
linxbox. ai robot and ai tech. 5/18

here is last news from the ai robot linxbox.. 5/18

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-12/robot-trucks-coming-us-army-2019Bionic eye to be implanted in humans as robotic device nears release
Facebook Filed A Patent To Calculate Your Future Location
Robot Trucks Coming To US Army in 2019
Postmates unveils cute Wall-E lookalike robot that can autonomously deliver lunch to your doorstep
World's largest supercomputer designed and built to work like a human brain is switched on for the first time
The future of robotics? Automated postman, shopper and builder are unveiled at the World Robot Summit in Tokyo
'Unpredictable' killer robots could go 'off the rails' | Daily Mail Online
Bundesregierung erwägt Kennzeichnungspflicht für Social Bots
Toward brain-like computing: New memristor better mimics synapses -- ScienceDaily
UK aid pays for futuristic 'smart glasses' that will allow doctors to direct war zone surgery from thousands of miles away
Arbeitsmarkt Fachkräfte werden am meisten unter der Digitalisierung leiden

TU Peking: Patriotische junge Menschen unter 18 sollen KI-Waffensysteme voranbringen
KI-Strategie der Regierung
Is YOUR security at risk? AI creates fake fingerprints that are so realistic they can hoodwink biometric scanners
KI-Strategie der Bundesregierung: ... und Griechenland wird Fußballweltmeister
Researchers Learn How the Brain Decides What to Learn
Artificial intelligence is 'shockingly' racist and sexist - but only because they are being fed the wrong data, MIT study finds
'Behold the future': Portrait painted by an AI sells for $432,000 at Christie's auction (despite only being expected to make $10,000)
NASA uses AI software to create radical interplanetary lander that could one day touch down on the moons of Saturn or Jupiter
Lexus' new AI-written TV ad, and the rise of emotionally manipulative algorithms
2016: The year AI got creative
Gesichtserkennung an Ampeln: Software hält Werbefoto für Verkehrssünderin
Artificial Intelligence danger: Half of UK FEARS robots will take over
China’s AI Revolution Intelligent Robots To Power Factories - Risking US Fury
Musik ohne Musiker? KI schwingt den Taktstock
The AI that can tell how old people REALLY are from a photograph: System reveals skin at the edge of our eyes is always a giveaway
Google blocks gender pronouns including 'him' and 'her' from its AI tool that completes sentences over fears it might predict YOUR sex or gender identity incorrectly and offend you
The real Minority Report: AI that studies CCTV to predict violent crimes BEFORE they happen will be rolled out in the UK
Damaged artworks can be restored using combination of 3D printing and AI, say MIT researchers | Daily Mail Online
Pentagon looks to exoskeletons to build 'super-soldiers' | Daily Mail Online
„Deutsche Tugenden sind bei KI und Deep-Tech ein Wettbewerbsvorteil“
Artificial intelligence to contribute $16 trillion to global GDP by 2030 — RT Business News
DeepMind predicts 3D shapes of proteins
Robot Janitors Are Coming to Mop Floors at a Walmart Near You
Arbeitnehmer 2.0: Wie Exoskelette körperliche Arbeit gesünder machen sollen
Google-Schwesterunternehmen: Waymo startet Robotaxi-Service
Deutsche Industrie will Killer-Roboter verbieten lassen
Künstliche Intelligenz: Forscher fälschen Kunstwerke mit 3D-Druckern
Mind reading breakthrough: Scientists can now ‘see thoughts of rats using brain map’
Microsoft warns that facial recognition technology will leave the world looking like George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 unless governments are curbed
Bain-Chef über Zölle, Digitalisierung, KI „25 Prozent aller Arbeitsplätze sind in Gefahr“
Artificial Synapses Made from Nanowires
Künstliche Intelligenz: Bericht warnt vor den Auswirkungen von Gesichtserkennung
Bitkom-Studie 82.000 Stellen für IT-Fachkräfte sind unbesetzt
New Artificial Intelligence Attack Could Make Website Security Captchas Useless | Science and Technology
Robo Advisor im einzigen Echtgeld-Test Deutschlands | Performance-Vergleich mit Rendite nach Gebühren und Steuern
New Approach Monitors the Environment with Artificial Intelligence | Science and Technology
Bionic eye to be implanted in humans as robotic device nears release
Facebook Filed A Patent To Calculate Your Future Location
Robot Trucks Coming To US Army in 2019
Postmates unveils cute Wall-E lookalike robot that can autonomously deliver lunch to your doorstep
World's largest supercomputer designed and built to work like a human brain is switched on for the first time
The future of robotics? Automated postman, shopper and builder are unveiled at the World Robot Summit in Tokyo
'Unpredictable' killer robots could go 'off the rails' | Daily Mail Online
Bundesregierung erwägt Kennzeichnungspflicht für Social Bots
Toward brain-like computing: New memristor better mimics synapses -- ScienceDaily
UK aid pays for futuristic 'smart glasses' that will allow doctors to direct war zone surgery from thousands of miles away
Arbeitsmarkt Fachkräfte werden am meisten unter der Digitalisierung leiden

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