covid news
- Covid vaccine passports to be required in Scotland for large events from later this month, Sturgeon reveals
- Britain's teenagers aren't getting Covid vaccines yet 'due to fears expansion may disrupt booster drive for the elderly' - a
- Now WHO warns of threat of 'Mu' variant found in Colombia - and it's already been found in Britain
- C.1.2 Begrüßen Sie mit uns die SARS-CoV-2 Variante Nummer 1.304
- Höheres Hospitalisierungsrisiko für Geimpfte
- Nächste Covid-Horrormutante in Afrika entdeckt
- Im Corona-Escape-Room
- Angesteckt beim Pfleger – „Der Gesetzgeber muss für eine Impfpflicht sorgen“
- „Es braucht keinen Lockdown mehr und es wird auch keinen mehr geben“
- Farmers Forced into Fascism Food Supply Genocide
- Ten Reasons Why SARS-CoV-2 Is an Imaginary and Theoretical Virus. They Never Isolated the Virus
- +++ Corona-News +++ Zahl der täglichen Corona-Neuinfektionen in Israel steigt auf Höchststand
- Weiterer Beweis gegen die Existenz einer Corona-Pandemie
- Most Vaccinated Countries Have Most COVID Cases
- Drosten rechnet fest mit erneuten Kontaktbeschränkungen in Deutschland
- Vaccine Addicted Israel Headed for Holocaust?
- Israel is now the world's Covid hotspot: Cases soar despite country's trail-blazing vaccine roll-out - sparking fears other highly-vaccinated countries will be hit by another wave due to jabs' waning immunity
- Coronavirus survivors are at 35% higher risk of long term kidney damage as scientists continue to identify issues caused by 'long COVID'
- Bei 80 Prozent der „COVID-19-Toten“ war Corona nicht die wirkliche Todesursache
- Americans will ‘likely’ need 3rd Covid shot to qualify as ‘fully vaccinated,’ Fauci says as booster battle rages at FDA
- “Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome
- Never Has a Vaccine Harmed So Many
- The United Nations and Western Governments Endorse Shocking Vaccine Mandates, Violating Human Bodily Integrity and Autonomy
- Comparing SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity to Vaccine-induced Immunity: Reinfections Versus Breakthrough Infections
- Are the “Vaccinated” Spreading the Virus to the “Unvaccinated”? Rising Hospital Admissions of the “Vaccinated”?
- ‘Bombshell’ Study Finds Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination
- Children 'will be jabbed from next week': Government expects Chris Whitty to green light vaccines despite JCVI experts' refusal to back mass immunisation for 12 to 15-year-olds
- Half of Brits believe Britain will be locked down again this winter - and almost two thirds would SUPPORT restrictions if coronavirus cases skyrocket
- US now has more than four times as many cases of COVID and twice as many in hospital as this time last year with deaths up 80% - despite 62% of population with one shot amid Delta surge: Mu is now in LA
- Israel’ Prepares For FOURTH Pfizer Booster Shot
- Israel Now Has More COVID Infections Per Capita Than Any Country in the World, Even as “Booster Shots” Are Being Widely Administered There
- 60% of Those Older than 50 “Who Die from COVID” Are Double Vaxxed
- Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon: ‘The Gloves Are Off,’ UK Government to Inject All 12-15-year-olds Without Parental Consent
- CDC Endorses FDA Approval of Pfizer COVID Vaccine for 16 and Older, Amid Questions About Missing Data and Which Vaccine Is Actually Approved
- Oregon Vaccine Mandate Could Lead to Mass Exodus of Firefighters and Paramedics Across the State
Nearly FIFTY shops are shutting every day: More than 8,700 chain stores
have closed in High Streets, shopping centres and retail parks in first
six months of year, figures reveal
- Covid Vaccine Will Kill 50 Million Americans (Judy Mikovits, PhD)
- Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes Comprehensive Analysis of U.S. COVID-19 Infection-Fatality Rate by Age Group
- Covid cases rise across Europe Germany says increases are 'expected' and will 'pick up speed' - while cases tick up in Belgi
- Austria considers Covid lockdown for ONLY the unvaccinated that would confine people without jabs to their homes except for
- Wofür der Präsident des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts Ruf und Ehre aufs Spiel setzt
- Das Lügenkarussell des Dr. Fauci
- Lauterbach fordert bundesweit drei Tests für Schüler pro Woche
- Proof the Vax Tracks the Vaccinated. Karen Kingston Former Pfizer Employee and Biotech Analyst Exposes the Vaccine Bio-Weapo
- Researchers discover three teens who developed psychiatric issues after Covid infection and believe brain inflammation cause
- (PDF) Die Verengung der Welt. Zur medialen Konstruktion Deutschlands unter SARS-CoV-2 und Covid-19 anhand der Formate ARD Ex
- Ich kann nicht mehr - multipolar
- ivermectin
- Die Pandemie in den Rohdaten - YouTube
- Covid treatment breakthrough as 29p antidepressant is found to slash unvaccinated patients' risk of being hospitalised by a
- 49709509-0-image-a-2_1635352569748.jpg
- 29p depression pill is found to slash unvaccinated patients' risk of hospitalisation Daily Mail Online
- 70 percent of Covid19 deaths in Sweden fully vaccinated, Mirrors UK and Vermont reports, Zero reasons to mandate vaccination
- 2.377.093 Meldungen, 14.371 Tote nach COVID-Impfung
- Die Kunst, Nebenwirkungen zu übersehen 2.377.093 Meldungen, 14.371 Tote nach COVID-Impfung [WHO-Datenbank] – Home
- VAERS Admits Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Adverse Events Are Reported
- America’s Frontline Doctor Microscopic Data Shows ‘Clotting’ in Lungs, Vessels, Brains of Jabbed Patients
- The Role of QR Codes Russia’s Planned Regulation of the Unvaccinated. Australia Leads the Way for “Quarantine Camps”
- Alex Berenson Tells Joe Rogan ‘Over 70% of COVID-19 Deaths in England Were Fully Vaccinated in September’
- The Covid-19 Timeline. No Evidence of a “Pandemic”
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women don't generate antibody levels after the first COVID-19 vaccine dose as high as those who a
- Intelligence report concludes coronavirus was NOT developed as biological weapon in full unclassified report but origin will
- Dr. Alina Lessenich – Vaccines Detoxification & Shedding Protection Protocol (Video)
- Studie aus Schweden zeigt ebenfalls raschen Rückgang der Impf-Wirksamkeit
- Höchster Anstieg in sechs Wochen Zahl der Coronapatienten in Frankreich steigt schneller
- Hohe Inzidenz, niedrige Impfquote Kroatische Ärzte sehen Gesundheitssystem vor dem Kollaps
- RKI meldet 16.887 Neuinfektionen Bundesweite Coronainzidenz steigt weiter
- Massive Flight Cancellations Due to Vaccine Deaths and Employee Resignations
