hello and welcome,
to this new little series to find an archimedes point in a project to rebuild syria
employing and training syrian immigrants and modern technology to develop measures against flaws and costs of the merkel project: "wir schaffen das." up over the paragraphs you can find the expressed fears and doubts of people working alongside the project. here we could start our phantasies journey...
employing and training syrian immigrants and modern technology to develop measures against flaws and costs of the merkel project: "wir schaffen das." up over the paragraphs you can find the expressed fears and doubts of people working alongside the project. here we could start our phantasies journey...
"we do not have enough teachers. "

"the kaliphate is definitely their dream."
furthermore, most of these immigrants do indeed believe that a non-believer in their eyes is somewhat like an enemy and many of the europeans have not yet understood the strategy the islamic state and other organizations who are working to establish the kaliphate are applying. their strategy is based on percentages. percentages and time. on provocation and propaganda.
"violence and cruelty will exceed every known degree."
when ten percent, they demand that there is no pork served, at twenty percent, they start to demand islamic law established in islamic communities, within the range of fourty to fifty percent of the inhabitants of an area, they openly use violence against non- believers, like we saw in berlins schools and institutions in northrhine-westfalia, they establish a regime with their own state model derived from islam and the taxes imposed both on jews and christians will almost extend the cruelty of the muslim population against christians to unbearable. slave trade, rape, brutal killings, torture will be the fabric of this society and arts, music, dance and painting will be reduced to pure folklore, dying a slow death at more than sixty to seventy percent of muslims in the populace. the foremost example is the conquering of north africa, once a green garden, with water everywhere, prior to spain and nowadays sweden, with no go areas and a kind of a curfew for swedish women.
"the refugees didn't know, they were fleeing to an occupied country and in it is soon going to be a war zone with the use of tactical atomic weapons."
we know that most of these people intend to stay here supporting the conversion of europe into an islamic kaliphate. they represent a new type of occupier. a parasite and killer of a weak welcome-culture, which basically is supporting the ideas to help. the best example is sweden, but in germany, we are an occupied country. the us and british still do not intend to stop their ongoing policy for germany and europe. in an atomic conflict europe and with a high probability germany will be the center of tactical atomic combat.
"the russians, who do really see american troops amass in batallions along the former borders to the warsaw pact states, each trained in manoeuvers and dragon rides, will have to react."
büchel, rammstein, the daggercomplex, kalkar and some other installations make reasonable targets for the destruction of american gear in europe and to our tearsome watching eye, more and more to the whole world. if we combine the, lets call it from now, the cultural catastrophe with the aspect of an atomic warzone the "refugees" should shake and shiver. they came here with these pictures in mind. party, pussies and payment in cash.
"these refugees lost everything, except their inner beliefs."
but except some bitches and welfare they are just kicked out of their lifes. worse than anywhere else. and worse for all of us. they fall victim to gangs, migrant gangs, which operate here for long times and are a burden for our society already and now for a fourth generation, they fall victim to crime and gangs, to hate and to murder. it is one thing to be trained as an european soldier, we have multinational units and they do operate very well. but and this but is crucial, these combatant illegals, in case, would not even know, what a geneva convention is. how to spell it and how to integrate it in will and work of an immaculate soldier. they a re stupid, but dangerous, armed pawns. high on drugs, high on indoctrination, high on a living nightmare.
"to them women, who do dress like western women, deserve to be raped, denied basic human rights and absolute integrity."
the very point of the education to cherish western values with all its anomalies with women and political correctness, we have to emphasize the aspect that human rights do come first. that discipline starts with the self. they will never understand that women do deserve human rights, because they do not consider them to be a human being, especially outside their own household. in case they do dress like we in the west love it, the muslim sees a bitch , a whore, who may be raped and treated like some worthless piece of meat without dignity and a soul like everybody else.
"the cultivation of the idea, women were not human beings is a crime, which has been banned in the west a long time ago."
with the idea to make them accept the new understanding of their wifes roles in the new society, it will definitely result in a strict separation of women from everyday german society on the immigrants side. the perfect brew for parallel societies. women and thats another point in the row we have to follow will have to be integrated and every fail of any of the participants will be well discussed, filed for further education and training and the culprit will be dismissed. one of our objectives is to find the most integer and disciplined applicants to form the next trainer course and to design the first structures as soon as possible.
"these men have to be tought that a woman is more than half of the love between husband and wife and more to society than the husband alone."
one of the targets is to filter those with a high motivation and as we need nurses and interior designers, gardeners and fishbreeding staff, we have to simoultaneously educate a significant amount of women. nurse. climate, water, recycling, fishfarming, insectfarming gardening and DIY craftsmanship. an idea in this respect might be a competition between teams of women, different and bestof teams of men and so on. we should definitely have a certain amount of classes and lessons with both genders participate, but keep in mind the different learning speed and the social and hierarchical roleplay of men and women.
"constant improvement is the way to constant success. in a world of total destruction it is constant cooperation between men and women, which guarantees survival and improvement."
we should keep in mind also that the team who finishes first to erect the necessary structures has no really standardized method, how to build such a versatile compound and at the same time transfer the solutions and findings into different climate zones and cultural necessities. learning and working together with these and maybe further points of common agreement on building sites will result in generations of teams united by our basic code. human rights.
"the west must help 500.00 immigrants to rebuild syria 21st-century-style."
in the next post there is more about the project idea, the location and the methods. until then addresses, emails and phone numbers will be collected, after a list of cooperation partners is specified. and btw, we do hope that minimum 500.000 of those, who immigrated, asyoung "refugees" will list up, to learn how to rebuild their countries. rebuild their countries after being trained with latest knowledge and technology.
"the migrants societies lack modern thinking and technology, because fifty percent, almost all women, are excluded from public life, discussion and development."
this argument brought up by a pakistani scholar for islamic sciences does hit the point perfectly. creativity, empathy, social services and female common sense are missing in islamic societies and these soft skills have to be brought forward, protected and integrated into the new civil society of the migrants society itself. which again leads us to the demand that a conversion into a modern society is strongly connected to the liberation of women, setting the stage for them to take part in public projects, aside men and even in higher ranks than men.
"there are too many gaps, cultural differences and communication problems."
