hello and welcome,

french and british, russians and us america are all present in a new, but somehow well as very old script, lets say plot, similar to ancient texts. all artificial intelligence, the most sophisticated systems in the world, designed for warfare on all levels, in a minority-report-style scenario, the cream of radical selftransforming systems has not detected that the best way to end this nonsense has been discussed lengthily not only in war games, the movie, but as a fixterm in peace management. and I guess even the bible mentions it.
when you discovered that any action leads to more nonsense in your theatre and you wiped out the best solution, then there is hope. still hope. this is not very much. it is hope, just the hope left. our societies seem to be transformed. just hope left. the powers to be lead us their way and it seems they start dragging. the transformation and automation of warfare, the global aspect of battlefield modification, the mastering of the human domain. all this creates the impression of lots of helpless brute force attempts to setup the safe and rescue strategy while outperforming the best solution. for us all, creating this powerpool, it means more work.
we missed the goal to make clear that never ever the best solution is to be wiped out for some silly script. it is that this script ends up with lots of strange aspects in it, because ever since best solutions were wiped left or right randomly, for what ever reason. it is totally messed up and when it rolls out further, we sure will have our leaders last christmas. this may not happen out of a habit, even if purported and perverted over time, just because it was fun to do the wrong thing. we did it and centuries before did it. it is nonsense. and only if you stop the nonsense, the nonsense stops. it is just nonsense. our best sons intentions may be standing together there, row after row, face to face, side by side. we might need them for some better reason.
nations and kings, queens, chancellors and even jesters had their fun. we made them feel good, made them rich or died trying. we tried to get some cake as well, maybe we kicked as well and felt like barons. we didn't think about the script. that nonsense. these letters, which form it are old, as for it they might have some magic in it, some thing that touches us, helps us and protects us. but this protection itself might end soon, because the script ends soon. for the queens and kings, and nations, the few, the elected and our inner self. because of nonsense. the pure pinnacle of nonsense. it made us believe that we could follow up to here and still have one chance left. we changed the script unknowingly. but this thing is age old and forever young. it says the end starts there and now or near now.
when we look back on our way through time, we see all the piles of dead bodies, we see destroyed cities, ever since. how can any sane man or woman think and believe that we have a last chance, still? thats not true. the reason is simple. we followed up that path, because it was there, it was conveniant, it was somehow magic. does that sound familiar? but don't forget this nonsense has an end, too.
the things won't change somewhat magically for those who did magic things, for whatever reasons. a belief system provides these fragments of truth and it is a belief system, no matter how often you twist it and wipe wrong. just to put it in other words, now its naked hope. bare naked hope and that is all thats left now.
just imagine over centuries all best solutions have been wiped out. so just do think about it. we followed that script like a plot, we wiped wrong or out, we didn't shine up, we spoiled everything we could. all kings and queens. but now there is just bad solutions left. and they are not as sorted out and lined up as we might expect them. peace is dead. the demons come to life, the stars will fall from heaven and whatnot. lets stop here and look at the facts. the script, all the utter nonsense, bare naked hope. and now they line up to just bring the rest of the dangerous faces stick to the letter. one more question?
ok. what will be the consequences in case we stop now with the first of the worst not-wiped-out-yet-solution? and one more. what would happen then?
if we stick to the script, let others stick to it, let there be nonsense push us to the last letter, let us turn into some sort of hypnoitized borgs, then according to science and not some code or codex, we will have nonsense. bad nonsense. in the movie, total recall, they managed to stop terrorism and discover how to turn the outside into paradise. it was in the book there. it said in the script that it was not planned. it was not in the plot. the plot was to keep the people inside. to deny paradise for them.