- A Letter to the Unvaccinated Health Before It's News
- FDA Votes No On Booster Shots
- Children Are Dying At A Rate 62% Higher Than The 5-Year-Average Since They Began To Be Given The Covid-19 Vaccine
- Mehrere Konzerne planen extra Kantinenbereiche für Geimpfte und Genesene
- Business InsiderFast 1,4 Milliarden Euro Einnahmen Wie der Staat mit den Corona-Staatshilfen sogar Gewinn macht
- Thüringen2700 Corona-Infektionen nach doppelter Impfung in ThüringenWELT 28.10.2021
- Zwischen Geimpften und Ungeimpften besteht KEIN Unterschied, wenn es um SARS-CoV-2 geht
- Impfzwang in Österreich ab 15. November
- Arizona man contracted Covid and spread it to his dog and cat in first-ever case reported of human to pet transmission of th
- COVID-19 breakthrough cases among people who got the Pfizer vaccine are more likely in people with lower antibody levels, st
- Unvaccinated people are up to 32 times more likely to die if they catch Covid than the double-jabbed, ONS report finds
- Thousands Report Developing Abnormal Tumors Following COVID Shots
- Könnte ein Lockdown für Ungeimpfte kommen
- HamburgCoronavirusCorona Kind stirbt nach Impfung – Hamburger Institut sieht ZusammenhangWELT 03.11.2021
- Feinschmecker-Bruderschaft tourt durch Sylt – danach ist das Virus wieder da
- Spahn und Ärzte einig – Auffrischungsimpfungen nach sechs Monaten
- Germany sees its largest ever number of new Covid-19 cases with 33,949 Health minister warns country is in the grip of a 'ma
- Now Pfizer says its at-home Covid pill cuts risk of death by up to 90%... and UK has already bought 250,000 doses
- Death of the NHS Covid app Use of software behind hated 'pingdemic' plunges up to 180-fold since June as experts say it is '
- Is THIS why Delta is so infectious Scientists find little-known mutation NOT on spike protein makes it ten times better at r
- Verbot günstiger Nasen-Tests Reine Schikane gegen Ungeimpfte
- Ist nur ein Drittel der „Corona-Opfer“ an Covid gestorben
- Verunreinigungen in den mRNA-Impfstoffen
- 54 mal mehr Todesfallmeldungen bei Corona-Vakzinen als bei allen anderen Impfungen zusammen
- Daniel Andrews’ plan for indefinite detention
- Der tägliche Betrug mit COVID-Daten
- Pandemie der Ungeimpften
- mRNA-Produkte sind keine Impfstoffe, sondern Medikamente zur Gentherapie
- Negative Wirksamkeit einige Monate nach der Impfung
- Covid Es gilt das gebrochene Wort
- The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Sci
- Scientists Sue the FDA for Data It Relied Upon to License Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
- The Kids Are Dropping from the Murder Vaccine
- Pfizer Has Secret Government Contracts for COVID Vaccines Advocacy Group Says Company Puts Profits over Public Health and Re
- Whistleblower Reveals Fraud in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials as 5 to 11-Year-Olds Begin to be Injected – Vaccine Deaths and In
- An Australian Horror Story - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- Video Big Pharma Imposed the “Vaccine” and “Digital Certificate” “Undisclosed Contract” with EU Governments. Members of the
- Risiko einer Infektion nach sieben Monaten doppelt so hoch wie nach fünf Monaten
- Merkels eindeutige Botschaft an die ungeimpften Deutschen
- NHS boss is accused of 'abusing' Covid statistics for saying 14 TIMES as many infected patients were in hospital compared to
- US Doctor Warns 20 Times Increase Of Cancer In “Vaccinated” Patients! (Video)
- Has Sweden's lockdown gamble paid off Nation has suffered fewer coronavirus deaths than most of Europe and has a lower infec
- 2,433 Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women
- More than 25,000 tonnes of Covid-related PPE and plastic waste has already entered Earth's oceans and almost 75% of it is li
- Booster jabs might be needed EVERY winter, SAGE adviser says as minister admits there are plans for 'an annual Covid vaccina
- Germany's Covid-19 infection rate is at its highest ever Doctors warn operations will have to be cancelled so they can cope
- People who believe they have contracted Covid are up to eight times more likely to report long-lasting symptoms of the virus
- A plague in all our houses How we are exposed to 24k microplastics in our living rooms
- Umfrage zu Depression Jeder Dritte leidet psychisch im Homeoffice
- Millionen Tonnen zusätzlicher Plastikabfall So ließ Corona die Müllberge wachsen
- High Recorded Mortality in Countries Categorized as “Covid-19 Vaccine Champions”. The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk
- Navy Seal Michael Jaco Aussie's Have No Natural Immunity & Are Filling Up Hospitals As The Jab Is Enforced! - Must Video
- Covid infections picked up on hospital wards have killed 11,000 patients who were being treated for something else, figures
- More than HALF of women have had their periods and sex lives disrupted during Covid because of the stress of the pandemic, s
- School closures DON'T work New study finds classroom shutdowns in Japan didn't stop spread of Covid in spring 2020
- Thousands storm New Zealand parliament to protest against mandatory vaccines and lockdowns - with demonstrators even perform
- +++ Corona-News +++ Anteil positiver Coronatests steigt rasant
- Nach Coronafall in der Nationalmannschaft Ungeimpfter Kimmich in Quarantäne
- Ampelkoalition für 3G am Arbeitsplatz Ungeimpfte Beschäftigte sollen sich täglich testen lassen
- Knappe Mehrheit der Bürger befürwortet Impfpflicht gegen Corona
- Scientists discover an antibody that can protect people against several coronaviruses including COVID-19 and its variants
- Gavin Newsom, Pfizer CEO Arrested!
- Max Igan What the Actual F&k (Video) Alternative Before It's News
- High Recorded Mortality in Countries Categorized as Covid-19 Vaccine Champions. The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk of
- Jetzt endet Dänemarks Geduld mit den Ungeimpften
- Mehr Umsatz als Bayer – Jetzt zeigt sich, in welcher Liga Biontech spielt
- Macron besorgt über Corona-Ausbreitung »Die fünfte Welle ist in Europa angekommen«
- history of covid 19
- Covid crisis has slashed life expectancy in four-fifths of countries, caused depression rates to double and led to up to 30%
- Anxious and depressed Brits suffered the equivalent of up to SIX YEARS of natural memory decline in lockdown, study claims
- Pfizer's Covid jab IS safe for children and should be 'urgently' rolled out to youngsters, claims study funded by drug giant
- The United Kingdom has authorized the first oral medicine for COVID-19
- Robot Dog Army Rollout Happening In Australia... And There Are Some Major Issues To Consider!!
