
Dr. Sahra Wagenknechts Warheitswochenschau.. Covid-19..

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Germany will vote on whether to follow Austria and make Covid jabs compulsory by year's end, incoming chancellor announces
Stew Peters Explosive Truth: There Is No Specific Test For These Variants, How Can People Have New Variant?? (Video)
Bundesverfassungsgericht nickt Bundeslockdown ab
Scholz und CDU-Ministerpräsidenten wollen Impfpflicht für alle
Geliefert wie bestellt: Karlsruhe erklärt Bundesnotbremse für zulässig
Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic
mRNA Vaccines Put You at Risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome
The New African Virus Mutation: Right on Time; A Kindergarten Covert Op for the Ignorant
No Concrete Evidence that Omicron Variant originated in Africa: Travel Ban Led by Western Countries Draws Condemnation
Video: 13 Year-old Canadian Girl Took the Covid-19 Vaccine. “Try Not to Cry, Her Heart Stopped and Now She is in Critical Condition”
Revelation 2021? High-profile Soccer Figures, Players (“Footballers”) Forcing Conversation after Three More Soccer Players Collapse in Three Days
Video: #Yes, It's a "Killer Vaccine": Michel Chossudovsky - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Fauci Floats the Idea of Injecting Eligible Americans with COVID Booster Shots Every Six Months
31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Die
The Science Is Clear: Higher COVID “Vaccine” Coverage Equals Higher Excess Mortality
Slovenia: Drivers Must Present COVID Certificate in Order to Refuel Cars
Russia’s Vaccine Mandate: “I Believe We Are Facing an Evil that Has No Equal in Human History”
Vaccine Sudden Death Syndrome Explained...
Einschränkungen für Ungeimpfte – Diese Länder verschärfen ihre Maßnahmen
Scholz für allgemeine Impfpflicht – Impfung soll nach sechs Monaten Anerkennung verlieren
Ashley Biden Blows The Whistle On Dear Old Dad! New Normal Is "Everyone Being Vaccinated"! - Must Video
Is This What Society Has Become? Watch Forced Vaxxination Roundup Of Aboriginal Elder!!
Die allgemeine Corona-Impfpflicht wird immer wahrscheinlicher
Stew Peters Explosive Truth: There Is No Specific Test For These Variants, How Can People Have New Variant?? (Video)
„Kopflos und gefährlich“ – Sahra Wagenknecht kritisiert Scholz‘ Aussage über Impfpflicht
Schon jetzt sind Österreichs Krankenhäuser überfüllt – Triage nötig
'Time to think about mandatory vaccination' across the ENTIRE EU, Ursula von der Leyen warns after Austria and Germany announced plans to force jabs on all adults
People who survive severe COVID-19 are 2.5 times as likely to die within 12 months of becoming infected as those who didn't contract the virus, study finds
Omicron Covid appeared in Nigeria in OCTOBER - weeks before South Africa announced discovery of variant, new tests reveal
People of New York Uniting Against MANDATES. Taking Action!
Harsh Penalties Coming For Those Who Refuse To Be “Vaccinated” In Austria
COVID-19 Quarantine Camps In Australia: People Are Trying To Escape | Survival | Before It's News
Walking In The Footsteps Of Emmanuel Macron, Austria And The European Union Begin The Process Of Universal Mandatory COVID Vaccinations
10 Gründe, warum von Pandemie keine Rede sein kann
US-Autoindustrie: Gewerkschaften kippen Impfpflicht
Impfpflicht naht – Bundestag soll ohne Fraktionszwang entscheiden
Berlin führt verpflichtende Corona-Tests für Kleinkinder ein
Gesundheitspersonal steht auf: Bis zu 350 Kündigungen bei Impfpflicht
Erste Rufe nach Isolation Ungeimpfter
Frankreich nach Impfpflicht fürs Medizin-Personal
Die allgemeine Impfpflicht stellt die Frage, ob wir noch Bürger sind
Ab wann ist Impfpflicht vorsätzliche Körperverletzung?
Söder stellt Zwangsgelder für Verstöße gegen Impfpflicht in Aussicht
Murder? Just Hours After Publishing the Secret of the Vax the Doctor Is Dead (Video)
European Union Chief: Time To “Think About Mandatory Vaccination”
Ebola Vaccine Trials Start In United States CDC Says Get Your Ebola Jab
Doctor Tells The Truth About Graphene "Razor Blades" In COVID Shots - Murdered Days Later (Video)
The Vaxed Must Be Quarantined: World Health Organization's European Advisory Group on Immunization, former VP Professor Perronne: All vaccinated people must be quarantined through the winter months or risk severe illness. Explosive Bombshell
Mandatory injections and robot enforcement: Links 2, December 1, 2021
WHO Would Modify Humans "For Our Health"
Big Pharma Singles Out, Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors
Scholz, Söder und andere waren gegen eine Impfpflicht – und sind jetzt dafür
Von der Leyen erwägt EU-weite Impfpflicht
Die Impfpflicht aus Brüssel wäre ein spürbarer Machtzuwachs für die EU
10 Gründe, warum von Pandemie keine Rede sein kann
2.642.138 Nebenwirkungen: Ab wann ist Impfpflicht vorsätzliche Körperverletzung? [WHO-Datenbank] – SciFi
mRNA Vaccines Put You at Risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome
Russia's Vaccine Mandate: "I Believe We Are Facing an Evil that Has No Equal in Human History" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Covid-19 Omicron Variant: Towards a Fourth Wave Lockdown? Pretext to Introduce New Repressive Policy Measures
AstraZeneca uncovers 'trigger' of blood clots after its jab: Vaccine acts like a magnet and attracts platelets which body mistakes for a threat and attacks
Germany set to approve lockdown for the unvaccinated today as Merkel and her successor discuss country's surging Covid cases
Dramatische Unzufriedenheit mit Corona-Politik – Mehrheit für härtere Gangart
Covid-19 Vakzine Stiko-Chef würde sein siebenjähriges Kind derzeit noch nicht impfen lassen
Nur positiv getestet Mehr Kinder mit Covid-19 auf Intensivstationen – Das sagt ein Experte
Omicron variant is at least 2.4x more likely to re-infect people who have previously had Covid, South African study finds as country records a 368% week-on-week rise in cases and 180% jump in hospital admissions
Omicron will make up HALF of Europe's Covid cases 'within the next few months', EU health agency warns
First graphic of Omicron's 32 spike mutations reveals why scientists are so worried about the most evolved Covid strain ever - but jury's still out as South Africa insists it's still only causing mild illness
'We will remember what Moderna did': Experts say COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers not sharing their technology with poorer countries and building factories played a role in the emergence of the Omicron variant
Bund und Länder beschließen Lockdown für Ungeimpfte
Impfpflicht: Von der Leyens Offenbarungseid
Es geht nicht um Impfpflicht, es geht um Demokratie
Die Formel der ritualisierten Unterwerfung: 2G plus
Zahlen, Daten und Fakten zum Bettenabbau
Karlsruhe disqualifiziert sich selbst!
Omicron variant is at least 2.4x more likely to re-infect people who have previously had Covid, South African study finds as country records a 368% week-on-week rise in cases and 180% jump in hospital admissions

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