ in London primary school UNISEX TOILETS
Amazonas: Die Baumstamm-Mafia triumphiert
McKinsey: Black People Will Be The Hardest Hit By Automation
Sex-change Regret: “Hundreds” of Young Transgenders Look to Reclaim Their Original Gender
Rom: Fahrkarten kann man in Italien jetzt mit Flaschen zahlen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Russische Forscher diskutieren Regeln für CRISPR-Babys
Demecan Kapital für Cannabis-Anbau in Deutschland
Canada: Urban Farms Are Feeding Calgary
British Medical Journal Report Reveals Vegetarians Have A Higher Risk Of Having A Stroke
‘It’s against nature,’ say French protesters opposed to fertility treatments for single women, lesbians
Epic Games Faces Lawsuit for Making Fortnite too Addictive for Younger Audience
Study: No Uptick in Violent Crime Following Adult Use Cannabis Legalization
New Battery Chemistry of Aluminum Doubles Energy Density
The Most Cancer-Suppressing Compounds Are Found In These Veggies
German Electricity Rates Climb To ‘New Record Highs’, Jolting Consumers
Genetic Sequencing of Common Vaccine Finds Entire Male Human Genome from Aborted Human Baby with Abnormal, Modified Genes, 560 Genes Linked to Cancer
Right Kind of Green: Agroecology. The Agri-Food Conglomerates are Failing to Feed the World
Polio vaccine has created a ‘super polio’ strain that is causing spread of polio, admits WHO
OECD-Studie: Übergewicht wird Lebenserwartung um drei Jahre senken
France: Food and the City: Urban farming in Paris
Welcome To The Dark Ages: A New Green Era Dawns In California | Science and Technology
Compostable Plates Made From Banana Leaves Launched By Peruvian Group | Health
How a detergent bottle redesign cut 3,500 tonnes of plastic waste Sustainability unwrapped The Guardian
Lightweight contenders How innovations in packaging are turning the tide on waste Small changes in product packaging can make for major improvements to the environment over time. And thanks to a new tool, manufacturers can weigh up packaging recyclability at the design stage
Could cannabis oil combat antibiotic resistance? CBD drops sold on the high street 'boost the effectiveness of the infection-killing drugs'
Carlsberg unveil PAPER beer bottles made from sustainably-sourced wood which are fully recyclable
Joy of self-identification or social contagion? Why did trans become the trend — RT Op-ed
Drohende Staatenlosigkeit in Indien: Millionen zu Ausländern erklärt
Climate Analytics - Not Even the Bare Minimum: Unpacking Germany’s 2030 Climate Package | Brave New Europe
How Extinction Rebellion climate change zealots - including a baronet's Cambridge-educated granddaughter - are paid £400 a week to bring mayhem to our streets
Mangelernährung in deutschen Kliniken und Pflegeheimen
Strength ratings ‘will improve mental health of users’
How Urban Farming With Hydroponics Can Help Feed the World While Saving Water
UoM Researchers Making Algal Biofuel a Reliable Commodity
How Urban Farming With Hydroponics Can Help Feed the World While Saving Water — City Farmer News
10 companies feeding the urban farming boom | GreenBiz
Weather drives up food prices.
Flavonoid compounds from milk thistle discovered to have anticancer properties
An EARTHSHIP Like None You've Ever Seen - YouTube
Uno-Studie: Ein Siebtel der Lebensmittel verdirbt zwischen Ernte und Handel
Dorsch- und Hering-Quoten für 2020: Ostsee-Fischfang um mehr als die Hälfte reduziert
Wegen Klimawandel und Krieg: 822 Millionen Menschen hungern
Stone-Throwing, No-Go Zones & Rape: Sweden Starts Looking at Migration Problem With New Eyes
Energiebilanz: CO2-Emissionen durch SUV steigen stärker als durch Luftfahrt und Schwerindustrie
Baking Soda: A Serious Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Video)
'Catastrophe' as France's bird population collapses due to pesticides
The African Swine Fever Outbreak, Devastating Impacts on Food Supply
Millions Hungry and Food Insecure in the US
9th case of African swine fever found in wild boar near inter-Korean border
Hungary 'prepared to use force' to protect EU border if Turkey 'opens gates to migrants'
Schwerstbehindert durch Antibabypille? - Researchers at a Scotland university start work on male contraceptive pill - netzfrauen– netzfrauen
Dr Sarah E Hill: ‘We have a blind spot about how the pill influences women’s brains’ | Society | The Guardian
Father-of-eight invents an electric car battery to take drivers 1,500 miles without charging it | Daily Mail Online
The War on Weed: Monsanto, Bayer, and the Push for "Corporate Cannabis" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Artificial 'leaf' could replace PETROL with a flammable gas it creates using sunlight and water, say scientists
Neuroscientists create 'mini brains' from human tissue that can FEEL and even suffer, say experts, as they warn an 'ethical line may have been crossed'
New tool could fix most harmful DNA mutations
Recreational Marijuana Legalization Would Create Seven Times More Cannabis Jobs in Florida
412.000 Todesfälle durch Feinstaub
Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Support Legalizing Marijuana for Personal Use
France: Turning Paris’s underground car parks into mushrooms farms
Teenagers who trawl through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for three hours each day have worse sleeping patterns, scientists say
Court Imposes Transsexual Transition on 7-Year-Old Boy
Environmental Toxins Impair Immune System over Multiple Generations
Migration nach Europa: "Mit Zäunen ist das Problem nicht zu bewältigen"
UN-Bericht zu Hate Speech: Staaten sollten regulieren, nicht Unternehmen
Chemicals used in plastic, soap, cosmetic and cleaning products are linked to lower IQs babies and children
Durch Mücken angesteckt: Wahrscheinlich Hunderte Infektionen mit West-Nil-Fieber in Deutschland
Mapping International Drug Use Through the World’s Largest Wastewater Study
Chaos Map shows where deaths caused by unrest over shortages of food, water or fuel has happened across the world since 2005 as authors say future will only be more violent
A deadly pandemic could sweep the world in hours and kill millions because NO country is fully prepared, report claims
Britain needs a £1.3million-strong volunteer army to fight invasive species in the UK, say MPs
SUVs second biggest cause of emissions rise, figures reveal | Environment | The Guardian
Die Nahrung der Zukunft aus der Stadt

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