Bionic eye to be implanted in humans as robotic device nears release
- Facebook Filed A Patent To Calculate Your Future Location
- Robot Trucks Coming To US Army in 2019
- Postmates unveils cute Wall-E lookalike robot that can autonomously deliver lunch to your doorstep
- World's largest supercomputer designed and built to work like a human brain is switched on for the first time
- The future of robotics? Automated postman, shopper and builder are unveiled at the World Robot Summit in Tokyo
- 'Unpredictable' killer robots could go 'off the rails' | Daily Mail Online
- Bundesregierung erwägt Kennzeichnungspflicht für Social Bots
- Toward brain-like computing: New memristor better mimics synapses -- ScienceDaily
- UK aid pays for futuristic 'smart glasses' that will allow doctors to direct war zone surgery from thousands of miles away
- Arbeitsmarkt Fachkräfte werden am meisten unter der Digitalisierung leiden
- TU Peking: Patriotische junge Menschen unter 18 sollen KI-Waffensysteme voranbringen
- KI-Strategie der Regierung
- Is YOUR security at risk? AI creates fake fingerprints that are so realistic they can hoodwink biometric scanners
- KI-Strategie der Bundesregierung: ... und Griechenland wird Fußballweltmeister
- Researchers Learn How the Brain Decides What to Learn
- Artificial intelligence is 'shockingly' racist and sexist - but only because they are being fed the wrong data, MIT study finds
- 'Behold the future': Portrait painted by an AI sells for $432,000 at Christie's auction (despite only being expected to make $10,000)
- NASA uses AI software to create radical interplanetary lander that could one day touch down on the moons of Saturn or Jupiter
- Lexus' new AI-written TV ad, and the rise of emotionally manipulative algorithms
- 2016: The year AI got creative
- Gesichtserkennung an Ampeln: Software hält Werbefoto für Verkehrssünderin
- Artificial Intelligence danger: Half of UK FEARS robots will take over
- China’s AI Revolution Intelligent Robots To Power Factories - Risking US Fury
- Musik ohne Musiker? KI schwingt den Taktstock
- The AI that can tell how old people REALLY are from a photograph: System reveals skin at the edge of our eyes is always a giveaway
- Google blocks gender pronouns including 'him' and 'her' from its AI tool that completes sentences over fears it might predict YOUR sex or gender identity incorrectly and offend you
- The real Minority Report: AI that studies CCTV to predict violent crimes BEFORE they happen will be rolled out in the UK
- Damaged artworks can be restored using combination of 3D printing and AI, say MIT researchers | Daily Mail Online
- Pentagon looks to exoskeletons to build 'super-soldiers' | Daily Mail Online
- „Deutsche Tugenden sind bei KI und Deep-Tech ein Wettbewerbsvorteil“
- Artificial intelligence to contribute $16 trillion to global GDP by 2030 — RT Business News
- DeepMind predicts 3D shapes of proteins
- Robot Janitors Are Coming to Mop Floors at a Walmart Near You
- Arbeitnehmer 2.0: Wie Exoskelette körperliche Arbeit gesünder machen sollen
- Google-Schwesterunternehmen: Waymo startet Robotaxi-Service
- Deutsche Industrie will Killer-Roboter verbieten lassen
- Künstliche Intelligenz: Forscher fälschen Kunstwerke mit 3D-Druckern
- Mind reading breakthrough: Scientists can now ‘see thoughts of rats using brain map’
- Microsoft warns that facial recognition technology will leave the world looking like George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 unless governments are curbed
- Bain-Chef über Zölle, Digitalisierung, KI „25 Prozent aller Arbeitsplätze sind in Gefahr“
- Artificial Synapses Made from Nanowires
- Künstliche Intelligenz: Bericht warnt vor den Auswirkungen von Gesichtserkennung
- Bitkom-Studie 82.000 Stellen für IT-Fachkräfte sind unbesetzt
- New Artificial Intelligence Attack Could Make Website Security Captchas Useless | Science and Technology
- Robo Advisor im einzigen Echtgeld-Test Deutschlands | Performance-Vergleich mit Rendite nach Gebühren und Steuern
- New Approach Monitors the Environment with Artificial Intelligence | Science and Technology
- Bionic eye to be implanted in humans as robotic device nears release
- Facebook Filed A Patent To Calculate Your Future Location
- Robot Trucks Coming To US Army in 2019
- Postmates unveils cute Wall-E lookalike robot that can autonomously deliver lunch to your doorstep
- World's largest supercomputer designed and built to work like a human brain is switched on for the first time
- The future of robotics? Automated postman, shopper and builder are unveiled at the World Robot Summit in Tokyo
- 'Unpredictable' killer robots could go 'off the rails' | Daily Mail Online
- Bundesregierung erwägt Kennzeichnungspflicht für Social Bots
- Toward brain-like computing: New memristor better mimics synapses -- ScienceDaily
- UK aid pays for futuristic 'smart glasses' that will allow doctors to direct war zone surgery from thousands of miles away
- Arbeitsmarkt Fachkräfte werden am meisten unter der Digitalisierung leiden
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