- Why Millions Will Regret Getting the Jab Alternative Before It's News
- 13 African Schoolchildren Die At Same Time After Being Vaxxed!! Lady Booted Off Airplane! Queen Of Canada Says Injection Tur
- Why Millions Will Regret Getting the Jab
- Germany needs to impose tough Covid restrictions 'immediately' or risk seeing 100,000 new deaths, top Berlin virologist warn
- 50297085-0-image-a-1_1636539114103.jpg
- Krankenhäuser in der vierten Welle »Es fehlen wertvolle Kapazitäten, wenn Ungeimpfte sie blockieren« Ein Interview von Marti
- Neue Corona-Höchststände Bayern ruft Katastrophenfall aus
- Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study)
- Covid Vax Genocide Children’s Hospitals Now Being Flooded With Infant Cardiac Patients
- Covid Vax Genocide Children’s Hospitals Now Being Flooded With Infant Cardiac Patients
- Deadliest batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines were disproportionally sent to red Republican states across the USA
- Sars-cov-2 Does Not Cause Covid-19, Says Dr Judy Mikovits
- Researchers running arm of Pfizer's Covid jab trials 'skewed data, didn't follow-up with patients who had side effects and f
- Pet dog catches Covid in first confirmed case in UK after canine picked up virus from its infected owner
- Care boss urges No10 to delay 'no jab, no job' policy until April over fears exodus of 60,000 unvaccinated staff will backfi
- Antibodies in breast milk from Covid vaccination start to decline 90 days after the second dose while antibodies from previo
- 10.000 Euro steuerfrei für alle Pfleger – jetzt!
- Söder fordert, Geimpften-Status zu überprüfen
- STIKO-Empfehlung Unter 30-Jährige sollen nur BioNTech erhalten
- World Health Organization warns there could be a massive shortage of TWO BILLION syringes in 2022, threatening countries' CO
- „Ich habe eine solche Situation noch nie erlebt“ - Inzidenz in Rottal-Inn springt über 1000
- Has Covid put single men off sex
- Breaking – 35,924 People Died Within 21 Days Of Having A Covid-19 Vaccine In England During The Firs
- Bill Gates Admits mRNA Injections Do NOT Stop Transmission of Viruses
- Mike Yeadon -- Timetable to Tyranny Strange Before It's News
- Doctors Call for Pfizer Jabs to be Halted in Sweden After ‘Extensive Research Fraud’ Found in Trials
- Söder fordert 2G „flächendeckend“ – und Impfpflicht für bestimmte Berufsgruppen
- „Wir haben keine Pandemie der Ungeimpften“, sagt Drosten
- EMA lässt zwei neue Covid-Medikamente zu
- Inzidenz von fast 1200 Oberösterreich will Lockdown für Ungeimpfte verhängen
- Kaum Kontrollen bei 3G Brauchen wir doch eine Impfpflicht
- Fast eine halbe Million Pflegekräfte gibt den Job auf
- STIKO bestätigt Schwere Schäden durch Corona-Spritzen
- Die Immunitätsmythen von Biontech
- Ein Viertel aller voll ausgerüsteten Intensivbetten sind leer
- Die Pharma-Riesen PfizerBioNTech und Moderna konkurrieren um Marktanteile
- +++ Corona-News +++ Österreichs Kanzler kündigt bundesweiten Lockdown für Ungeimpfte an
- Druck auf Ungeimpfte Zahl der Impfungen in Österreich steigt deutlich
- Coronavirus in Deutschland Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz steigt fünften Tag in Folge auf Höchstwert
- Vierte Coronawelle Robert Koch-Institut rät zur Absage von größeren Veranstaltungen
- Stark steigende Coronazahlen Schausteller fürchten erneute Absage der Weihnachtsmärkte
- Coronalage in Deutschland Warum Fachleute auf schnelleres Impfen und Boostern drängen
- Söder appelliert an Impfgegner »Es gibt keine Impfpflicht, aber es sollte eine Impfmoral geben«
- Pfizer Secretly Added Heart Attack Drug Tromethamine (Tris) to Children’s COVID Vaccines … But Why
- France’s National Health Authority Warns Men Under 30 to Avoid Moderna Jab
- German Clinic Stops Booster Jabs for Employees Citing Too Many Side Effects
- Marine Corps Commandant Blames Vaccine Disinformation for Possibility of Losing 12,500 Troops from Marine Corp Ranks
- “Unusually Large” Number of Vaccinated Soccer Players Have Collapsed German News Report
- Excess Deaths Point to Depopulation Agenda
- The Covid-19 Pandemic Does Not Exist
- BMJ Whistleblower Investigation Reveals Evidence of Falsifying Data in Pivotal Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial
- Video Exclusive Photos of Graphene Oxide Found in Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Sinovac Vaccines
- Fake Mortality Data Italian Institute of Health Reduces Official Covid Death Toll from 130,000 to 4,000.
- Ventura County Nurses Blow the Whistle on Crisis in Local Health Care
- Creepy Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They Are “Superheroes” for Taking Jab, Ignores Injuries of Others
- Will Kids be Forced to Get a COVID Vaccine
- China Confirms There Is No Virus...How Do You Have A Test And A Vaccine If There Is No Virus We're Facing An Extinction Even
- Pflicht für medizinisches Personal – wie England jetzt den Impfdruck erhöht
- Pflicht für medizinisches Personal – wie England jetzt den Impfdruck erhöht
- Neue Coronabeschränkungen Fast ganz Österreich und Tschechien werden Hochrisikogebiete
- Russia set to implement some of world’s toughest Covid-19 restrictions
- The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People
- Stop the Covid Holocaust! Open Letter - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- Vorbild Singapur Ökonomen bringen für Deutschland drastische Maßnahmen ins Spiel
- „Gibt Studien, dass Lockdowns für Geimpfte Infektionsgeschehen nicht eindämmen“
- Bundeswehr bereitet sich auf bundesweite Corona-Notlage vor
- „Sie gefährden uns alle“ – Steinmeier hat keine Geduld mehr mit Ungeimpften
- Singapore Cancels Healthcare For The Unvaccinated By Choice, For Which They Pay
- Lage in den Kliniken im Süden und Osten dramatisch
- Digitaler Impfnachweis CovPass kostet fünfmal mehr als geplant
- Johnson & Johnson greift zum Trick und meldet Insolvenz an
- Nicht Corona, die Politik ist der Katastrophenfall
- Taiwan stoppt 2. Dosis von Pfizer-Impfstoffen für 12-17 Jährige
- Millionen Covid-Tests in den USA zurückgerufen
- Epidemiologe „Ungeimpfte sollten mehr Angst vor Geimpften haben“
- Covid live news UK records 157 deaths; Germany mobilises 12,000 soldiers to fight coronavirus– report
- Britain will have to learn to live with Covid as an 'endemic' illness for many years, say the experts
- Viele Corona-Tote in Bayern waren vollständig geimpft
- Vaccine Researcher Admits ‘Big Mistake,’ Says Spike Protein Is Dangerous ‘Toxin’
