here is news for the farmers of the future. see for yourself, here is some additional info on mail-online.
this thing really does look futuristic and some features seem so far away from what the public is used to, it seems alien and cold.
even if we collect and farm all the different varieties in the seed vaulft we will damage our environment, feeding so many people and transporting these goods is one of the main reasons. what is needed is a permaculture of urban and indoor farming systems. we have to adapt our stored knowledge to the new needs and necessities or perish.
the environment will soon be poisened to a dregree that outdoor farming, growing and gardening will not be possible anymore. the oceans are full of microplastic and the air is polluted with geoengineering chemicals.
the answer is a design system combining steps in an urban farming and highly populated area. small, but many. insects are part of the solution, aquaponics and mushroom farming as well. these components mounted on different rooftops or close to each other in smaller urban communities, round schools and sports arenas can provide food production on an industrial scale.
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