latest news. chatbots to come. deep learning toolbox.
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to a list of topics in the discussion.
- Können Computer Bewußtsein entwickeln
- Künstliche Intelligenz bei Microsoft: Cortana, wir müssen reden...
- Microsoft: Twitter-Bot Tay - vom Hipstermädchen zum Hitlerbot
Sexist, racist and Holocaust denying: Microsoft rues day it plugged its
artificial intelligence programme into Twitter to learn how young
people speak.
- Joseph Weizenbaum – Wikipedia
- AlphaGo | Google DeepMind
- Radical breakthrough stores digital pictures in DNA for first time - and could revolutionise computer storage
- Die Chatbots kommen
- Facebook F8: Chatbots als Interface der Zukunft?
Consciousness is 'like streaming a film in our brain': How our minds
process the world as a series of 'bite-sized slices' edited together
The bots are coming! Mark Zuckerberg shows off Facebook's smart AI
assistants and says smart augmented reality glasses will be available
'within a decade'
Incredible 'brain dictionary' reveals how our minds understand
language: Model shows the exact locations where we store thousands of
words until we need them
- Biohackers are turning to the black market for BRAIN implants: Risky surgery could allow humans to become mind readers
- The brain dictionary - YouTube
- Global Clean Water Desalination Alliance
- Futurologist Dr Ian Pearson says technology is causing humans to 'evolve'
- Cyber-Polizisten sollen in Zukunft auf Streife gehen
- Künstliche Intelligenz "Roboter müssen Steuern zahlen"
- Mind-reading computer INSTANTLY knows what you're thinking about
- Google bets big on AI: Search chief Amit Singhal is retiring and being replaced by the firm's leading machine learning expert
- DARPA’s New 'Neural' Microchip Could Let Drones Think Like a Human
- Glasses that beam images into your BRAIN: Laser 'prints' photos from a connected camera directly onto the wearer's retina
- Computer schlägt erstmals menschlichen Champion in Go
- YaNetu: AI Teaching Tablet for African Children—IndieGogo Campaign
- Künstliche Intelligenz – Die nächste Revolution
- „Das menschliche Gehirn funktioniert auf eine nicht vorstellbare Weise“
- Artificial Intelligence is Already Here—Artificial Consciousness is What Eludes Us - See more
- The Robot Hall of Fame - Powered by Carnegie Mellon University
- Deep Learning Machine Teaches Itself Chess in 72 Hours, Plays at International Master Level | MIT Technology Review
The machine that learns like a CHILD: Algorithm recognises and
scribbles symbols that look identical to those produced by humans
- About OpenAI
- Artificial-Intelligence Research Center Is Founded by Silicon Valley Investors
- Open AI: Forschen gegen die Roboter-Herrschaft
- Künstliche Intelligenz: So schlau wie eine Frau?
- The US Military Wants a Chip to Translate Your Brain Activity Into Binary Code
- Italian Scientists Developing Robots With Decomposable Bodies
- The Oculus Rift is here! VR headset finally revealed
- Futurologist: By 2050, Most of Us Will Be Having Sex With Robots
- Why First Contact is Most Likely to Be Machines -- Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
- ConceptNet AI has same IQ as a 4-year-old and is getting smarter
- Google Mail will let artificial intelligence reply to your email
- Machine Trust Language (MTL): Human-Machine Collaboration
- Google Smart Reply has an AI neural network
- neural network-based AI inside weapons
- Google unveils RankBrain AI to handle queries its never seen before
- Facebook reveals plans for artificial intelligence software that can run your life and 'help you understand the world'
- The transfer and transformation of collective network information in gene-matched networks : Scientific Reports
- 15 Trends In Neurotechnologies That Will Change The World
- Exploring the Brain Computer Interface
- Introduction to Big Data/Machine Learning Introduction to Big Data/Machine Learning Lars Marius Garshol 112,409
- Palantir,
Quid, RecordedFuture: Augmented Intelligence Frontier Palantir, Quid,
RecordedFuture: Augmented Intelligence Frontier Daniel Kornev 2,711
- How Artificial Intelligence Will Give Birth To Itself
- Artificial intelligence computer learns to speak like a child
- Large Scale Machine Learning von IBM Research 666 Aufrufe
- PLOS ONE: A Cognitive Neural Architecture Able to Learn and Communicate through Natural Language
- Adaptive learning software is replacing textbooks and upending American education. Should we welcome it?
- Professor Geoff Hinton - "Deep Learning”. - Dauer: 42:53 von Michael Campbell 3.637 Aufrufe
- Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks by Matt Zeiler von Hakka Labs 54.030 Aufrufe
- Deep Learning: Intelligence from Big Data von vlabvideos 177.386 Aufrufe
- Deep Learning in Practice - von Eugenio Culurciello 434 Aufrufe
- Demis Hassabis -"General learning algorithms” von Michael Campbell 13.933 Aufrufe
- A Machine Learning Approach to Understand the Brain von FIBOKMUTT 58 Aufrufe
- AWS re:Invent 2015 | (BDT311) Deep Learning: Going Beyond Machine Learning - YouTube
- Choosing mind mapping software for teams - WikIT
- Deep Learning: Intelligence from Big Data - Dauer: 1:24:17 von vlabvideos 177.386 Aufrufe
- Introduction to Deep Learning with Python - Dauer: 52:41 von indico 81.730 Aufrufe
- MLVLC - The Age Of Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence Progress - Tom Dietterich - YouTube
- CleverBot
- Künstliche
Intelligenz lernt Spiel-Design mit Gameplay-Videos Super Mario Spiel
Durch die Beobachtung anderer Spieler soll eine künstliche Intelligenz
neue Welten erschaffen, die dem Anspruch der Vorlage entsprechen. 26.
Juni 2015, 08:10 Uhr
- Digital-Manifest: Wissenschaftler warnen vor Künstlicher Intelligenz
- Künstliche Intelligenz lernt Spiel-Design mit Gameplay-Videos
- Japanese artificial intelligence passes university exams (but still can't quite get into the country's top school)
- Is Anyone Competent to Regulate Artificial Intelligence?
- Maschinelles Lernen: IBMs SystemML als Apache-Projekt
- New Artificial Intelligence: Russia Endows Robots With Collective Mind
- Neurodevelopment: Unlocking the brain
- Facebook Breathes Some Common Sense into Artificial-Intelligence Systems