- Video CV-19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths Dr. Elizabeth Eads - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research o
- The Covid Outbreak “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.” Report by 1500 Health Professionals
- Athletes Suffer Cardiac Arrest, Myocarditis, Blood Clots, Hospitalized after COVID Injections
- Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed CDC Hits New Lows with Two Manipulated Studies
- Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality The Evidence is Overwhelming
- The mRNA COVID Vaccine Is Not a Vaccine
- Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing
- Tromethamine Heart Attack Drug Secretly Added to Pfizer Children COVID jabs. Cell clumping
- Doctor Who Said “I Won’t Cry” at “Funeral” for “Selfish” Unvaxxed Dies After 3rd COVID Shot
- Ab 2022 Kindermediziner gehen fest von Corona-Impfstoff für Säuglinge aus
- Getting two vaccines halves risk of suffering long Covid, study claims
- Tendenz in Bayern – Immer mehr Corona-Tote vollständig geimpft
- Zombies Vaccines Are Destroying Empathy Regions Of The Brain, Turning Bureaucrats Into Monsters! - Mike Adams Must Video
- Corona-Impfpflicht in England 50.000 Pflegekräften droht der Jobverlust
- Erste deutsche Universität sperrt Ungeimpfte aus
- My-Mutante auf dem Vormarsch
- 200x mehr Todesverdachtsfälle nach Corona-Impfungen in den USA
- Schon lange wird vor wiederholter Anwendung von mRNA-Präparaten gewarnt
- Arzt will nicht impfen Leipziger Universität kündigt fristlos
- Massive Freiheitsbeschränkungen gefordert
- Kommt jetzt der Lockdown für Ungeimpfte
- Ohne Test oder Impfung kein Zutritt mehr zum Arbeitsplatz – und auch kein Lohn
- Europe on 'red alert' for Christmas lockdown Austria sees record cases despite Covid apartheid, Germany braces for a 'really
- FBI launch urgent probe after 'SMALLPOX is found in Philadelphia facility while cleaning out a freezer' Disease is so deadly
- Euro winter of Covid discontent Now Germany bans unvaccinated people from restaurants as continent goes on 'red alert' for C
- The next coronavirus could come from RATS Rodents may be asymptomatic carriers of SARS-like viruses, study warns
- Explosive Dr. David Martin Who “They” Are “The Names and Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity” (Video) Alternative B
- Oberösterreich und Salzburg verhängen Lockdown für alle
- Österreich Der Lockdown ist unvermeidlich
- Impfpflicht in Florida nun gesetzlich verboten
- Wir haben bereits die ersten Schritte auf Weg in den Faschismus hinter uns gebracht
- “Our Species is Being Genetically Modified” Humanity’s March Toward Extinction Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome
- The Covid Hoax The Steamroller to Tyranny. “It’s not Just a Question of Vaccination or No Vaccination”
- Worldwide Search Trend for “Died Suddenly” Spikes to Record Highs
- Detection of Graphene in COVID-19 Vaccines
- OSHA Suspends Biden’s Employer Vaccine Mandates Following Court Order
- Locking Down Unvaccinated-Only ‘Not About Science, It’s About Punishing People’
- Video Playskool Unveils “Vaccinate Me” Elmo Doll
- Vaccination Status Is Temporary, Boosters for Life Required
- More People Died in the Key Clinical Trial for Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine than the Company Publicly Reported
- Operation Coronavirus How the Masses Were Hypnotized into the COVID Cult
- Everyone Missed this One… Vaccinated People Are Up to Nine Times (9X) More Likely to be Hospitalized than Unvaccinated Peopl
- Trends in Mortality and Morbidity in the Most Vaccinated Countries Twenty-one Proven Facts
- 29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Corporate Journalists Hav
- Here Come the Tattoo Marks – Scientists Want to Stamp Children with Invisible Ink to Prove They’ve Been Vaccinated
- New Zealand Tells Schools to Phone the Police if Unvaccinated Staff Show Up
- VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots
- Video What’s Going On Athletes Dropping Like Flies. Heart Disease Endemic in Young Athletes.
- New VAERS Analysis Reveals Hundreds of Serious Adverse Events that the CDC and FDA Never Told Us About
- Nach Enthüllungen von Whistleblowerin US-Bundesstaaten prüfen, ob Instagram Kindern schadet
- httpswww.theepochtimes.comlittle-evidence-supports-use-of-cloth-masks-to-limit-spread-of-coronavirus-analysis_4102824.htmlut
- Top Doctor- Ivermectin once a week stops the vaccinated and the unvaccinated from getting sick
- Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage - COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 18 - YouTube
- Just As We Suspected! Not All Vaccine Batches Are the Same, 20-30% Cause Adverse Reactions (Video)
- Crimes or Cover-Up Exposing the World’s Most Dangerous Lie - YouTube
- Markus Söder Bayern verschärft seine Corona-Maßnahmen drastisch
- DeutschlandCorona-PandemieSöder kündigt „De-facto-Lockdown“ für Ungeimpfte in Bayern anMartin Heller 18.11.2021
- Österreich führt generelle Impfpflicht ab Februar ein – bundesweiter Lockdown ab Montag
- Inzidenz über 1000 – In diesen bayerischen Landkreisen droht ein Lockdown für alle
- Lombardei will Deutsche auf Intensivstationen aufnehmen
- Just As We Suspected! Not All Vaccine Batches Are the Same, 20-30% Cause Adverse Reactions (Video)
- Germany sees more than 50000 Covid-19 infections in a day... https://www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-10190497
- Vaccine Expert Warns of Covid Vaccination Catastrophe - The Highwire with Del Bigtree
- They're Killing Our Children!- 2.6 Million Kids Vaccinated- Test Swabs Install Microchip-
- No Forced Vax Massive Revolt Revolution Breaking Out in Guadeloupe France
- Highwire Interview with Vaccinologist, Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D.-A Tsunami of Morbidity is coming
- UKC News Vaccine Passport Coup Underway, VAERS Numbers Exploding
- The Telegraph – Austria’s precedent-setting lockdown is an assault on human rights
- Dr. Peter McCollough: Global Research-The shot is more dangerous than the disease
- Austrian Police, Army Reportedly Refusing to Enforce ‘Health Dictatorship’, Will March in Protest Against It
- DE: "Es mag leichte Unschärfen geben" – Regierung räumt Verzerrungen in Statistiken zu Impfwirkung ein
Skynet Is Live! The Covid-19 Fraud And War On Humanity! All The Proof
You Need, That We Are Living Through A Hoax!! Millions Of Children Will
Die – Take Your Children...
