linxbox. ai and robotics.
- The first 'living robots' that can REPRODUCE Microscopic organisms made from frog cells assemble 'babies' in their Pac Man-s
- MI6 boss 'C' warns China can 'harvest data from around the world' thanks to artificial intelligence and use its financial po
- The Push Of Artificial Intelligence Into Every Aspect Of Our Lives (Video)
- Gesichtserkennung: Clearview AI droht Millionenstrafe in Großbritannien
- Humanoid robot “Ameca” set to make public debut in 2022. Expect Transhumanists to Demand Citizen Rights for Robots Soon to Follow
- Meet Ameca, The World’s Most Realistic, And Some Say, The Most Terrifying Humanoid Robot Ever Created And It Shows Rapid AI Advancement
- Die Forschung kennt keine Grenzen! Werden wir Robotermenschen? Rise of Cyborgs! Brain-Computer Interface Chip For Mind-Reading- and Humanoid robot ‚Ameca‘
- Algorithms of Injustice: Artificial Intelligence in Policing and Surveillance
The first 'living robots' that can REPRODUCE Microscopic organisms made from frog cells assemble 'babies in their Pac Man-s
- MI6 boss 'C' warns China can 'harvest data from around the world' thanks to artificial intelligence and use its financial power
- The Push Of Artificial Intelligence Into Every Aspect Of Our Lives (Video)
- Gesichtserkennung: Clearview AI droht Millionenstrafe in Großbritannien
- Humanoid robot “Ameca” set to make public debut in 2022. Expect Transhumanists to Demand Citizen Rights for Robots Soon to Follow
- Meet Ameca, The World’s Most Realistic, And Some Say, The Most Terrifying Humanoid Robot Ever Created And It Shows Rapid AI Advancement
- Die Forschung kennt keine Grenzen! Werden wir Robotermenschen? Rise of Cyborgs! Brain-Computer Interface Chip For Mind-Reading- and Humanoid robot ‚Ameca‘
- Algorithms of Injustice: Artificial Intelligence in Policing and Surveillance
- Die Evolution postbiologischen Lebens | Telepolis
- Powerful antibiotic discovered using machine learning for first time
- Climate crisis to AI: why firms and governments must change mindset
- 'Blade Runner' future of human-like androids a step closer as first robot learns to 'feel pain'
- man-versteht-nicht-immer-wie-der-algorithmus-seine-entscheidungen-trifft/25056/
- KI als Problemlöser: Der Forschungs-Turbo Eine Kolumne von Christian Stöcker
- At least they'll have an off switch: Pentagon adopts ‘AI Ethical Principles’ for its killer robots
- Babies from bilingual families are better at switching their attention from one task to another, study finds
- Why your brain is not a computer
- Google's parent company unveils AI camera system designed to help sustainably feed humanity by using computer vision to monitor health of fish populations
- Brain and Artificial Neurons Link Up over the Web: A Big Step in Neural and Artificial Intelligence
- Memristive synapses connect brain and silicon spiking neurons
- The Tentacle Bot: Octopus-Inspired Robot Can Grip, Move, And Manipulate A Wide Range Of Objects
- Popular remote working tool Microsoft Teams CRASHES in Europe on the first day millions of people login from home to prevent coronavirus spread
- March of the robots: Defence chief General Nick Carter says a quarter of the British Army will be automated by the 2030s
- KI und Geopolitik
- Robots, drones and AI will carry out 90 per cent of household chores by 2040 making dusting, laundry and cleaning dishes ALL automated, experts claim
- Super-robots to tackle the chores: Machines 15 times stronger than humans will 'start appearing in homes by 2030 costing £25,000 each'
- Spain turns to AI tech in battle against coronavirus: Officials will buy four robots capable of testing a combined 80,000 patients for deadly bug a day
- Chinese robot that can perform ultrasounds, take mouth swabs and listen to sounds made by a patient's organs could help save the lives of medical workers who are at risk of being infected by coronavirus
- AI Predicts Climate Change Will Reshape the Map of the United States
- Robot Mayflower with an AI captain and no crew is set to cross the Atlantic 400 years after its famous namesake
- Chinese company unveils $40,000 hospital robot that uses a combination of UV light and liquid disinfectant spray to kill coronavirus pathogens
- A little creepy? Russian company starts mass production of humanoid robots that can look like you
- Artificial Intelligence Identifies Optimal Material Formula
- Artificial intelligence 'could PREDICT who will develop diabetes with 95% certainty' by combing through their medical records
- Mind-reading technology that uses AI to transform thoughts into sentences is developed by brain scientists - giving hope to people with conditions that leave them unable to speak
- AI-powered app analyzes the user's voice to determine if they are infected with the coronavirus
- Artificial Intelligence could help diagnose COVID-19 using X-RAYS
- Kontaktlose Zustellung: Kalifornien erlaubt Test fahrerloser Lieferfahrzeuge
- Phrenology is back, wrapped up with facial recognition in a 21st century pre-crime package by university researchers. Too soon? — RT Op-ed
- Neurotechnology Overview: Wiring Human Brains Directly to Computers
- Scientists develop AI that can turn brain activity into text
- Neurotechnology Overview Wiring Human Brains Directly to Computers
- Centre for Research on
- Artificial intelligence can guess your personality from a SELFIE - but it is a better judge of women than men
- Gamer training platform that uses AI & cognitive science secures big investment while lockdown makes esports hot
- Wie KI das menschliche Handlungsvermögen untergräbt
- Roboterjournalismus: Nachrichtenportal MSN soll von Maschinen gestaltet werden
- Robot editor confuses mixed-race Little Mix singers
