mehr zum "virus"..
- Germany will vote on whether to follow Austria and make Covid jabs compulsory by year's end, incoming chancellor announces
- Stew Peters Explosive Truth: There Is No Specific Test For These Variants, How Can People Have New Variant?? (Video)
- Bundesverfassungsgericht nickt Bundeslockdown ab
- Scholz und CDU-Ministerpräsidenten wollen Impfpflicht für alle
- Geliefert wie bestellt: Karlsruhe erklärt Bundesnotbremse für zulässig
- Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic
- mRNA Vaccines Put You at Risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome
- The New African Virus Mutation: Right on Time; A Kindergarten Covert Op for the Ignorant
- No Concrete Evidence that Omicron Variant originated in Africa: Travel Ban Led by Western Countries Draws Condemnation
- Video: 13 Year-old Canadian Girl Took the Covid-19 Vaccine. “Try Not to Cry, Her Heart Stopped and Now She is in Critical Condition”
- Revelation 2021? High-profile Soccer Figures, Players (“Footballers”) Forcing Conversation after Three More Soccer Players Collapse in Three Days
- Video: #Yes, It's a "Killer Vaccine": Michel Chossudovsky - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- Fauci Floats the Idea of Injecting Eligible Americans with COVID Booster Shots Every Six Months
- 31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Die
- The Science Is Clear: Higher COVID “Vaccine” Coverage Equals Higher Excess Mortality
- Slovenia: Drivers Must Present COVID Certificate in Order to Refuel Cars
- Russia’s Vaccine Mandate: “I Believe We Are Facing an Evil that Has No Equal in Human History”
- Vaccine Sudden Death Syndrome Explained...
- Einschränkungen für Ungeimpfte – Diese Länder verschärfen ihre Maßnahmen
- Scholz für allgemeine Impfpflicht – Impfung soll nach sechs Monaten Anerkennung verlieren
- Ashley Biden Blows The Whistle On Dear Old Dad! New Normal Is "Everyone Being Vaccinated"! - Must Video
- Is This What Society Has Become? Watch Forced Vaxxination Roundup Of Aboriginal Elder!!
- Die allgemeine Corona-Impfpflicht wird immer wahrscheinlicher
- Stew Peters Explosive Truth: There Is No Specific Test For These Variants, How Can People Have New Variant?? (Video)
- „Kopflos und gefährlich“ – Sahra Wagenknecht kritisiert Scholz‘ Aussage über Impfpflicht
- Schon jetzt sind Österreichs Krankenhäuser überfüllt – Triage nötig
- 'Time to think about mandatory vaccination' across the ENTIRE EU, Ursula von der Leyen warns after Austria and Germany announced plans to force jabs on all adults
- People who survive severe COVID-19 are 2.5 times as likely to die within 12 months of becoming infected as those who didn't contract the virus, study finds
- Omicron Covid appeared in Nigeria in OCTOBER - weeks before South Africa announced discovery of variant, new tests reveal
- People of New York Uniting Against MANDATES. Taking Action!
- Harsh Penalties Coming For Those Who Refuse To Be “Vaccinated” In Austria
- COVID-19 Quarantine Camps In Australia: People Are Trying To Escape | Survival | Before It's News
- Walking In The Footsteps Of Emmanuel Macron, Austria And The European Union Begin The Process Of Universal Mandatory COVID Vaccinations
- 10 Gründe, warum von Pandemie keine Rede sein kann
- US-Autoindustrie: Gewerkschaften kippen Impfpflicht
- Impfpflicht naht – Bundestag soll ohne Fraktionszwang entscheiden
- Berlin führt verpflichtende Corona-Tests für Kleinkinder ein
- Gesundheitspersonal steht auf: Bis zu 350 Kündigungen bei Impfpflicht
- Erste Rufe nach Isolation Ungeimpfter
- Frankreich nach Impfpflicht fürs Medizin-Personal
- Die allgemeine Impfpflicht stellt die Frage, ob wir noch Bürger sind
- Ab wann ist Impfpflicht vorsätzliche Körperverletzung?
- Söder stellt Zwangsgelder für Verstöße gegen Impfpflicht in Aussicht
- Murder? Just Hours After Publishing the Secret of the Vax the Doctor Is Dead (Video)
- European Union Chief: Time To “Think About Mandatory Vaccination”
- Ebola Vaccine Trials Start In United States CDC Says Get Your Ebola Jab
- Doctor Tells The Truth About Graphene "Razor Blades" In COVID Shots - Murdered Days Later (Video)
- The Vaxed Must Be Quarantined: World Health Organization's European Advisory Group on Immunization, former VP Professor Perronne: All vaccinated people must be quarantined through the winter months or risk severe illness. Explosive Bombshell
- Mandatory injections and robot enforcement: Links 2, December 1, 2021
- WHO Would Modify Humans "For Our Health"
- Big Pharma Singles Out, Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors
- Scholz, Söder und andere waren gegen eine Impfpflicht – und sind jetzt dafür
- Von der Leyen erwägt EU-weite Impfpflicht
- Die Impfpflicht aus Brüssel wäre ein spürbarer Machtzuwachs für die EU
- 10 Gründe, warum von Pandemie keine Rede sein kann
- 2.642.138 Nebenwirkungen: Ab wann ist Impfpflicht vorsätzliche Körperverletzung? [WHO-Datenbank] – SciFi
- mRNA Vaccines Put You at Risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Russia's Vaccine Mandate: "I Believe We Are Facing an Evil that Has No Equal in Human History" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- The Covid-19 Omicron Variant: Towards a Fourth Wave Lockdown? Pretext to Introduce New Repressive Policy Measures
- AstraZeneca uncovers 'trigger' of blood clots after its jab: Vaccine acts like a magnet and attracts platelets which body mistakes for a threat and attacks
- Germany set to approve lockdown for the unvaccinated today as Merkel and her successor discuss country's surging Covid cases
- Dramatische Unzufriedenheit mit Corona-Politik – Mehrheit für härtere Gangart
- Covid-19 Vakzine Stiko-Chef würde sein siebenjähriges Kind derzeit noch nicht impfen lassen
- Nur positiv getestet Mehr Kinder mit Covid-19 auf Intensivstationen – Das sagt ein Experte
- Omicron variant is at least 2.4x more likely to re-infect people who have previously had Covid, South African study finds as country records a 368% week-on-week rise in cases and 180% jump in hospital admissions
- Omicron will make up HALF of Europe's Covid cases 'within the next few months', EU health agency warns
- First graphic of Omicron's 32 spike mutations reveals why scientists are so worried about the most evolved Covid strain ever - but jury's still out as South Africa insists it's still only causing mild illness
- 'We will remember what Moderna did': Experts say COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers not sharing their technology with poorer countries and building factories played a role in the emergence of the Omicron variant
- Bund und Länder beschließen Lockdown für Ungeimpfte
- Impfpflicht: Von der Leyens Offenbarungseid
- Es geht nicht um Impfpflicht, es geht um Demokratie
- Die Formel der ritualisierten Unterwerfung: 2G plus
- Zahlen, Daten und Fakten zum Bettenabbau
- Karlsruhe disqualifiziert sich selbst!
- Omicron variant is at least 2.4x more likely to re-infect people who have previously had Covid, South African study finds as country records a 368% week-on-week rise in cases and 180% jump in hospital admissions
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