- "You Killed Millions of People” - Angry Senator Rand Paul Goes Off on Dr. Anthony Fauci in Epic Rant
- Just As We Suspected! Not All Vaccine Batches Are the Same, 20-30% Cause Adverse Reactions (Video)
- Impf-Chaos in Deutschland: So hat die Politik uns getäuscht | International | Before It's News
- Massive Ausschreitungen wegen 2G – Verletzte durch Schüsse der Polizei
- Sachsen verhängt Lockdown-Maßnahmen und nächtliche Ausgangssperre für Ungeimpfte
- Netherlands police fire shots at anti-lockdown rioters leaving several hurt: Anger at Euro Covid restrictions grows as Austria makes vaccine MANDATORY and Germans face 'Christmas lockdown'
- UK's daily Covid cases rise by another 10% in a week to 44,242 as deaths jump by 8% but hospitalisations plunge by a FIFTH
- Pregnant women infected with COVID-19 are twice as likely to have a stillbirth and were at 50% increased risk of death during the Delta wave, CDC reports find
- England's Covid cases fell by 10% last week, mass surveillance study reveals..europe .. graphic
- Netherlands police fire 'warning shots' at anti-lockdown rioters leaving several hurt amid rising anger at Euro Covid restriction as Austria makes vaccine MANDATORY and Germans face 'Christmas lockdown' 97 shares
- Seven hurt as Netherlands police fire on anti-lockdown rioters: Anger at Euro Covid restrictions turns increasingly violent as Austria makes vaccine MANDATORY and Germans face 'Christmas lockdown'
- Thousands of 'freedom protesters' gather in 13 Australian cities in coordinated day of chaos against Covid-19 vaccinate mandates - as defiant Melburnians fed-up with months of violent rallie…
- People Falling Over Dead on Live Television: This Is What They Meant for You Not to See (Video)
- Israel Suffers Wave of Dead and Seriously Ill Individuals All Who Have Been Fully Vaccinate
- Official Public Health England Data: "COVID" Infection Rates Higher In Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed
- New Dr. Carrie Madej's Latest Bombshell Revelations: "The Frankenstein Code - These Are Not Vaccines!" | Prophecy | Before It's News
- Skynet Is Live! The Covid-19 Fraud And War On Humanity! All The Proof You Need, That We Are Living Through A Hoax!! Millions Of Children Will Die – Take Your Children Out Of School! 1st Degree Murder Taking Place Before Your Eyes! Must See Videos! | International | Before It's News
- People Falling Over Dead on Live Television: This Is What They Meant for You Not to See (Video)
- Inzidenz steigt auf 362,2 - RKI warnt vor fünfter Welle
- Markus Söder fordert Impfpflicht für alle
- Sachsen verhängt Lockdown-Maßnahmen und nächtliche Ausgangssperre für Ungeimpfte
- Söder zieht Corona-Notbremse – „Hier muss alles geschlossen werden“
- BayernViele Corona-Tote voll geimpft - Warten auf «Booster»WELT | 14.11.2021
- DeutschlandLindner in den „Tagesthemen“Christian Lindner: „Gibt Studien, dass Lockdowns für Geimpfte Infektionsg…WELT | 13.11.2021
- RKI spricht von „sehr hohem“ Risiko für Ungeimpfte
- Corona: Die Tücken der Hospitalisierungsinzidenz - WELT
- Corona-Medikament und Impf-Alternative? Die Hoffnung liegt auf „AIC649“
- Video: Anger on the streets in Czech Republic as Covid protests take place | Daily Mail Online
- World Health Organization warns there could be a massive shortage of TWO BILLION syringes in 2022, threatening countries' COVID-19 vaccination strategies
- Insane photos show tens of thousands of 'freedom protesters' storming the streets of 13 Australian cities to oppose Covid-19 vaccine mandates as riot squad police brace for violence
- Dr Fauci says Covid hospitalizations are rising among fully vaccinated people who have not had a booster
- Biden administration to pay Pfizer $5.29 BILLION for 10 million treatment courses of its Covid pill that can cut risk of hospitalization and death by nearly 90%
- Moderna asks FDA for emergency use authorization of its COVID-19 vaccine booster for all adults
- Eastern Europe is continent's excess deaths capital because of lagging Covid vaccine rollouts: Interactive map shows how nations like Poland, Bulgaria and Czech Republic have highest rates of fatalities from all causes
- Up to 1.6 million Americans may have lost their smell as a result of a COVID-19 infection, study finds, and experts are unsure when if it will return
- Brits given Covid boosters are two-thirds less likely to catch virus than the double-vaccinated, mass surveillance study claims
- Will Britain need a £1billion Covid booster vaccine roll-out for EVERYONE each winter? Two doses of Pfizer's vaccine wane after six months no matter what age you are, major Israeli study finds
- Antibiotic-resistant infections could trigger a new 'hidden pandemic' once Covid is over, experts warn
- Children aged 12-17 must wait 12 weeks after catching Covid before getting jabbed because it may reduce their risk of rare heart complication, health chiefs rule
- Covid vaccines may only affect menstrual cycles of women on contraception, study claims
- Living in polluted cities DOES make you more likely to become severely ill if you get Covid, claims study offering 'strongest evidence yet'
- Will Biden mandate booster shots? Dr. Fauci says he believes the definition of fully vaccinated will CHANGE to include having had a third shot
- 'It is obscene': Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making combined profits of more than $1,000 every second as Covid vaccine developers prioritize contracts with rich countries instead of developing nations, analysis finds
- COVID-19 infection doubles the risk of psychiatric diagnoses including depression and anxiety and triples the risk of sleep problems, study finds
- Number of Americans requiring inpatient care for eating disorders DOUBLED during the Covid pandemic, study finds
- COVID-19 infection doubles the risk of psychiatric diagnoses including depression and anxiety and triples the risk of sleep problems, study finds
- Thousands of heart patients could die needlessly after being forced to wait up to TWO YEARS for life-saving scans - with 65,000 people delayed at least six weeks as Covid cripples NHS
- Covid patients taking antidepressants are up to 30% less likely to die from the virus, study claims
- Researchers find first Covid mutation that is resistant to effectiveness of antiviral drug remdesivir in an immunocompromised patient
- Vermont is the most vaccinated state in the US - so why are Covid cases rising? Health officials say unvaccinated young adults are behind surge and that there aren't enough residents with natural immunity
- Moderna defends its COVID-19 vaccine after seven European nations restrict or recommend against the shot's use in young people over concerns of rare heart inflammation
- German advisory committee recommends people under age 30 to NOT receive Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and opt for the Pfizer jab instead - joining six other European countries
- Next generation of Covid vaccines should target different part of virus to make them variant-proof, study says
- No10's OWN estimates show just 20,000 unjabbed NHS staff will come forward for Covid vaccines before they're compulsory in April - and admits plan could lead to 70,000 vacancies, as nurses threaten to QUIT instead of having a jab
- Novavax plans to FINALLY submit data for emergency use of 'protein-based' COVID-19 vaccine to FDA by the end of the year
- Nearly 80% of American adults believe or are unsure about false statements about the COVID-19 pandemic including that the vaccines cause infertility and the government is exaggerating deaths from the virus
- Care bosses issue desperate plea for No10 to delay or ditch its 'timebomb' no jab, no jab policy with up to 60,000 unjabbed staff facing sack on THURSDAY - as sector warns homes will CLOSE because there were already 100k vacancies before Covid struck
- Corona-Medikament und Impf-Alternative Die Hoffnung liegt auf „AIC649“
- SAGE adviser says UK WON'T see a spike in Covid cases like Austria and Germany but warns Europe lockdown riots are a 'warning to us' and urges Brits to get booster jabs - as WHO predicts 500,000 more deaths on the continent by March
- Europe's anti-lockdown hell: Violence breaks out in Vienna as 10,000 protesters take to the streets and thousands more march in Amsterdam - hours after two people are SHOT in Rotterdam during clashes between activists and Dutch riot police
- Children as young as FIVE could be offered Covid vaccines in 'Spring jab campaign' according to 'leaked NHS plan'
- Number of people left to die at home soared during Covid pandemic with 'markedly decomposed bodies' not found for 'weeks', study reveals
- Number of people left to die at home soared during Covid pandemic with 'markedly decomposed bodies' not found for 'weeks', study reveals
- Heftige Proteste in Wien gegen neue Impfpflicht
- Wieso sieht die Lage in Schweden entspannter aus?
