
update. ai robot linkslist 2016.

AI ROBOT 2016/I-2
monthly picks jan-jun

neural network-based AI inside weapons
Google Smart Reply has an AI neural network
Google unveils RankBrain AI to handle queries its never seen before | Daily Mail Online
Skynet Lives! Google RankBrain Is A Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Which ‘Loves’ Stephen Hawking And Elon Musk
Facebook reveals plans for artificial intelligence software that can run your life and 'help you understand the world'
Google Smart Reply has an AI neural network
The Orphan I.Q. Dilemma: Brain Plasticity and Environmental Enrichment
Minority Report-style software predicts when and where crimes will take place: System uses web feeds to identify hotspots
Why First Contact is Most Likely to Be Machines -- Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) | Alternative
ConceptNet AI has same IQ as a 4-year-old and is getting smarter
Google Mail will let artificial intelligence reply to your email | Daily Mail Online
Official Google Blog: TensorFlow: smarter machine learning, for everyone
Google releases its AI machine learning software TensorFlow to all | Daily Mail Online
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2013: Deep Learning
photo Artificial Intelligence Being Used To Manipulate Political Elections
Turkeys + Dinner Plates = Thanksgiving: Google Teaches Its AI Systems to Be a Little More Human | MIT Technology Review
Meet the Neuroscientist Who Installed an Implant in His Own Brain | MIT Technology Review
15 Trends In Neurotechnologies That Will Change The World
Exploring the Brain Computer Interface
Palantir, Quid, RecordedFuture: Augmented Intelligence Frontier Palantir, Quid, RecordedFuture: Augmented Intelligence Frontier Daniel Kornev 2,711
Introduction to Big Data/Machine Learning Introduction to Big Data/Machine Learning Lars Marius Garshol 112,409
Palantir Company Presentation
Deep Learning Machine Teaches Itself Chess in 72 Hours, Plays at International Master Level | MIT Technology Review
Visual Computing: The Road Ahead, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang at CES 20…
When Digital becomes Human
Coding like a Girl
Brain-Computer Interfacing - Alexandra Elbakyan - H+ Summit @ Harvard
Neurobotix Final PowerPoint

Theory and Application of the Extended Mind (Series Index)
Qrio - Monthly News - Archives - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
The Robot Hall of Fame - Powered by Carnegie Mellon University
Sony Global - Product & Technology Milestones-Robot
Bosch Deepfield Robotics | BoniRob
Artificial Intelligence is Already Here—Artificial Consciousness is What Eludes Us - See more
How Zombies Could Be the Future of AI
Bank of England warnt: Roboter gefährden Millionen Jobs Bank of England warnt Roboter gefährden Millionen Jobs
Künstliche Intelligenz lernt Spiel-Design mit Gameplay-Videos Super Mario Spiel Durch die Beobachtung anderer Spieler soll eine künstliche Intelligenz neue Welten erschaffen, die dem Anspruch der Vorlage entsprechen. 26. Juni 2015, 08:10 Uhr
Digital-Manifest: Wissenschaftler warnen vor Künstlicher Intelligenz
Japanese artificial intelligence passes university exams (but still can't quite get into the country's top school)
ProGlove - wearables for industry
Is Anyone Competent to Regulate Artificial Intelligence?
Scientists Create Plant That Feeds on Electricity and Grows Wires | Alternative
Moral and Legal Imperatives for Sentient A.I. - Terasem Colloquium in Second Life Dec. 10th
Songdo Vision - YouTube
Maschinelles Lernen: IBMs SystemML als Apache-Projekt
Meet Walk-Man, The Emergency Response Robot
BBC - Future - The brain’s miracle superpowers of self-improvement
What computers think HUMANS look like: Neural network learns to create its own (bizarre) pictures of people
Robots Made Fast-Food Workers Obsolete: Now They Are Coming After These 791,200 Jobs
New Artificial Intelligence: Russia Endows Robots With Collective Mind

The machine that learns like a CHILD: Algorithm recognises and scribbles symbols that look identical to those produced by humans
Studie Digitalisierung und Arbeitsplätze Computer können Jobs von 4,4 Millionen Deutschen übernehmen
Google, Apple & Co Wie Maschinen Menschen verdrängen
Hirnforscher finden Fingerabdruck des Denkens - DIE WELT
Forscher injizieren Nanonetz in Mäusegehirn
Google will Maschinen Denken beibringen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Open AI: Forschen gegen die Roboter-Herrschaft - Digital - Süddeutsche.de
About OpenAI
Elon Musk and Peter Thiel back billion dollar AI research firm to 'safeguard the world' and make us 'superhuman'
Artificial-Intelligence Research Center Is Founded by Silicon Valley Investors
Schock: Roboter könnten sieben Millionen Jobs überflüssig machen
Robots and artificial intelligence will kill off five MILLION jobs by 2020 - and women will be worst hit
Künstliche Intelligenz: So schlau wie eine Frau?
The US Military Wants a Chip to Translate Your Brain Activity Into Binary Code
Italian Scientists Developing Robots With Decomposable Bodies