- IBM wants to keep facial recognition technology away from police and halt development altogether
- Volkswagen investiert Milliarden in eigene Software-Produktion
- Artificial Intelligence Makes Blurry Faces Look More Than 60 Times Sharper
- SpaceX invites public to apply for Starlink beta test ahead of imminent launch of company's satellite-based internet service
- Lather up! A new AI- surveillance system promises to evaluate how well people wash their hands in public restrooms in Japan
- Creepy Polish facial-recognition search engine PimEyes can track down images of people across the internet from a single photo and has 'very serious privacy implications'
- Artificial intelligence can help track down invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed before they take over verges and cause expensive damage to roads
- Projekt Planetary Computer Microsoft will mit künstlicher Intelligenz das Artensterben bekämpfen
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Predictive Justice in Our Courts
- Globaler Reformversuch: USA steigen aus Verhandlungen über Digitalsteuern aus
- Why We All Need to Fight Facial Recognition Technology
- Die Geschichte um “Augustus Intelligence” um Amthor, geht viel tiefer als Leute annehmen
- Corona-Hygiene: Künstliche Intelligenz erkennt, wer seine Hände gründlich wäscht - und wer nicht
- Machine Learning Has A Flaw; It's Gullible
- Projekt Planetary Computer Microsoft will mit künstlicher Intelligenz das Artensterben bekämpfen
- Shush! Russia’s leading design studio used AI ‘employee’ for making customer logos for months… and NOBODY noticed
- Human brains outdated? 'Inventive’ AI making abstract art just filed for two PATENTS
- The future of sex: Thousands of highly advanced robots that can learn and talk will soon go on sale for £12,000 as a new book reveals it's just one glimpse into a shattering near era 627 shares
- Meet the Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm Using AI to Profile Americans and Guide US Lockdown Policy
- 'Meet our future overlords': Fans spooked as 'creepy' ROBOTS used to track social distancing DANCE at empty sports stadium (VIDEO)
- The world's first 3D-printed neighborhood is being built in Mexico for families living on $3 a day
- Japan AI startup: Japan is losing the tech race. Preferred Networks, Inc. is hoping to change that
- Elon Musk Says His Brain-Computer Chip Neuralink Will Be Able to Cure Addiction, Depression
- Metall war gestern – die Roboter der Zukunft sind Weicheier
- The Guardian view on artificial intelligence's revolution: learning but not as we know it
- Artificial Intelligence Is A Totalitarian’s Dream — Here’s How To Take Power Back
- Tiny blobs of human brain cells are grown in a lab with rudimentary 'eyes' that can detect light
- Tesla will Roboter für gefährliche oder langweilige Arbeiten bauen
- Militärische Roboter: Drohnen mit todbringender Fracht
- Künstliche Intelligenz soll Gesetze in Anträge übertragen
- Basismodelle von Google und Co öffnen Diskriminierung Tür und Tor
- Tönnies will den Schlachter-Roboter
- Engineers design 3D-printed robot 'ants' that can walk over leaves, link up like a centipede and call for help by themselves
- Robot Dog Army Rollout Happening In Australia... And There Are Some Major Issues To Consider!!
- US to deploy ‘cyber Marines’ on future battlefields
- Robot Dog Army Rollout Happening In Australia... And There Are Some Major Issues To Consider!!
- Hi-tech Muzzle: Woke Bot for Classrooms Sounds Offensive Alarm When Detecting Offensive Speech
- Walmart launches drone delivery service that will drop 'thousands of products' to customers within a 50-mile...
- Skynet Is Live!
- New York City bill could ban AI-powered hiring tools that discriminate against applicants based on gender or race and $1,500 fines would be imposed on companies that use the technology
- But
first, let me take a selfie! Smartphone pictures of post-surgical
wounds could help doctors spot serious infections early, study finds
- Computer pioneer warns the metaverse 'could make reality disappear
- Welcome to the future! Robot housekeepers and flying taxis are among inventions set to revolutionise our lives by 2036, experts say
- Squeeze-Out-Prozess bei Roboterbauer gestartet: Chinesischer Investor nimmt Kuka von der Börse
- Koalitionsvertrag: Ampel verzichtet auf ein Digitalministerium
- How we were played – a brief recap of the war on democracy where nothing adds up | EU | Before It's News
- New Technology Tracks Facial Muscle Movements to Expose Liars
- Engineers design 3D-printed robot 'ants' that can walk over leaves, link up like a centipede and call for help by themselves
- Artificial Intelligence: Off Planet Intelligence to create a Post Transhuman Humanity
- The first 'living robots' that can REPRODUCE Microscopic organisms made from frog cells assemble 'babies' in their Pac Man-s
- MI6 boss 'C' warns China can 'harvest data from around the world' thanks to artificial intelligence and use its financial po
- The Push Of Artificial Intelligence Into Every Aspect Of Our Lives (Video)
- Gesichtserkennung: Clearview AI droht Millionenstrafe in Großbritannien
- Humanoid robot “Ameca” set to make public debut in 2022. Expect Transhumanists to Demand Citizen Rights for Robots Soon to Follow
- Meet Ameca, The World’s Most Realistic, And Some Say, The Most Terrifying Humanoid Robot Ever Created And It Shows Rapid AI Advancement
- Die Forschung kennt keine Grenzen! Werden wir Robotermenschen? Rise of Cyborgs! Brain-Computer Interface Chip For Mind-Reading- and Humanoid robot ‚Ameca‘
- Algorithms of Injustice: Artificial Intelligence in Policing and Surveillance
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