- 20,000 Australians Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest & It’s Glorious! (Video)
- German Clinic Director Releases Video Before Being Suicided? We Have Been Warned (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News
- Zweite Nacht in Folge Krawalle von Gegnern der Corona-Maßnahmen
- Heftige Proteste in Wien gegen neue Impfpflicht
- „1500er-Marke durchbrochen“
- 03:11 Newsticker Kindermediziner warnen vor erneuten Schulschließungen
- Second night of anti-lockdown violence in Europe: Netherlands riots spread to the Hague as tens of thousands gather to oppose full lockdown in Austria and demonstrations kick off in Denmark, Croatia and Macedonia
- Has third Covid jab farce landed hundreds of vulnerable Britons in intensive care? Unusually high admissions of patients with weakened immune systems is blamed on botched booster rollout
- Bisheriger Verlauf der Pandemie in Afrika verblüfft Experten
- Dringend benötigt – aber Deutschland macht es ausländischen Ärzten schwer
- Depopulation Agenda – Most Vaccinated Countries are all suffering an extraordinary rise in Excess Deaths | EU | Before It's News
- “The real pandemic has just begun, and it’s COVID shot-induced heart attacks in the young”
- A Deadly Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated – Worldwide data from 185 nations proves the highest Covid-19 Death rates are in the most vaccinated countries – The Expose
- Discrepancies and inconsistencies in UK Government datasets compromise accuracy of mortality rate comparisons between vaccinated and unvaccinated”)
- Depopulation Agenda – Most Vaccinated Countries are all suffering an extraordinary rise in Excess Deaths |
- “ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID”,
- Depopulation Agenda – Most Vaccinated Countries are all suffering an extraordinary rise in Excess Deaths
- Plan for ‘Great Reset’ EU
- Increases in Covid 19 are unrelated to vaccination status!
- Emerging Viruses & Depopulation Through Vaccines. In Lies We Trust, The CIA Bio-Terrorism and Covid-19 (Vaccine Rights Advocate Dr. Len Horowitz) 5 Powerful Videos | Agenda 21 | Before It's News
- Covid jabs WON'T be mandatory in UK: Sajid Javid rules out Britain following Austria and Germany in making vaccines compulsory - but urges public to get boosters to save Christmas
- Ausschreitungen in den Niederlanden und Belgien
- Gewerkschaft berichtet von Corona-Explosion bei Sachsens Polizei
- THIRD night of violence on streets of Europe over Covid clampdowns: Rioters light fires and pelt police with rocks in Holland following clashes in Brussels hours - as Austria re-enters lockdown and Germany says COMPULSORY vaccinations are 'unavoidable'
- Vaccinated British adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age
- Bundesregierung löscht Ablehnung der Impfpflicht von Website
- „Allgemeine Impfpflicht dürfte verfassungswidrig sein“
- „... dann muss man auch über eine Impfpflicht nachdenken“, sagt Lothar Wieler
- Germans will be 'vaccinated, cured or dead' in a few months, health minister warns as country mulls compulsory jabs and Austria wakes up to life in lockdown amid Europe's Covid crisis
- Chet Baker - Leaving - YouTube
- Kretschmann und Söder fordern allgemeine Impfpflicht
- Höchste Warnstufe – „Reisen Sie angesichts von Covid-19 nicht nach Deutschland“
- Warum eine allgemeine Covid-19-Impfpflicht schon praktisch kaum umsetzbar ist
- Merkel über 2G: »Was jetzt gilt, ist nicht ausreichend«
- Österreich sperrt ungeimpfte Journalisten aus dem Parlament aus
- Ampel beschließt Impfpflicht für Pfleger: Was für ein Verrat!
- Totimpfstoffe: Rückt sie endlich raus, wenn ihr höhere Impfquoten wollt!
- Klassischer Totimpfstoff gegen Corona - Novavax beantragt EU-Zulassung
- Stillbirths Up 17x Amongst Fully Vaccinated Mothers In Canada
- 13 stillbirths in one hospital in 24 hours
- Dr. Steven R. Gundry: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers & ACS Risk
- COVID Vaccines Are a War on Children
- Nazi Germany 2.0 Begins: Australian Army Now Transferring “COVID”-Positive Cases & Contacts To Quarantine Camps (Video)
- Young Australian Woman: Is Comparing 1930s Germany To Today Making Sense Now? (Video)
- Rekordzahl bei Neuinfektionen – Zahl der Toten steigt über 100.000
- New Botswana covid variant with 32 'horrific' mutations is the most evolved strain EVER and could be 'worse than Delta' - as expert says it may have emerged in an HIV patient
- England would only suffer 35,000 Covid hospital admissions if EVERYONE caught virus right now because of previous immunity and jabs, study suggests - compared to 280,000 in Germany
- +++ Corona-News +++: Apotheker schlagen Alarm: Schnelltests werden knapp
- Coronalage in Deutschland: Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz steigt rapide – mehr als 100.000 Todesopfer gemeldet
- Steigende Infektionszahlen: Arbeitgeber zeigen sich offen für allgemeine Impfpflicht
- Ivermectin: Was Entwurmungsmittel gegen Corona taugen
- Mediziner als »Querdenker« Praxen suchen ungeimpfte Ärzte über Jobportal Während die Politik eine Impfpflicht für medizinisches Personal plant, werden auf der impfkritischen Stellenbörse Impffrei.work ungeimpfte Ärzte gesucht. Ein Inserat stammt sogar von einer Rehaklinik. Wie kann das sein?