Harvard erhält 28 Millionen für Forschung an künstlicher Intelligenz
Der Gottvater aller Nerds ist tot
„Das menschliche Gehirn funktioniert auf eine nicht vorstellbare Weise“
Rise of the machines may lead to the 'fourth industrial revolution', claim experts
Robots 'will be able to read your thoughts within a generation' - and hackers could steal your innermost secrets
'Stop killer robots before it's too late': Experts warn the world must act quickly to prevent machines rising up and killing us
Type with your BRAIN: High-quality portable mind monitor could lead to breakthrough in human-machine interaction
Your boss will be a robot and your phone will be implanted in your body: Davos executives predict what life in 2025 will be like
Could this be humanity's LAST century? Expert says 're-engineering our children' will lead to the creation of a new species
Google schlägt Facebook in Go-Spiel-Software - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Der Schlammfresser: Roboter mit Energiegewinnung aus Schmutzwasser Roboter mit Schlammantrieb Dank einer sogenannten Microbial Fuel Cell kann der Row-bot umweltfreundlich durch Wasser gleiten. 17. Dezember 2015, 08:50 Uhr
Night Vision Devices advancing into cellphones, car windshields and Google Glass like Wearables
New Materials by Design: Biodegradable smart materials, dissolvable Brian implants and Transient Electronics
Breakthroughs in Brain Computer Interfaces for controlling anything with thought and thought control
Hedge-Fonds ohne Händler: Computer übernehmen Aktienmärkte
Künstliche Intelligenz "Roboter müssen Steuern zahlen"
Mind-reading computer INSTANTLY knows what you're thinking about
The first ROBOFARM to open in Japan: Entirely autonomous factory will produce 30,000 heads of lettuce a day and increase to half a million within five years
Google bets big on AI: Search chief Amit Singhal is retiring and being replaced by the firm's leading machine learning expert
DARPA’s New 'Neural' Microchip Could Let Drones Think Like a Human
Website "DoNotPay": Mit dem Robo-Anwalt gegen Knöllchen
Künstliche Intelligenz: Der digitale Globetrotter mit dem menschlichen Blick
The headset that could make your office virtual: $949 Meta AR system can replace screens and TVs
Neurowissenschaft: Affen lenken Rollstuhl mit Gedankenkraft
The living supercomputer: Chemical that provides energy to the cells in our bodies could power next generation of machines
Could we soon UPLOAD skills into our brains? Matrix-style 'scalp-cap' uses brainwaves from experts to train novices
US Air Force reveals its latest recruit: 'hunter' cyberweapon will use AI to search for security holes in computer networks
YaNetu: AI Teaching Tablet for African Children—IndieGogo Campaign
Künstliche Intelligenz – Die nächste Revolution | BILANZ

Überraschende Studie: Was Männer und Frauen von einem Sex-Roboter erwarten - N24.de
Können Computer Bewußtsein entwickeln
Künstliche Intelligenz bei Microsoft: Cortana, wir müssen reden...
Microsoft: Twitter-Bot Tay - vom Hipstermädchen zum Hitlerbot - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Wie das Gärtnern auch fast ohne Erde funktioniert
Sexist, racist and Holocaust denying: Microsoft rues day it plugged its artificial intelligence programme into Twitter to learn how young people speak.
Google Atlas robots being built to efficiently exterminate 6.5 billion humans - YouTube
Scarlett Johansson: Hongkonger baut Hollywoodstar als Roboter nach - Videos - DIE WELT
Joseph Weizenbaum – Wikipedia
Radical breakthrough stores digital pictures in DNA for first time - and could revolutionise computer storage
Die Chatbots kommen
Incredible 'brain dictionary' reveals how our minds understand language: Model shows the exact locations where we store thousands of words until we need them
The batteries that last a LIFETIME: Nanowire technology can be charged thousands of times without losing capacity
The brain dictionary - YouTube
Forschungsprojekt: Microsoft experimentiert mit DNA als Datenspeicher
German researchers develop microbots to clean up lead from water - Xinhua | English.news.cn
The slime that 'learns' WITHOUT a brain: Cells that change their behaviour could rewrite what we know about evolution
'SignAloud' gloves translate sign language movements into spoken English
3D Virtual Reality Is the Best Storytelling Technology We’ve Ever Had
Googles künstliche Intelligenz liest Erotik-Romane
Regentschaft der Roboter: Diese Jobs wird es bald nicht mehr geben - N24.de

Are robots coming for YOUR job? Droid workers are showing up in shopping centres, hotels and car parks
New breed of AI is tested in Minecraft: Intelligent machines are put through their paces using virtual mazes
Google-Forscher ruft nach Notschalter für Künstliche Intelligenz Watson Im Umgang mit lernenden "Agenten" wie Robotern müsse es für Menschen möglich sein, einen "großen roten Knopf" zu drücken und so "schädliche… 07. Juni 2016, 16:18 Uhr
Now Alexa knows when you're angry: Amazon's virtual assistant will analyse emotions in user's voices
Fighting Malevolent AI: Artificial Intelligence, Meet Cybersecurity
Microsoft’s new AI tools help developers build smart apps and bots
For Sympathetic Ear, More Chinese Turn to Smartphone Program - The New York Times
Robot escapes testing grounds, disturbs traffic in Russia (VIDEO) — RT Viral
Rise of the machines: Robots will replace half of global workforce
Forget Facebook, get ready for BRAINBOOK: Mark Zuckerberg predicts 'crazy brain research' will let users capture a thought and send it using telepathy
The mind-reading computer that knows exactly WHO you are thinking about: Researchers reveal AI that can reconstruct faces from brainwaves
The Awakening of the Thinking Machine | Auricmedia – Blogman's Wonderland
Meet Amelia the AI assistant: 'Virtual agent' gets job at a London council answering customer queries
Men and women approach problems in different ways because their brains aren't in sync | Daily Mail Online
The robo-security guard that hunts intruders using LASERS: Droid can spot suspicious behaviour and call for back up