- The Covid-19 Pandemic Does Not Exist
- “Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome
- The Covid Hoax: The Steamroller to Tyranny. “It’s not Just a Question of Vaccination or No Vaccination”
- High Recorded Mortality in Countries Categorized as "Covid-19 Vaccine Champions". The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk of Mortality compared to the Non-vaccinated - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- German States with a High Vaccination Rate Have the Highest Excess Mortality
- Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness
- Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness
- “Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths
- Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- Establishment Journal The Lancet Publishes Rare Dissenting Voice on COVID-19 Vaccines
- Breaking: Australian Army Begins Transferring Contacts of COVID-19 Positive Cases to Quarantine Camps
- German States with a High Vaccination Rate Have the Highest Excess Mortality
- The War on the ‘Unvaccinated’ Is a Desperate Attempt to Demonize and Destroy the Control Group
- „Gefahr nicht von der Hand zu weisen“ – Kretschmer schließt Lockdown nicht mehr aus
- Impfstoff: EMA empfiehlt Zulassung von Biontech-Vakzin für Kinder - WELT
- „Alternativlos“ – Divi spricht sich offiziell für Impfpflicht für alle aus
- „Gefahr nicht von der Hand zu weisen“ – Kretschmer schließt Lockdown nicht mehr aus
- Unjabbed Brits could be BANNED from travelling to the EU next summer: Bloc's new proposals rule out entry unless you've been vaccinated within previous nine months in battle to contain Covid
- Is Botswana variant behind sudden Covid surge in South Africa? Cases have risen fivefold in a week as experts fear super strain could be outcompeting Delta
- The forgotten Covid jab that might have no side effects in kids: Novavax vaccine made in Teeside set to become fourth approved shot and UK has 60million on order
- With Low Vaccination Rates, Africa’s COVID Deaths Remain Far Below Europe & US
- Just a QUARTER of pregnant women in the UK have had a Covid jab, official data shows - even though 98% of expectant mothers in ICU are unjabbed
- Vegan Covid patient says she was treated like a 'second class citizen' when she was left eating GINGER NUT BISCUITS and told to get food from a VENDING MACHINE despite Brighton hospital's claims it ALWAYS offers a vegan menu
- The forgotten Covid jab that might have no side effects in kids: Novavax vaccine made in Teeside set to become fourth approved shot and UK has 60million on order
- EU approves Pfizer's Covid vaccine for five to 11-year-olds as continent battles ferocious fourth wave that 'could kill 700,000 Europeans this winter'
- Cancer Expert Says UK Seeing Spike In “Non-Covid Deaths,” Nobody Willing to Call-Out Vaccine Elephant In The Room!
- Growing Number of Athlete Deaths: Are They Dying After Covid Jabs?
- Crispr Covid 19 'Vaxxines Can Alter A Person's Thinking, Alter Their Behavior, & Can Be Remotely Controlled! Dr. Charles Mor
- Father Alexis Bugnolo Says 2 Billion Dead In The Next Year. Are You Ready?
- Inzidenz steigt auf 438,2 – Rekordzahlen bei täglichen Neuinfektionen und Corona-Toten
- Deutliche Mehrheit für Verschärfung der Corona-Maßnahmen
- „Alternativlos“ – Divi spricht sich offiziell für Impfpflicht für alle aus
- 'Our scientists are deeply concerned': Sajid Javid sounds alarm over new 'worst-ever' super-mutant Covid variant that will make vaccines at least 40 per cent 'less effective' as flights are BANNED from South Africa and five other African countries
- The forgotten Covid jab that might have no side effects in kids: Novavax vaccine made in Teeside set to become fourth approved shot and UK has 60million on order
- Number of alcoholics and drug addicts who died while receiving treatment rose by a QUARTER during pandemic, 'shocking' stats show - as concerns grow about lack of face-to-face care
- Fully Vaccinated Passenger Found Dead On Plane With Coronavirus
- Fully Vaccinated Account For 85% Of Covid Deaths?
- NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Bayer Pharma President Drops Truth Bomb Says MRNA Is Gene Editing, Marketed As A Vaccine To ‘Gain Public Trust’
- „2000er-Grenze erstmals durchbrochen“
- 14 ACIP Members Who Voted to Jab Your Young Children — And Their Big Ties to Big Pharma
- 130 Research Studies Affirming the Power of Natural COVID Immunity
- Dangerous and Useless Vaccines Continue to Kill
- Disturbing Details Emerge from Inside Australian Quarantine Camps
- Eight Current Trends of "Operation Coronavirus" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- Bizarre Phenomenon Unvaccinated Getting Sick Being Around the COVID Vaxxed
- With Low Vaccination Rates, Africa’s Covid Deaths Remain Far Below Europe and the US
- Krankenhausbetreiber werden mitten in der Pandemie fürstlich für Bettenabbau belohnt
- Hunderte Mitarbeiter kritisieren Impfpflicht bei Google
- Ethikrat ändert Einschätzung zu Impfpflicht
- Klage gegen Impfpflicht vor dem Bayerischen Verfassungsgerichtshof
- https://impfentscheidung.online/popularklage-bayern-gegen-covid-19-impfzwang/
- Ist SARS-CoV-2/Delta in Japan ausgestorben? Es sieht danach aus...
- Booster-Impfdruck jetzt auch gegen Vollgeimpfte
- EU will Flüge stoppen – Südafrika wird Virusvariantengebiet
- Coronavirus Mehr als 3000 Ermittlungsverfahren wegen gefälschter Impfpässe
- Das sollten Sie über die Impfung von Kindern wissen
- Fears of ANOTHER Christmas lockdown as ministers and experts warn 'restrictions could return' and admit Africa travel ban can only DELAY new 'super-mutant' Covid strain coming to Britain
- Super-mutant Botswana Covid variant is now spotted in Israel: Germany and Italy are latest to seal off South Africa as variant drives 93% spike in cases in a day - but there are NO reports of hospitalisations in epicentre Johannesburg
- Keine Anpassung an Delta - warum wir noch gegen die Wuhan-Variante boostern
- Immer mehr geimpfte Profisportler sind infiziert
- Harvard-Studie beweist: Weltweite Impfungen hemmen das Virus nicht
- Konzerne streichen Milliarden Corona-Gewinne ein
- Wie Ungeimpfte entrechtet werden sollen
- Moderna verweigert der US-Gesundheitsbehörde Patentrechte
- Hunderte Mitarbeiter kritisieren Impfpflicht bei Google
- Generalstreik gegen den Covid-Wahnsinn? – Das geht einfacher!
- Harvard-Studie beweist: Weltweite Impfungen hemmen das Virus nicht
- Impfdurchbrüche an Linzer Schule
- 70 percent of Covid19 deaths in Sweden fully vaccinated, Mirrors UK and Vermont reports, Zero reasons to mandate vaccinations especially in children | Obama Birthplace Controversy | Before It's News
- Gefährliche Antikörper-resistente Sars-CoV-2 Variante entdeckt
- Booster-Impfdruck jetzt auch gegen Vollgeimpfte
- Impfung: Die Frage nach der Wirksamkeit
- Fully Vaccinated Account For 85% Of Covid Deaths?
- Variation in the Toxicity of Different Covid Vaccine Batches
- Report reveals increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine
- SHTFplan: Health Officials “Baffled” By Surging Disease In LA’s Most Vaccinated Communities
- Sajid Javid warns 'the pandemic is far from over' amid fears of ANOTHER Christmas lockdown: No10 scientists admit super-mutant 'jab-dodging' Botswana variant 'could ALREADY be here' and Africa travel ban might be too late
- Erster Fall in Europa – Belgien registriert neue Coronavirus-Variante
- Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic
- The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”
- 130 Research Studies Affirming the Power of Natural COVID Immunity
- 14 ACIP Members Who Voted to Jab Your Young Children — And Their Big Ties to Big Pharma
- Whistleblower Nurse Says Politicians Receive Saline Instead of mRNA Jab. Crisis in Slovenia
- Release of Pfizer Vaccine Data. “FDA Wants 55 Years to Process FOIA Requests”
- A Pandemic of the Vaccinated
- Vaccine Scandal in Slovenia – Bottles have Code #’s for Placebo, Vax, or KILL SHOT
- Latest data proves 89 % of Covid19 deaths fully vaccinated, 64 % of cases, 74 % hospitalizations, Public Health Scotland weekly report November 22, 2021, Daily Expose banned on social media
- Covid World War: "Do You Not Think That This Is Going to Catch-Up With You One Day"? - Must Video
- Merck Says COVID-19 Pill Less Effective Than Initially Suggested
- Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada As The Covid-jab Bioweapon Takes Effect
- Omikron-Variante hat „mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit“ auch Deutschland erreicht
- Montgomery fürchtet Variante, „die so infektiös ist wie Delta und so gefährlich wie Ebola“
- Omikron „gefährlich für die Geimpften wie für die Ungeimpften“
- Das sollten Sie über die Impfung von Kindern wissen
- München greift am härtesten gegen Isolationsverweigerer durch
- Omicron is 'NOT a disaster', says SAGE expert who accuses other scientists of 'hugely overstating the situation' because vaccines will protect against severe disease - despite claims Covid variant makes jabs 40% less effective against transmission
- Why IS the Omicron variant so scary? Super strain has evolved to have ALL of the worst mutations of Alpha, Beta and Delta combined plus new ones that could make it the most infectious and jab-resistant variant ever
- Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought
- Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought
- Österreichs Impfzwang verstößt gegen internationales Recht
- b.1.1.529: Zurück auf Los – Alle Impfung umsonst?
- Neue Krankenhausdaten und Studien zeigen: Triftige Gründe für eine Impfpflicht fehlen
- Covid-19-Impfstoffe: Warum erhält Coronavac keine Zulassung?
- Impfdurchbrüche bei Menschen ab 60 explodieren
- Spahn offen für Dauer-2G - „Nur noch Supermarkt oder Rathaus für Ungeimpfte“
- Erwacht endlich aus der Corona-Trance!
- Impfung als einziger Weg aus dem Corona-Dilemma?
- WHO warns about unintended effect of vaccines. Some COVID vaccines are saline solution
- Highly Vaccinated Israel Is “On The Verge Of An Emergency” As COVID Cases Spike
- "Omikron" bereits in Deutschland: infektiöser, aber milder?
- Bundeswehr fliegt Covid-Patienten im Land herum
- The Covid-19 Omicron Variant: Towards a Fourth Wave Lockdown? Pretext to Introduce New Repressive Policy Measures
- Verdacht auf Omikron-Infektion in Hessen bestätigt – Reiserückkehrer war vollständig geimpft
- Bombshell Interview: A Medical Doctor Blows the Roof Off of Everything! Gregory Mannarino and Dr. Harding | Prophecy | Before It's News
- Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought
- Schweizer stimmen mit deutlicher Mehrheit für 3G-Zertifikat
- Top-Infektiologe fordert Lockdown für alle Geimpften
- Trends in Mortality and Morbidity in the Most Vaccinated Countries : Twenty-one Proven Facts
- 130 Research Studies Affirming the Power of Natural COVID Immunity
- Will the Unvaccinated Become an Enemy of the State? Close to the Breaking Point of Total Tyranny
- Ten Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID mRNA Vaccines
- UK records THIRD case of Omicron 'super-mutant' strain with it now detected in London, Essex and Nottingham - as today's UK Covid cases fall 5.8% to 37,681 and deaths drop from 61 to 51
- Watch: Heavily Armed German Police Raid Crowded Cafe Over "Covid Rule Violations" +Must Video | Health | Before It's News
- 20:49 Newsticker Bundeswehr-General soll Corona-Krisenstab leiten
- “We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action
- The WHO Recommends Genetic Manipulation and Gene Editing of Humans “To Promote Public Health”
- 14 ACIP Members Who Voted to Jab Your Young Children — And Their Big Ties to Big Pharma
- Release of Pfizer Vaccine Data. “FDA Wants 55 Years to Process FOIA Requests”
- The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”
- Major Canadian Housing Provider Demands All Tenants Get COVID Shot
- Why Aren't Healthcare Workers Speaking Out About the Catastrophe Caused by the Vaccines? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic
- VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following All Vaccines for Past 30 Years
- The Imposition of Tyranny, Austria Sets the Stage: First Western Country to “Legally” Impose “Vaccination” on Her Population.
- Vaccinated English Adults Under 60 Are Dying at Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated People the Same Age
- Red Alert: Renowned Cardiac Surgeon Steven Gundry Warns mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines More Than Double The Risk of Heart Attack
- Reap What You Sow? Doctors Dropping in Deaths Described as “Died Unexpectedly” and “Died Suddenly” Since Mid-October
- 2,620 Dead Babies in VAERS after COVID Shots – More Fetal Deaths in 11 Months than Past 30 Years Following All Vaccines as Scotland Begins Investigation
- Edmonton City Workers Threaten Lawsuit if ‘Discriminatory’ Jab Mandate Isn’t Abolished
- Tens of Thousands of Australians Want Compensation for COVID Vaccine Injuries
- Bei Impfpflicht laut Rechtsexperten auch Freiheitsstrafen denkbar
- Jetzt auch in Deutschland: Quarantäne-„Hotels“ zum Wegsperren
- Bereitet sich die Ampel schon aufs Kriegsrecht vor?
- Trotz Pandemie: Intensivbetten in Bayern deutlich reduziert
- 80 % der Corona-Toten in England waren geimpft
- Warum die Datenlage gegen eine Corona-Impfpflicht spricht
- 31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Die
- The Science Is Clear: Higher COVID “Vaccine” Coverage Equals Higher Excess Mortality
- NHS nurse, 46, who called Covid a 'scamdemic' and likened the vaccine programme to 'genocide' is sacked for spouting conspiracy theories
- Quasi-Lockdown für Ungeimpfte im Saarland – Baden-Württemberg will Events untersagen
- Mike Adams: Omicron Is A Psychological Warfare Operation! 10 Predictions About the Coming Tyranny! - Alex Jones Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News
- Stew Peters Explosive Truth: There Is No Specific Test For These Variants, How Can People Have New Variant?? (Video)
- Verfassungsbeschwerden gegen „Bundesnotbremse“ erfolglos
- Günther Jauch sieht Geimpfte in „Geiselhaft“ der Impfverweigerer
- Schärfere Corona-Maßnahmen Habeck hält „Lockdown für Ungeimpfte“ für unumgänglich
- Corona-Pandemie Griechenland führt Impfpflicht für über 60-Jährige ein - mit monatlichen Geldstrafen
- „Situation kann eskalieren bis hin zu grundsätzlichen Versorgungsengpässen“
- Official Data shows huge increase in cases of Ovarian Cancer, and Deaths of New-Born Babies
- Lockdown 3.0: Erster Wirtschafts-Experte gibt schonmal grünes Licht
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